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Moonman Wancai Mini: A Beautiful Acrylic Pocket Pen


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The Moonman Wancai just recently appeared on eBay. It is a very small pocket pen that screws to post and then becomes a usable pen, as long as the user doesn't have giant hands. The acrylic is a aquamarine color with a creamy ribbon swirl, it reminds me of a similar Edison material but at a fraction of the cost. The pen measurements are seen in the pictures below, along with some comparisons to other popular pens people may be familiar with. From left to write the pens pictured are a Watweman Phileas, Parker 51 Special, Moonman Wancai Mini, Nemosine Singularity, Pelikan M200 Cognac, and Opus Koloro 88. The nib that comes with the pen is unremarkable, and is an unmarked, #5 IPG nib that writes somewhere around a eastern/Asian medium or a western/European fine. I plan on replacing it with a Jowo nib and trying my hand at an oblique grind with the original IPG nib. The pen comes with 5 cartridges but I plan on eyedroppering it. Eyedroppering is made possible through an O-ring on the section threads. The pen holds just over 2 mL of ink when eyedroppered. All in all the pen is a great value for the money, as I paid $14.15 with free shipping. The pen also arrived from China in under a week, which I find to be extraordinary.

































Edited by Sheaffer270
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Cute little pen - thanks for the review.

Breathe. Take one step at a time. Don't sweat the small stuff. You're not getting older, you are only moving through time. Be calm and positive.

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Thank you so much for the review. It looks pretty sweet. I wish they would have gone for a No6 nib instead.


I wonder how it compares to a Stipula Bon Voyage, Paparrazzi or Passaporto..

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Now, how does it write and can I get it with a 1.1 stub?

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If it's the same nib as the M2, you're in for a treat. it's genuinely able to throw down some line variation and is a lovely, pencil like japanese XF size line (replacement nibs are available from one Ebay seller at least with M nibs) but a stub grind would be hard since the feed extends almost all the way up the nib.


I saw this on ebay and ordered the same color immediately. Moonman's m2 is an AMAZINGLY well made pen.


It also comes in some standard ebonite colors, but they're pushing $60.


I just tested a Bexley 18k 1.1 stub on my M2 and it fits like a dream. I may have to get pablo over at FPnibs to make me a full flex needlepoint #5 soon.

Edited by Honeybadgers

Selling a boatload of restored, fairly rare, vintage Japanese gold nib pens, click here to see (more added as I finish restoring them)

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The ebonite versions use a Schmidt nib and the ebonite itself apparently comes from Japan, which explains the higher price. I actually like the acrylic materials quite a bit, especially the "water acrylic" that the OP has. I purchased one a week ago and I'm waiting for Canada Post to (grudgingly) deliver it.

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The ebonite versions use a Schmidt nib and the ebonite itself apparently comes from Japan, which explains the higher price. I actually like the acrylic materials quite a bit, especially the "water acrylic" that the OP has. I purchased one a week ago and I'm waiting for Canada Post to (grudgingly) deliver it.


Didn't notice the shmidt nib. I honestly don't care that much about standard shmidt, bock, or JoWo steel nibs. They're no better than a lot of these chinese nibs. The M2's nib is REALLY good.

Selling a boatload of restored, fairly rare, vintage Japanese gold nib pens, click here to see (more added as I finish restoring them)

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Now, how does it write and can I get it with a 1.1 stub?

The standard nib isnt great but it writes. I swapped mine with a fine Jowo nib I had laying around. Any #5 nib should fit.

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If it's the same nib as the M2, you're in for a treat. it's genuinely able to throw down some line variation and is a lovely, pencil like japanese XF size line (replacement nibs are available from one Ebay seller at least with M nibs) but a stub grind would be hard since the feed extends almost all the way up the nib.


I saw this on ebay and ordered the same color immediately. Moonman's m2 is an AMAZINGLY well made pen.


It also comes in some standard ebonite colors, but they're pushing $60.


I just tested a Bexley 18k 1.1 stub on my M2 and it fits like a dream. I may have to get pablo over at FPnibs to make me a full flex needlepoint #5 soon.

Im not familiar with the M2 nib but this one doesnt seem to give any line variation.

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Which Ebay vendor did you use, and what is the 'mini ink sac?' Is it just an ink cartridge?

I may not have been much help, but I DID bump your thread up to the top.

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Which Ebay vendor did you use, and what is the 'mini ink sac?' Is it just an ink cartridge?

This is the listing:




And yes, the mini ink sac is a cartridge. The acrylic models can be eyedroppered, the ebonite models are cartridge only.

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Why is that? Is ebonite prone to deterioration from the ink? I was actually considering the blue ebonite, but I was hoping to skip the cartridge.

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I'm wondering about the ebonite as well since the eyedropper problem will have nothing to do with the material. Has anyone tried using a standard international cartridge like Diamine or Herbin? I'd love to get one, but if it won't eyedropper and I have to specially source a not-quite-international sized cartridge then I'll have to pass.

Yet another Sarah.

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Why is that? Is ebonite prone to deterioration from the ink? I was actually considering the blue ebonite, but I was hoping to skip the cartridge.

No, the ebonite is more than capable of repelling ink and stains. Apparently the ebonite models dont come with an O ring on the section, which I think could probably be sourced easily and added after purchase. I will measure the O ring on mine and report back.

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I'm wondering about the ebonite as well since the eyedropper problem will have nothing to do with the material. Has anyone tried using a standard international cartridge like Diamine or Herbin? I'd love to get one, but if it won't eyedropper and I have to specially source a not-quite-international sized cartridge then I'll have to pass.

Ill compare the cartridges the pen comes with to the International ones i have. The pen will only be able to take international shorts, if any.

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No, the ebonite is more than capable of repelling ink and stains. Apparently the ebonite models dont come with an O ring on the section, which I think could probably be sourced easily and added after purchase. I will measure the O ring on mine and report back.


If it is just a matter of an o-ring and some silicone grease then there really isn't an issue. A trip to the plumbing aisle at your local hardware store will take care of that. I got a baggie of 100 in assorted sizes for just over a dollar. I can feel my Kaweco Sports calling to me that they need a new friend. GAH! must resist....

Yet another Sarah.

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Thanks for all the good info, Sheaffer270.



GAH! must resist....


Now Sarah, you must know by now how futile that attempt is...

I may not have been much help, but I DID bump your thread up to the top.

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Thanks for the review. I got the coke bottle version and I quite like it. I suspect it's the same acrylic used by Franklin-Christoph. I prefer a longer section but I guess you have to compromise for the form factor.

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No, the ebonite is more than capable of repelling ink and stains. Apparently the ebonite models dont come with an O ring on the section, which I think could probably be sourced easily and added after purchase. I will measure the O ring on mine and report back.


Please tell me what size O-ring that I need for this particular fountain pen. I just ordered a few of them from EBay and I would like to make them into eye dropper pens.

Edited by Donald2
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Just pulled the trigger on the color called "mint," not sure if that's the coke-bottle colored one.

I may not have been much help, but I DID bump your thread up to the top.

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