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Five Orange Inks


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[...]I want a color that is still dark enough to write with. I have surprised myself with how much I like orange inks, because I generally don't care for the color orange.



In fact, DrPenfection, difficult is not to made an orange ink, but one that you can use in your pen as a normal ink, just orange in color...


A page written with a legible orange ink is often beautiful too see.

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For a rich reddish-orange I would strongly recommend Diamine's Blood Orange.

+1 for diamine blood orange: it is a 'real' writing ink for me, and gets only better in real wet pens. (for me, diamine pumpkin isn't)

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This is fantastic. What wonderful calligraphy and photography. Please join us in Quote of the Week!



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  • 1 month later...

Beautiful inks, beautiful calligraphy! Thank you so much for this.

Okay, I used to have the Letter Writers Alliance and The Snail Mail Exchange in here. Somehow, my browsers settings and the forum's settings work together to prevent that from being the case at the moment. Whenever I try to update my signature, the whole process breakls down. So. Whatever.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Wow, your calligraphy is amazing! Thank you for posting. What a beautiful comparison.


Ive been trying to choose an darker orange ink for a while. I like Noodlers Apache Sunset and similar inks for their shading, but I would also like something a bit darker and more saturated.


If I could, I would get the Lamy ink but Im guessing that is incredibly hard to get hold of now. The Yu-Yake looks beautiful in your photographs though...

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These are done dipped. If you just fill with a cartridge Sunrise Orange comes out a lot the way Charged Orange appears here. No samples at present since I have rather limited pen options for standard cartridges.


You’d need a rather wet pen to get Sunrise Orange to read this dark normally.

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I wonder how MB's Lucky Orange compares to these.

Just sort of orange, nothing special. No shading I noticed. Only used it once.*** I'd not bought it, but my wife won something at a live auction, and my B&M was only a block out of her way, so she thought to do me some good, buying the MB orange, yellow and Miles Davis.

Didn't have any dark Kaweco Orange either; just orange and not quite as good as reviews led me to hope for.

My first orange ....so my basis color was a @1990 Pelikan orange cartridge. That was and still is a good orange. I didn't like what I saw of Pelikan Mandarin, no shading.

Some day I'll get that Herbin Orange. It's been on my to get list for the longest time.

But I'm not heavy into orange.


***At first I was impressed, but it turned out my pen was a tad dirty. :rolleyes: :blush: In a clean pen....nothing special.

Might have to go to the ink mixing section to see how to make it a bit more spiffy....a few drops of this, that or another ink.


I do like Apache Sunset.....

Edited by Bo Bo Olson

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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