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Disintegrating Aurora Ipsilon Deluxe


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Do these pens have any sort of history of cracking acrylic or other problems?


I have an Ipsilon Deluxe that I bought a little over 3 years ago. I've used it a couple of times. After each use, I've flushed it, let it dry, and put it away. Just now I took it out of its storage box, looked at the pen tray in the box, and noticed something laying in that pen's slot. It was the lacquer from the clip -- it had fallen off. While I was looking at that, I saw that the barrel had cracked, starting at the section threads, and the silver ring at the top of the section had lost a patch of its plating. When I looked at the ring, I realized that it isn't plated metal, it's made more like a metalized plastic sticker. The white plastic under the missing metal is cracked.


This is all spontaneous, as far as I know. I don't treat my pens roughly, overtighten threads, or anything like that. I don't use any strange concoctions for pen cleaning. The storage box hasn't been banged around -- it's just been sitting quietly with the other boxes -- or subjected to any temperature extremes, just steady normal room temperature.


Any ideas? Abuse can be ruled out, I bought the pen new, and this all happened since the last time I looked at it.


Edited by Tweel

fpn_1375035941__postcard_swap.png * * * "Don't neglect to write me several times from different places when you may."
-- John Purdue (1863)

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Maybe I'm alone in this sort of experience with the Ipsilon..? Five days and 100 views at this point.


But, given all the threads surrounding mine about other Aurora models cracking and crumbling, and Aurora's terrible service and lack of communication, this first Aurora may be my last. I get the impression of yet another manufacturer running itself into the ground.

Edited by Tweel

fpn_1375035941__postcard_swap.png * * * "Don't neglect to write me several times from different places when you may."
-- John Purdue (1863)

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I am one of the hundred previous viewers. Sorry I can not help. I own no Ipsilon. I have seven modern Auroras (Optima and Ottantotto) five used and two new, none with any problem in quality or performance.


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That's encouraging; thanks for the replies!

fpn_1375035941__postcard_swap.png * * * "Don't neglect to write me several times from different places when you may."
-- John Purdue (1863)

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  • 1 month later...

Sheesh -- and this is discouraging.


I've continued to use the pen; I just emptied and flushed it. I put the section and converter in a little cup of tap water with a couple of drops of dish detergent to soak. When I took them out, the mouth of the converter had cracked. From exposure to room temperature tap water and dish detergent??? This is getting absurd.

fpn_1375035941__postcard_swap.png * * * "Don't neglect to write me several times from different places when you may."
-- John Purdue (1863)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have an Ipsilon matte black and it cracked starting from the body and the same issue with the flaking. I love the italic nib so screwed the section into a different pen.

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  • 1 month later...

A little late to reply, but I have two Ipsilon Deluxe and five other Aurora models and the problems you describe have never happened, so you may have acquired a lemon. A trip to Aurora service may be in order.

No man is a slave unless he is willing to be bought by another. (EP)

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