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A Comprehensive List Of Iron-Gall-Based Fountain Pen Inks


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Hello fellow FPNers,



I'm a longtime lurker around here, but I've only recently became a member. I'd like to make a contribution to the FP community, and I need your help.


Last year I began compiling a comprehensive list of Iron-Gall-based fountain pen inks, simply because there was none.


I want this list to be constantly updated so as to be as exhaustive as possible. Please contribute updates, corrections and suggestions!



The list is available here:





Since English is not my native language, grammar and spelling suggestions are naturally welcome.


I am fascinated by Iron-Gall inks, and find it baffling that so many people are scared by it to the point of not trying for themselves, and letting hearsay become their opinion. Iron-galls are fun and are a category of their own! I don't mean of course that every single FP user should love IGs, but I think it's important to try for yourself :)





3776 + 4810.

I'm maintaining a comprehensive list of Iron-Gall inks. Contributions most welcome! bit.ly/irongall

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Thank you for the list, really helpful.


I suspect that a lot of people have used iron gall ink and simply not been aware that this was the case.


Your English and grammar are perfect.


Welcome to FPN, a superb start.

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Thank you for the list, really helpful.


I suspect that a lot of people have used iron gall ink and simply not been aware that this was the case.



Precisely! I myself had unknowingly used plenty of IG Blue-Black inks in my teens. Pelikan 4001 and Lamy Blue-Black were sold as regular "starter" inks and we all used it liberally :)


Thanks for the kind words, I'm glad to be of help.

3776 + 4810.

I'm maintaining a comprehensive list of Iron-Gall inks. Contributions most welcome! bit.ly/irongall

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Excellent list. Thank you! You might want to add the two Montblanc Blue-Blacks which are IGs: the earlier one in a 50-ml shoe (Ident.-No. 12574) and the "replacement" in January 2010 in a 60-ml bottle (Midnight Blue, 105194) before it was changed in September 2013 to a non-IG blue-black (Midnight Blue, 109204) .


Oops, I now see that you had those under Discontinued inks. Sorry. But you might want to include the Identity numbers as a measure of caution or security for those still searching for any remnants.

Life is too short to drink bad wine (Goethe)

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Excellent list. Thank you! You might want to add the two Montblanc Blue-Blacks which are IGs: the earlier one in a 50-ml shoe (Ident.-No. 12574) and the "replacement" in January 2010 in a 60-ml bottle (Midnight Blue, 105194) before it was changed in September 2013 to a non-IG blue-black (Midnight Blue, 109204) .


Marvelous information, thank you!! I alluded to those inks in the "Discontinued formulations" section, and I'll update it with the dates and reference numbers :)


As noted in the document, a preliminary list that you posted as a reply to a thread here on FPN was the kickstarter for my compilation. I'll update the list right away!

Edited by geodesigner

3776 + 4810.

I'm maintaining a comprehensive list of Iron-Gall inks. Contributions most welcome! bit.ly/irongall

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I noticed that you didn't have KWZI Iron Gall Turquoise on your list. You might check Konrad's website to make sure you have all his current IG formulations/colors.




Edited by Runnin_Ute


"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind" - Rudyard Kipling
"None of us can have as many virtues as the fountain-pen, or half its cussedness; but we can try." - Mark Twain

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Great, but I think Konrad graduated in the meantime, no?

Edited by El Gordo

Ik ontken het grote belang van de computer niet, maar vind het van een stuitende domheid om iets wat al millennia zijn belang heeft bewezen daarom overboord te willen gooien (Ann De Craemer)

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Great, but I think Konrad graduated in the mean time, no?


Haha, maybe! No information on that, I'll email KWZI and ask. Thanks!


I noticed that you didn't have KWZI Iron Gall Turquoise on your list. You might check Konrad's website to make sure you have all his current IG formulations/colors.





IG Turquoise is there! Just checked with KWZI website, all on the list :)

3776 + 4810.

I'm maintaining a comprehensive list of Iron-Gall inks. Contributions most welcome! bit.ly/irongall

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Thanks for doing this. I quite agree -- I don't understand why people are so leery of using IG inks (I just inked up a pen with Platinum Classic Lavender Black last night :thumbup:). They don't take that much extra maintenance, just a little care. And they tend to be pretty well behaved, even on poor quality paper (although they don't tend to be as UV resistant, IMO as some inks).

I do have a couple of things to point out/question.

One is that I'm not sure how available FPN member Pharmacist's inks are at the moment -- I think he's been having attacks of life for the past couple of years. Which is sad for the rest of us -- I would LOVE to get a back up bottle of Turkish Night (and KWZI IG Turquoise -- while it has fabulous shading, is just NOT the same color). And a bottle of his Urkundentinte (blue-black).

Also, I'm not sure which of the KWZI IG inks are still available (at least here in the US). I've been lusting after IG Cherry for a while now....

I'm also not sure what the shelf life is on them, especially after they have been opened, and exposed to the air.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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One is that I'm not sure how available FPN member Pharmacist's inks are at the moment -- I think he's been having attacks of life for the past couple of years. Which is sad for the rest of us -- I would LOVE to get a back up bottle of Turkish Night (and KWZI IG Turquoise -- while it has fabulous shading, is just NOT the same color). And a bottle of his Urkundentinte (blue-black).

Also, I'm not sure which of the KWZI IG inks are still available (at least here in the US). I've been lusting after IG Cherry for a while now....

I'm also not sure what the shelf life is on them, especially after they have been opened, and exposed to the air.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth


Yes, I've been wondering about Pharmacist's amazing inks' availability. I have emailed him and am awaiting official response. Also wondering about the availability of Organic Studios Aristotle.


I'll email Konrad and get official word on KWZ ink availability!


Cheers! Thank you for the insight!

3776 + 4810.

I'm maintaining a comprehensive list of Iron-Gall inks. Contributions most welcome! bit.ly/irongall

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Thank you for a very useful list. Welcome to FPN.

Konrad's inks are fascinating, I corresponded with him when he was still developing his formulae and his point of view on IG is very modern, and some of his formulae very innovative.

I use his KWZ IG #5 and just love its behaviour, IG characteristics, but also that fact that despite being an IG it stays blue.

I do not use it however in vintage or very expensive pens because tested in a plastic container, it does stain plastic very slightly, so it goes only in modern and cheaper pens and without ink window...

I do hope he has realized that we love the result of his work and hope that it may fruit him sufficient revenues to justify keeping it up (or even make a living)!

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Thank you for a very useful list. Welcome to FPN.

Konrad's inks are fascinating, I corresponded with him when he was still developing his formulae and his point of view on IG is very modern, and some of his formulae very innovative.

I use his KWZ IG #5 and just love its behaviour, IG characteristics, but also that fact that despite being an IG it stays blue.

I do not use it however in vintage or very expensive pens because tested in a plastic container, it does stain plastic very slightly, so it goes only in modern and cheaper pens and without ink window...

I do hope he has realized that we love the result of his work and hope that it may fruit him sufficient revenues to justify keeping it up (or even make a living)!

Thanks for the kind words!


Yes, I love KWZI's offerings, it truly is a work of passion. I also hope this endeavor bears fruit, so we can continue to enjoy his work while keeping it sustainable / profitable for him.


I'm thinking about getting a sample of each of KWZI IG inks so I can compare all and decide on my favorites!

3776 + 4810.

I'm maintaining a comprehensive list of Iron-Gall inks. Contributions most welcome! bit.ly/irongall

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  • 5 months later...

Thank you for this great list of iron gall ink, Mr. Medeiros.


For the non-IG permanent ink, I just saw a new Sailor Sou Boku (not Sei Boku) on internet.

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A great list :notworthy1: :thumbup: ....many I knew nothing about.....some I'd 'heard' about. Three or four I have.

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.      Banker's bonuses caused all the inch problems, Metric cures.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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Thank you very much for the kind words, my friends. I'm really happy that the list is useful for the community.


Thank you for this great list of iron gall ink, Mr. Medeiros.


For the non-IG permanent ink, I just saw a new Sailor Sou Boku (not Sei Boku) on internet.


I shall add the new Sou-Boku, thanks for the reminder!

3776 + 4810.

I'm maintaining a comprehensive list of Iron-Gall inks. Contributions most welcome! bit.ly/irongall

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  • 1 year later...

Hey all, briefly reviving the thread, just to tell that the list has been continuously updated since 2017. The latest entry is TWSBI's new Blue-Black ink. TWSBI has confirmed that's an iron-gall based ink, after initially denying it.

I once again invite everyone to send me new entries, and also grammar and spelling corrections.


3776 + 4810.

I'm maintaining a comprehensive list of Iron-Gall inks. Contributions most welcome! bit.ly/irongall

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Thank you for compiling this list. I have become an almost total ferrogallic ink user, with no issues to relate

*Sailor 1911S, Black/gold, 14k. 0.8 mm. stub(JM) *1911S blue "Colours", 14k. H-B "M" BLS (PB)

*2 Sailor 1911S Burgundy/gold: 14k. 0.6 mm. "round-nosed" CI (MM) & 14k. 1.1 mm. CI (JM)

*Sailor Pro-Gear Slim Spec. Ed. "Fire",14k. (factory) "H-B"

*Kaweco SPECIAL FP: 14k. "B",-0.6 mm BLS & 14k."M" 0.4 mm. BLS (PB)

*Kaweco Stainless Steel Lilliput, 14k. "M" -0.7 mm.BLS, (PB)




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I have become an almost total ferrogallic ink user, with no issues to relate


The amount of FUD around iron galls is truly staggering. Especially considering that it was so ubiquitous for so long.


Fortunately, there seems to be enough demand in spite of that for new inks to continue to appear :)

Vintage. Cursive italic. Iron gall.

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I've never tried iron gall so hope to (carefully) start exploring. Thanks for maintaining a great resource.

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