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  On 1/12/2018 at 1:54 PM, Doug C said:

I have two of Lucios fountain pens and one of his pencils.

I'm intrigued.


  On 1/12/2018 at 1:44 PM, KellyMcJ said:

That's a really interesting pen. Is it a hooded nib? I can't quite tell.

Hi Doug!


I'll post more about this pen, the picture is obviously a rendering, but, the pen does exists. Its in it final stages of development, and its our top secret stuff.....was


In my work as an architect and designer I work extensively with computers, to those who got to the site of my design and architecture office you can tell that the work is computer driven, so this one has been an idea to open a side to other ways of manufacturing and to really use the computer to make something new and in an intelligent way.


The nib is hooded and its is not. it has a feature that allows those who like to really write on top of the nib to do so, but it also allows for a more relaxing writing and the pens has been ergonomically designed with a mixture of curves and a triangular section, more gentle than the safary pen, and less obvious than the omas 360..just different, not better, not worse, different.......the pen is really different. You can always see the nib. so, its hooded and its not. so, its correct, you cannot tell. I expect this pen to be out next month......in ice acrylic, 316 inox, titan and Im working out a way of making it in magnesium. NO ALUMINIUM Also probably will feature at one point semi flex titanium nibs, but this I cannot confirm now. Nibs for the first series are going to be steel N6 Jowo, gold 14k and 18k. The titanium version will be not bock and it will be manufactured in europe, so that will make this pens to be really different to what's out there in terms of writing experience. On the same principals it will be a cheaper pen with a design a bit looking like with N5 nibs in ABS that's my effort in making a safari killer..it will be a price of I expect 25 euro ....I know many people here like that pen, I just wanna see people talking about something different, Im bored of the lamy safary! its ok, but floks, it has to be an alternative, so a lamy killer is on the way and will be the cheapest venvstas to date. The design belongs to the 150 euro pen area....


by the way, you all can subscribe to the site, Im giving away a Magna the 15th !!! celebrating that, Im still on the business.....



you can subscribe to our facebook page:
Here a link to the pen thats gonna be given away:








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I forgot, the other pen that will be priced in the safari zone...........I have figured out a way to make it work with both, lamy cartriges and international ones, so...... lamy folks........clear the desk.





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I was going to post a little tease on this pen because I got the picture in my email ... but now I’m truly excited Lucio! A safari killer? Yes please. I’ve never been a fan of that design, maybe because I’m a lefty, but it always seemed too short unposted, too long posted, and I never felt the nibs were smooth enough. And I hate that they’re proprietary fillers.


But one other thing you said: “you always see the nib.” That doesn’t mean the pen is capless, does it? If so, how do you keep it from drying out?

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  On 1/15/2018 at 2:32 AM, writerstephen said:

I was going to post a little tease on this pen because I got the picture in my email ... but now I’m truly excited Lucio! A safari killer? Yes please. I’ve never been a fan of that design, maybe because I’m a lefty, but it always seemed too short unposted, too long posted, and I never felt the nibs were smooth enough. And I hate that they’re proprietary fillers.


But one other thing you said: “you always see the nib.” That doesn’t mean the pen is capless, does it? If so, how do you keep it from drying out?

The safari killer is not this one.....that one is on the way. The cyberia is a pen that will be starting at 100 bucks, (we cannot make it cheaper and we won't sell it wtith retailers so we can keep the price as low as we can! as its made of more expensive resin, its true resin, the option for 316 inox, will be, titanium (that one will be a bit of bank breaker) and I really want to make this design on magnesium, just because I like it. Old sport cars had a lot of magnesium, but magnesium its not a metal, its flammable and its cool......The pen is not capless, (a capless will be introduced later this year based on this model if everything goes fine, the thing I want to make a capless with a filling mechanism, and its getting a bit complicated so far, but, I'll get around) this one has a cap, really cool looking one you can place on the pen as it works with the carbon T, or the noire, or the magna, same principal.





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I love your design, you have some really-really cool pens there!

I'm happy to see that there is a designer who is willing to try new forms and applies modern design to fountain pens. Keep up the good work!


Currently I can't justify spending €200+ on a pen but I will definitely follow your business as it develops. :)

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  On 1/15/2018 at 12:32 PM, Venemo said:



I love your design, you have some really-really cool pens there!

I'm happy to see that there is a designer who is willing to try new forms and applies modern design to fountain pens. Keep up the good work!


Currently I can't justify spending €200+ on a pen but I will definitely follow your business as it develops. :)

there are many under 200 bucks!

Some over....





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  On 1/15/2018 at 12:32 PM, Venemo said:



I love your design, you have some really-really cool pens there!

I'm happy to see that there is a designer who is willing to try new forms and applies modern design to fountain pens. Keep up the good work!


Currently I can't justify spending €200+ on a pen but I will definitely follow your business as it develops. :)

Get a Carbon T or a 78. You won’t be disappointed.

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next week the lamy killer will be presented..............





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  On 1/14/2018 at 4:53 PM, ErrantSmudge said:

Not a design for me.

not for me either.........I prefer their more classic and streamlined designs, although this thing intrigues me. I had a carbon T long ago, but I sold it..I needed space in my collection..now I regret!

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  On 1/15/2018 at 2:32 AM, writerstephen said:

I was going to post a little tease on this pen because I got the picture in my email ... but now I’m truly excited Lucio! A safari killer? Yes please. I’ve never been a fan of that design, maybe because I’m a lefty, but it always seemed too short unposted, too long posted, and I never felt the nibs were smooth enough. And I hate that they’re proprietary fillers.


But one other thing you said: “you always see the nib.” That doesn’t mean the pen is capless, does it? If so, how do you keep it from drying out?

did you said you have a picture of this thing? I mean, is it real?

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