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What Waterman Pens Do You Own?


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This is my newcomer to my family. I nice waterman with a full Flex nib.

But this pen needs some repair to the liver box. I don't know how it is going to be. either a simple repair or replacement.

I frankly bought it for a high price and as it is a red ripple Pen with a flex nib which I never have before. :huh:

I am still waiting for the pen to deliver and it is coming from the US and I have to have some tax money ready too to clear it out B)

What do you guys think


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This is my Watermans collection and the last pen I added was an IDEAL 52 with a Fine italic that is great into my cursive lettering.
It is not flex but a fine writer which I used to do the draw on this page. Waterman's vintage is one of the best and my favorites now.


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This is my newcomer to my family. I nice waterman with a full Flex nib.

But this pen needs some repair to the l[e]ver box. I don't know how it is going to be. either a simple repair or replacement.

I frankly bought it for a high price and as it is a red ripple Pen with a flex nib which I never have before. :huh:

I am still waiting for the pen to deliver and it is coming from the US and I have to have some tax money ready too to clear it out B)

What do you guys think



I have one of those and it is a lovely pen to use. I hope you find no difficult problems with the lever box.


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I believe I saw that Red Ripple pen on Ebay recently, the Nib was distinctive. If you are comfortable sliding the presser/J-Bar off the lever arm, then the rest should go easy. Warning: some times dried ink/dust/corrosion collects in the grooves in the bar, and can break off the 2 "tines" on the lever bar if too much force is used to slide it off. If you think the hard rubber will tolerate a cold water soak for a few minutes, then that may make the process easier. Or, if you are replacing the box, then you can have a more cavalier attitude about the lever bar tines. After removal of the bar, it is just a matter of bending back the tab on the lever box (inside the pen, side nearest the nib), then lifting it up and away. Installation is a reverse of the removal process. Don't lose track which side of the presser bar faces the nib. I am guessing it is a 52 1/2V size?


If I were you, I would opt for replacing the lever box, as to restore it after a repair would involve re-plating it gold.

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In spite of my statement on 13 June 2019. A few more Waterman pens were purchased. The top row is Waterman, and some of my non-metal are not shown. There are some other brands on the bottom row.



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  • 1 month later...

This little pen was the most recent one for me, the tipping is scant and probably will swap if I use it much, but is a little gem similar in size to a Superite ringtop I have


Regards, Glen

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A lot of those 0552 1/2v Sheraton pattern pens seemed to survive in pretty good condition throughout the years. You will likely discover it is cheaper to find another number 2 nib, than to pay to have your existing nib re-tipped. Normally retipping is reserved for nibs which are devilishly hard to find replacements for (certain Keyhole nibs, and Music nibs come to mind).

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Ive found another already so am good to go now, I havent spent the money on any retip yet but have a Conklin 4 that came with an early slip cap that am tempted to retip...

Regards, Glen

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  • 3 months later...

2020 starts here







Freedom exists by virtue of self limitation.





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  • 2 weeks later...

My small collection from the 80s. Can anyone tell me what model the red laquer is? Similar to the Master/supermasters but different. Also, does anyone know where i might get a new nib for it? This ones beyond repair.


Thank you for sharing all your beautiful waterman pens.post-147357-0-74643200-1579104163_thumb.jpg

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My small collection from the 80s. Can anyone tell me what model the red laquer is? Similar to the Master/supermasters but different. Also, does anyone know where i might get a new nib for it? This ones beyond repair.


Thank you for sharing all your beautiful waterman pens.attachicon.gif image.jpg


Looks like one of the Forme Ronde-series. (meaning round shape)







Freedom exists by virtue of self limitation.





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  • 3 weeks later...

A couple of weekends ago my husband and I went to an antiques show in the next county. One booth had a few pens -- and either there weren't any pen hunters out that Saturday morning, or they didn't due their due diligence. There were a couple of Parkers (a 51 Special and a 51 Demi) and some unidentifiable Waterman. The Waterman had the cap from the 51 Special on it, and vice versa. I was waffling but my husband said "Oh, they're cheap enough!" (four bucks apiece) and HE bought them. Haven't had a chance to get photos up of the pens, because I don't know where he squirreled them away.

From what I remember of the Waterman, it was a lever filler and may have had an inlaid nib. If the weather gets better and he tells me where he put the pens, I will try to get photos up, particularly of the Waterman, because I really don't know enough to ID the pen (the only other one I own, of course, being the Exclusive I picked up for cheap awhile back).

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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  • 1 month later...

I have two Waterman's pens, a Crusader Taperite and a Corinth with a conventional nib. I use the Crusader quite a bit but have to keep it mostly full to keep it from burping with barometric pressure changes (an unfortunate characteristic of the Taperite design). The Corinth is beautiful and I look forward to using it...once I have repaired the sac nipple which is cracked and provides for a nice leak. I will get around to posting photos.



“The only thing most people do better than anyone else is read their own handwriting.”  John Adams

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  • 1 month later...

Hello everybody !

I have one or two old ebonite Ideal pens, found in garage sales, and 2 vintage pens (a golden Concorde and a flighter CF)

I own, also, without using it, a green Phileas and a clear Kultur, a sort of Phileas demonstrator.

The only Waterman I really use is a man 100, with a F second nib (with hole, without globe. It's really a pleasant and nice nib.

I own also a Carene Sand I don't use. Bought it not used for cheap, and not used by me in fact.

BUT I'll receive, in a few days, a Carene ambre marine, with a stub nib. And this is a superb pen ! :wub:


Waterman Man 100, Pelikan M605, Montblanc 146 & 149, Parker Duofolds and 51s, Sheaffer Triumph and Intrigue, Lamy Safari, Pilot 78G and Pluminix...

PR Electric DC Blue, Herbin 1670 inks, Waterman Havana and purple, Montblanc Petrol Blue ...

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I'm back on this forum after an absence of a number of years, I have far too many fountain pens, and many of them have been idle since going to work in a office which has hot desking and no storage, so not an ideal location for fountain pen usage. However, have been working from home for some while now due to the Coronavirus restrictions and have unearthed a few of my fountain pens - the desk at home is a safe location for them. I've rejoiced in using them again, and have a new member coming to the herd next week!


So far as Waterman pens are concerned, I have an entry level from about 1990 - don't know what its called. It was cheap and plastic but the nib is great. I then got and still have three Lady Charlottes - in red marble, blue and red. They have been in use for the past few weeks. Next week a Lady Agathe arrives. I loved these when they were new - but they were beyond my resources in those days, so a second hand one that looks to be in good condition is arriving next week - can't wait! I am so excited. Its maroon and bronze. Two of my Charlottes came with the converters and they also came with the case (the only one bought new was the red marble), the third, the blue, is in great condition but no case or converter.


Also forgot I also have a vintage ripple - the small one.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...

This is my first fountain pen--I believe it's a Waterman Taperite Crusader.  I got it in a random box of stuff and replaced the sac (my first pen repair.)



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