Week #52 / 24 Dec: Happy Holidays! - 2017 Weekly Ink Project
Monthly themes of ink combinations for next year?
24 members have voted
1. Please choose the themes that look interesting to you and you're willing to participate in.
Complementary Colours
Doppelgängers (Look alike inks)
Dark vs Light
Warm vs Cold
Similar Names (inks with similar names)
Same Brand (inks from the same brand)
Perfect Match (Inks that you think look great together)
Seasonal combo: spring/autumn (I put the two together considering difference in northern and southern hemispheres)
Seasonal combo: summer/winter
Geographic combo (ink combos that reflect a continent, a country, a city...)
Ink Feast (ink combos that look like food)
Clash of the Colours (Two colours that so do NOT look good together)
My Favourites (2+ inks you really love)
I Can't Decide (inks of the same general color where you can't decide which one you like best)
You Suck (inks you own but don't really like much)
nib-focus: ef / f (inks that look best in a finer nib)
nib-focus: broad / stub (inks that look best in a fat nib)
Hangin' in the shade (inks that shade)
Sheen^n (multiple inks that sheen)
Shimmer-fest (multiple inks that shimmer)
Good ink! (inks that are well-behaved on cheap paper)
Bad ink! (inks that behave poorly even on good paper)
Go team! (inks close to the colors of your favorite sports (or other?) team)
What I'm Reading (inks close to the cover colors of the book you're reading)
Coordin-ink-tion (fill your pens with inks that match the pen color)
2. (continued)
Alphabet soup (Two inks with names that have no overlapping letters)
Inspired by You (inks you've seen others used in the last month)
Colours of Nature (ink combos that show part of the nature: sea, mountain, snow, grass, etc.)
Other suggestions: in comments
Not any of these.
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