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Pelikano Disassembly

Rosso Corsa

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Hi to all,

I am trying to execute a deep cleanup on some Pelikan Pelikano, very successful student pens in 70s and 80s.


I would like to separate nibs and feeders from the sections, but I am not sure if that operation is possible, and if yes how it has to be executed.


In more details, I am working with 2 models:


A black Pelikano Antimacchia P465 (1973). It was very simple to extract the nib (in the photo you see a clone of the original one, that I inserted after having extracted the other), but the feeder seems to be completely embedded with the section. Is it possible to extract the feeder too? If not, how can I execute an effective cleanup of the section-feeder component?

Probably due to dry ink that has been remaining in the section for years, the flow from the cartridge to the nib is by far too scarce (it is almost absent).Then I need to find a way to perform a very deep cleanup inside the section. How can I do? I left the section in distilled water for days, but is was not enough...


A blue Pelikano Model 7 P456 (1989). Here it seems to me that the nib and the feeder could be simply pulled out from the section. I tried to do that, but without success. Before forcing the extraction I would like to be sure that pulling out the nib and feeder is the right operation to perform....


Here are some photos:






Any suggestions would be very appreciated.

TY in advance!





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I don't think it's possible apart from pulling the nib.

Generally a disassembly is really unnecessary for pen cleaning. You mention one of them won't write, so I understand wanting to take that one apart for proper cleaning, which would help. An ultrasonic cleaner would help, I don't have one so can't offer personal experience. I remember one member left pigment ink (accidentally!?) to dry in one of their pens, and soaking it for several days in soapy water (changing the water & dish soap daily) helped disslove the pigment ink completely from the nib & feed.

I recommend you soak the pen in dish cleaner soap and water (you can use tap water too, unless it's super super hard where you live).

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Thank you very much Olya.


Today I tried the Pelikano model 7 (the blue one in my photos) and it does not write too... In that model feeder and nib could be pulled out, at least this is my assumption looking at the section.


I already kept both the sections in distilled water for days, but I did not use any soap. So I'll repeat the treatment as you suggest and depending on the results I'll decide if forcing the extraction of the feeder from the section on Model 7. Crossing my fingers...





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  • 2 weeks later...

OK Olya, after more than ten days of immersion in water with some drops of dishwashing liquid soap (changed daily) my blue Pelikano P 456 came back to life. So, I did not have to try the extraction of the nib and feeder from the section, with all the related risks.


Sorry for the bad photo...

As a first try after the long washing I used an ultra fluid ink, adding some drops of distilled water to a cartridge filled with a Waterman blue-black ink (that in my impression is already a rather fluid ink). It started writing quite immediately.


The black P465 has been delivered to a friend of mine who will treat its section with an ultrasonic cleaner. We'll see the results.


But thank to your advises one of my two Pelikanos is operative now.


Thank you! :thumbup:



Edited by Rosso Corsa


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Happy to hear your blue Pelikano became useable again.


Returning the point of disassembling, it is not impossible.

The feed cannot be pulled out from the nib side.

To remove the feed, you need to unscrew the transparent ink window unit from the section.

It is reverse threaded and usually glued to the section.


Somebody suggested the usefulness of the heat, but I haven't tried yet.

In earlier version of Pelikano (2nd generation), the ink window is not glued to the section so could be unscrewed.

I strongly suggest not to try disassembling with your later version of Pelikano.

I hope ultrasonic cleaning may solve the problem.



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