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Thoughts On The Girologio Magnetic Closure Pen Case


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I originally posted this in the "Fountain & Dip Pens - First Stop" section but Ive relized this is a better place for the question. Recently Goulet has added Girologio cases to their inventory, and I am interested in getting one because the elastic in my Franklin-Christoph 3 pen case has gotten a bit loose and the Girologio case seems to just use a divider system instead. I searched on youtube and reddit and no reviews that Im aware of have been posted from the picture it seems like the flap on the top opens up so putting in shorter pens shouldnt be a problem but Im not sure. Can anyone here that has purchased the "Girologio Magnetic Closure Pen Case" tell me your thought are about the pen case and what drawbacks they have compared to others (F-C, nock, etc.)?


In case youre not sure what Im talking about this is the case in question -> https://www.gouletpens.com/girologio-triple-magnetic-closure-pen-case-black/p/GG-11883M-1

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I've been using one of their 3 pen cases for a little over a year now. It's a solid workhorse case, holding most pens without issue. Short, fat pens ala Kaweco Sport will sometimes present problems if memory recalls (getting wedged below reach of the flap), but I've since sold my sport so I can't verify for you. It has no issue with the large pens in my collection, but I usually have a mix of large to medium pens. One thing of note is that the inner dividers are not perfectly spaced, but they are only attached at the back so there is still wiggle room. Another is that the top front corner of the side panels develops a bit of a 'flare' outward with time & use. The flare might be more visible on some colors than others, on the oxblood it's visible to me but us pen folks tend to notice details.


Shorter or thinner pens sometimes rattle around, so I always try to position the case with nibs up when it's in my bag, that's just the nature of it not having elastic. I try to do the same with all pens/pen cases though when they're being transported.


I also have a FC 2 pen case & 6 pen case, the Giro is my favourite for a small mixed lot on the go, the FC 2 pen comes out for say, decimos/acrylic konrads/m205, and the 6 pen comes out for when I want to bring the whole lot of inked pens (it'll fit much more than 6 if you get creative). I love the FC 6 pen case, but it obviously has bulk & weight when filled, the Giro is a good in between for holding any pens I'd want with me on the go without being obnoxiously sized.

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