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Enjoying Montblanc Pens — Broad, Oblique, Extra Fine, Le & Bespoke

Tom Kellie

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Tom - thank you for the writing comparison. If you have the time at some point, a more direct comparison would be much appreciated by me. Here is what I would find helpful to see:


1. The same sentence written one over the top of the other, like two lines on the paper, so I can see vertical comparisons of words using the two nibs.

2. A series of vertical, horizontal, and diagonal strokes, side-by-side


This more direct comparison of "apples to apples" would be helpful for someone visual like me.


In your example above, it looks like the O3B gives a bolder line, but it is likely the angle of the nib when writing that is causing this effect. It would help me refine which width of signature nib to consider.


Here is a visual representation of what I am requesting with two nibs I happen to have inked.



Please only consider this request when you have time to spare for such a persnickety person! :)




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Super helpful my friend. Thank you for the extra effort. This tells me I should really consider 6B or 8B if I go Signature so I can get more differentiation from an existing nib (talking about line width not flow and other special characteristics).


My favorite view of your new small sig nib is the underside. What a neat set of channels for ink flow!

If you want less blah, blah, blah and more pictures, follow me on Instagram!

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Tom - you are treading on dangerous ground. I do not know how long I can hold out against ordering a bespoke small signature nib since reading the above encomium. And I am also unsure of the resiliency of my budget and the reaction of my husband.


Please, is there NO drawback to the bespoke small signature nib? Some tiny flaw that will help me rationalize not having the Nib of Nibs?

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Hi Tom,

Thank you for taking the trouble for doing this. The small signature seems to be quite useable for regular everyday writing. This just cemented my resolve to get a signature nib for myself.

Thanks once again for this image.



~ KshitijShetty:



Most emphatically, Yes!

The Bespoke Small Signature is a superlative daily writer.

There's nothing whatsoever about it which might deter one from using it for typical writing tasks.

The quality of strokes, curves and assorted lines is ideal, and effortlessly achieved.

While I generally refrain from any recommendations, the Bespoke Small Signature fully merits my strongest endorsement.

Tom K.

Edited by Tom Kellie
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I really like the 32 with the different nib styles. Was the EEF a standard nib option back then?


The 32 was my favorite writing pen during school and I have taken most final exams with it.


Besides that it was the personal pen of my dad which he gave to me many years ago so it has a special place in my collection. It has a lovely OM or even OB nib.


~ Michael R.:


Thank you for providing this personal background about the 32 in your school days.

Taking exams is never fun, but doing so with a Montblanc 32 would have a certain pleasure about it.

As it happens, I've been grading/marking student examinations with a Montblanc 32, thus the cycle continues.

That your dad gave you his personal 32 gives it special value. What a precious heirloom!

I've asked a friend in Switzerland about EEF nibs and 32s. He has an extensive Montblanc collection and long ago sold them through one of his businesses.

His recollection is that EEFs were standard options for both 24s and 32s. As it happens, I write with both a 24 EEF and a 32 EEF.

He also mentioned that OBBBs were standard options upon request for 14s, 32s, 72s, 1246s, 142s and 144s, as well as Noblesse cartridge pens.

What choices were available in earlier times!

Tom K.

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I agree and think that the 1x/2x/3x series is very under-rated. The nibs are fantastic.


~ niksch:


In my very limited experience I've gradually come around to feel the same as you've expressed above.

I've written with pens from all of the above series in the collections of friends.

The writing experience and overall nib performance of 1x/2x/3x series pens has consistently been superb.

For those interested in trying Montblanc pens, a 1x/2x/3x pen might be a fine first step.

The nibs merit praise and love as they are outstanding writers at all nib widths, from EEF to OBBB.

Tom K.

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Thanks so much for the side by side comparison! It really helps me as a newbie visualize the difference between these two nibs!


I was just wondering this morning (after finally realizing that a "Small Signature" was actually quite broad), how it would look next to an OBBB!


~ Autococker07:


I'm so glad to know that the comparison was helpful. The request for a comparison from KshitijShetty inspired me to think of how the two types of nibs compared.

Later, zaddick requested a specific side-by-side comparison of the Bespoke Small Signature and an OBBB.

OBBBs are utterly delightful writers which provide expressive lines with a certain degree of flourish.

The Bespoke Small Signature provides uncanny control and responsiveness to anything one might wish to write.

Thank you so much for your kind comment.

Tom K.

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It has finally arrived...



O3B in all its glory



Already inked up and running about the papers on my desk.


Wtih apologies to Lewis Carroll for the editing...


“And hast thou slain MB service's "no"?

Come to my arms, my beamish pen!

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!”

He chortled in his joy.


~ zaddick:


Considering the “Labors of Hercules” which you performed to obtain this most-special nib, you fully deserve your beamish nib.

It's a beauty!

From your comment, it seems that it's writing well for you. Evidence that steady, gentle persistence handsomely pays off when seeking an OBBB.

Thank you for posting the detailed images in this thread. Excellent illustrations of what an OBBB looks like.

That's an especially appealing OBBB, which comes with its own story, as most of the finest nibs do, no?

May you enjoy many frabjous days to come, chortling in joy as your OBBB writes both “Callooh!” and “Callay!”.

Tom K.

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Super helpful my friend. Thank you for the extra effort. This tells me I should really consider 6B or 8B if I go Signature so I can get more differentiation from an existing nib (talking about line width not flow and other special characteristics).


My favorite view of your new small sig nib is the underside. What a neat set of channels for ink flow!



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Tom - you are treading on dangerous ground. I do not know how long I can hold out against ordering a bespoke small signature nib since reading the above encomium. And I am also unsure of the resiliency of my budget and the reaction of my husband.


Please, is there NO drawback to the bespoke small signature nib? Some tiny flaw that will help me rationalize not having the Nib of Nibs?




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~ The image below of four Montblanc nib feeds is for Ghost Plane and zaddick.

They’ve both expressed interest in seeing the feeds of various nibs.

For comparison, the four pens are also shown side-by-side.


In both images, from left to right, the pens are:

1. Montblanc 2000 Writers Edition Friedrich Schiller Bespoke Sketch Nib

2. Montblanc 2001 Patron of Art Marquise de Pompadour F Nib

3. Montblanc Platinum 149 OBBB

4. Montblanc Monotone Yellow Gold 149 Bespoke Small Signature Nib


Four Nib Feeds


Four Montblanc Fountain Pens

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Well, I just found an early 1960s 149 in Oblique BBB. The flow is too heavy and needs tweaked. But the line it produces, especially with MB BRG, is delightful.

Hard times don't last, but hard people do.


Thank a Veteran.


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Two Montblanc 32s


Two 32 Nibs — EEF and OBBB



Very nice Tom. Kalessin's pen is actually an O32, or a model 32 with hooded nib. I might have to do a post on the 1x, 2x and 3x pens. I have almost all of the variants.

Hard times don't last, but hard people do.


Thank a Veteran.


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Wonderful story Tom, thanks for sharing!


I am sure this pen will enrich you with many happy hours, enjoy!

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Your pictures of the small signature nib always make me wonder: is that nib made from more than one part? Looks like the middle part was separate in the beginning and was inserted (welded?) back to complete the nib assembly?

However this is a very special nib and I'm always happy to read about such gems.





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Very nice Tom. Kalessin's pen is actually an O32, or a model 32 with hooded nib. I might have to do a post on the 1x, 2x and 3x pens. I have almost all of the variants.


~ niksch:


Thank you!

I’m unacquainted with an O32.

If you do a post about the 1x, 2x and 3x pens, I'll be interested in knowing more about the O32.

The two 32s on my writing desk are great writers.

Tom K.

Edited by Tom Kellie
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Wonderful story Tom, thanks for sharing!


I am sure this pen will enrich you with many happy hours, enjoy!


~ Stompie:


I'm so glad that you enjoyed the story of the Bespoke Sketch Nib.

It's a remarkable nib due to its uncanny ability to easily lay down a variety of shades of lines.

In a sense, vaguely similar to a charcoal pencil.

Thank you for your very kind comments.

Tom K.

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