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Enjoying Montblanc Pens — Broad, Oblique, Extra Fine, Le & Bespoke

Tom Kellie

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~ Within the past two days two friends have ordered OBBB nib exchanges for 149s purchased during the recent holiday season.

One in Canada, the other in Japan. They had no difficulty with the boutique staff, who regarded their respective OBBB requests as being routine.

The three OBBB nibs I use in daily writing are often shown in this thread, as they're my workhorses for most writing tasks, apart from writing in book margins.

While I'm hesitant to recommend any nib or any pen to others, OBBB nibs are great fun, especially after a few weeks of regular writing, becoming accustomed to their quirks.

Tom K.

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~ Pen Nut:




That's a fascinating, far from ordinary nib.

That it had flex and bounce sounds especially attractive.

May I please ask you about the modification?

Having an additional breather hole and a longer than average slit are unusual in my limited experience.

Do you know what is it about such modifications which provided that additional flex and bounce?

I'm weak on understanding the physics of fountain pen nib engineering.

Thank you for posting this image with explanation.

Tom K.

Noting your comment about nib engineering, you might take a look at a website called Fountain Pen Design, maintained by an engineer I believe to be from Germany. Ron Z from MainStreet Pens reccommended it on FPN as reading for anyone wanting an in-depth explanation of how fountain pens and nibs are designed and work. If you go to his website, look for the table of contents on the right side of the page, then start with Components of Fountain Pens. His explanations are detailed, and require time and concentration, but are a worthwhile investment of time. Some of his syntax are a bit unusual, which I suspect may be the result of English not being his first language. I hope you can find time to investigate his treatise.


Edited by Herrjaeger
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Noting your comment about nib engineering, you might take a look at a website called Fountain Pen Design, maintained by an engineer I believe to be from Germany. Ron Z from MainStreet Pens reccommended it on FPN as reading for anyone wanting an in-depth explanation of how fountain pens and nibs are designed and work. If you go to his website, look for the table of contents on the right side of the page, then start with Components of Fountain Pens. His explanations are detailed, and require time and concentration, but are a worthwhile investment of time. Some of his syntax are a bit unusual, which I suspect may be the result of English not being his first language. I hope you can find time to investigate his treatise.



~ Herrjaeger:


Thank you so much for taking time to explain this and post the link.

I hope that it may be useful to those with an interest in the engineering dynamics of nibs.

As it happens, where I work and live doesn't have wordpress.com or blogspot.com or comparable “foreign” Web sites available.

In the past year nearly all international sites sharing information have joined Google, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, the New York Times, Bloomberg news and so many others in being blocked here.

Nevertheless, it's great to have such information in this thread for the convenience of others.

Tom K.

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Since yesterday I'm a proud user of another 149. The nib is not too broad but broad anyway.


What: 149-Pt; B-nib + Meisterstück pouch

Where: Prague

When: on 3. January 2018 at 16:15.

It is a joy using such a smooth nib.

Sorry, no pictures, as I mentioned in the "Recent Mb Purchase" thread.

"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword, obviously never encountered automatic weapons." – General D. MacArthur



“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” – W. Churchill

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OBBB in Winter


Snow Rose OBBB



Stunning photographs.......do wish I could take a better picture. Regardless of what I have invested in over the years I never quite hit the mark that others seem to.


Can I ask what camera you used to take these ? Pleeeease dont say it was just a quick shot taken on a camera phone :blush:

A wise man once said    " the best revenge is wealth "   but a wiser man answered back    " the best revenge is happiness "


The true definition of madness - Doing the same thing everyday and expecting different results......

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Aside from the topic of wider Montblanc nibs there are stunning photographs here, many taken by the OP. Many thanks.!

I've really enjoy this thread.

(This thread should also appear in the Pen Photography section.)

Edited by tinta

*Sailor 1911S, Black/gold, 14k. 0.8 mm. stub(JM) *1911S blue "Colours", 14k. H-B "M" BLS (PB)

*2 Sailor 1911S Burgundy/gold: 14k. 0.6 mm. "round-nosed" CI (MM) & 14k. 1.1 mm. CI (JM)

*Sailor Pro-Gear Slim Spec. Ed. "Fire",14k. (factory) "H-B"

*Kaweco SPECIAL FP: 14k. "B",-0.6 mm BLS & 14k."M" 0.4 mm. BLS (PB)

*Kaweco Stainless Steel Lilliput, 14k. "M" -0.7 mm.BLS, (PB)




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Since yesterday I'm a proud user of another 149. The nib is not too broad but broad anyway.


What: 149-Pt; B-nib + Meisterstück pouch

Where: Prague

When: on 3. January 2018 at 16:15.

It is a joy using such a smooth nib.

Sorry, no pictures, as I mentioned in the "Recent Mb Purchase" thread.



~ Zdenek:


This is excellent news to begin 2018.

A Platinum 149 B nib with a Meisterstück pouch is a writer's dream.

The smooth nib you have must offer such pleasure when writing.

The B nib I use is a favorite writer, due to both reliability and smoothness.

A long-distance toast to you in lovely Prague — ‘clink!’ — to celebrate such a nice acquisition.

Thank you for mentioning this here, where B nibs are celebrated and admired.

Tom K.

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Stunning photographs.......do wish I could take a better picture. Regardless of what I have invested in over the years I never quite hit the mark that others seem to.


Can I ask what camera you used to take these ? Pleeeease dont say it was just a quick shot taken on a camera phone :blush:


~ Pen Nut:


Thank you so much for such a generous comment on the pen photography.

If there's any satisfactory results, it's due to years of trial and error, gradually realizing what works best in various shooting situations.

The camera: Canon EOS 1D X

The lens: Zeiss Makro-Planar T* 50mm f/2 ZE

For the past many years I photograph in Manual Shooting Mode (M) in order to adjust the camera settings to my taste.

The lens is strictly manual focus, in order to adjust it to subtle variations in lighting and the subject.

The images were handheld, despite the chilly temperatures lessening finger dexterity.

As it happens, I don't own a smart phone, therefore I have no camera phone to use.

I hope that this answers your question. It's nice to know that you were interested.

Tom K.

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Aside from the topic of wider Montblanc nibs there are stunning photographs here, many taken by the OP. Many thanks.!

I've really enjoy this thread.

(This thread should also appear in the Pen Photography section.)


~ tinta:


It's very nice of you to offer such kind words about the pen photography here.

That this thread has been enjoyable is encouraging to know.

The craftsmanship of Montblanc fountain pens inspires these experiments in pen portraiture.

When visiting FPN's Pen Photography section, is was clear that such outstanding work as is presented there sets a high bar for any would-be pen photographer.

For now, I'm comfortable in sharing Montblanc fountain pen images with friends in this forum.

Thank you for your post.

Tom K.

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Tom Kellie:


Thank you, Tom, for your encouraging remarks. Of course I am very happy to own a new 149. Now I have got a fair spectrum of nibs: 2x EF, M, B, BB, OBB and OBBB on my 149's.

When I remember about the nibs on my first two 149's (bought in 2004) it was a very bad experience. The nibs skipped and it took long time they became excellent writers. That all without help of a nibmeister. The best nibmeister is time devoted to writing. :-)

Since then, Montblanc has made great progress in the quality of the nibs.


... again, great pictures, Tom...

Edited by Zdenek

"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword, obviously never encountered automatic weapons." – General D. MacArthur



“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” – W. Churchill

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Very kind of you, Tom. Big thanks!

Edited by Zdenek

"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword, obviously never encountered automatic weapons." – General D. MacArthur



“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” – W. Churchill

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Thank you, Pravda (interestingly, "pravda" means "truth" in Czech). I like the new pen very much. To tell the truth, since I have got it, I do nothing else than writing with it. I am afraid it is a diagnose already. :)

Edited by Zdenek

"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword, obviously never encountered automatic weapons." – General D. MacArthur



“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” – W. Churchill

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Thank you, Pravda (interestingly, "pravda" means "truth" in Czech). I like the new pen very much. To tell the truth, since I have got it, I don't nothing else than writing with it. I am afraid it a diagnose already. :)

Yes we all have the same affliction it seems :) we own many pens but it always goes back to a 149!


I knew the word was Russian but thanks for telling me its also Czech.

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In Polish, in the same meaning, the word is written "prawda". :)

"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword, obviously never encountered automatic weapons." – General D. MacArthur



“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” – W. Churchill

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Since yesterday I'm a proud user of another 149. The nib is not too broad but broad anyway.


What: 149-Pt; B-nib + Meisterstück pouch

Where: Prague

When: on 3. January 2018 at 16:15.

It is a joy using such a smooth nib.

Sorry, no pictures, as I mentioned in the "Recent Mb Purchase" thread.



Congratulations to your 149, Zdenek! A really timeless and tasteful choice!

And Tom, thanks for helping him to show the pictures of Zdenek's pen.

Edited by colormind
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My First Montblanc Purchase — 23 September, 2013, in Beijing


Everything Boxed Up


Mystery Black


Soon to Become an Extra Fine Nib

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