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Platinum Pen Co. Artists


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There have been written much more on Pilot Namiki, Dunhill-Namiki and their artists but not much is written about Plainum Pen Co. and their artists.
Im collecting vintage Makie Paltinum Pens. Im trying to get some back ground information on who the artists were, when they worked for Platinum and perhaps others, their birthdate and when they passed away, if they have won any prices and if they did other makie works other than fountain pens and pencils. And what other information is out there even the most trivial.
So far I have come up with the following names:

Rosui-Gyokusendou-Ohara: a subcontractor of Platinum Pen Co. in 1930s (propably the most famous)

Shuzan: a subcontractor of Platinum Pen Co. in 1930s

Gyokusen: a subcontractor of Platinum Pen Co. in 1930s (might be same persona Gyokumei just spelled differently in english)

Gyokumei: a subcontractor of Platinum Pen Co. in 1930s

Housen: a subcontractor of Platinum Pen Co. in 1930s

Are there any names im missing?

I have searched FPOJ, FPOW by Lambrou, The Murakami book, the Nakazone FPOTW and the internet. If any one might have some old Bonhams or Christies catalogues with pictures and/or information if you could take a picture and post it it would be appreciated greatly
Kind regards


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List of various Platinum artists signatures:


Rosui: fpn_1509221902__rosui.jpg


Shuzan: fpn_1509225042__shuzan.jpg


Will add more as I stumble upon them.

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