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Hi From Northern California


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My first fountain pen was a gift-- a nice little piston-fill Pelikan. I used it heavily at first but I ended up storing it for more than a decade. European nibs are wider than I like, and piston-fills are a pain to deal with. The first pen I bought for myself was a Lamy Safari; it was a very pretty blue. It's a perfectly decent pen with a grip that I don't find ergonomic at all.


I made the jump to nicer pens a couple of years ago and fell for Pilot in a big way. I started with a fine-nib Pilot Metropolitan, loved the pen, then branched out to a Custom Heritage 91 in soft-fine. It's still my favorite pen. I ended up getting two more Metropolitans for work, and a Prera because it's almost the same size as the Stargazer (which is gorgeous but on second thought, not a good fit for me-- so I'm glad I started with a cheaper pocket pen). I splurged on a fine-nib CH91 in tsuki-yo color because the blue is so pretty...I just wish that version came in extra-fine.


I'm not a collector; at this point I just want to use the pens I've got. I should probably find a new home for the ones I'm not using...


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  • Sasha Royale


  • Henricum_Tropen


Welcome !


My friend, your Pelikan is a very nice pen ! The ink line will be thinner, if you write with less pressure. Also, consider writing bigger. It is a very nice pen !

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Hello and welcome to FPN, from Cape Town, South Africa.

To sit at one's table on a sunny morning, with four clear hours of uninterruptible security, plenty of nice white paper, and a [fountain] pen - that is true happiness!

- Winston Churchill

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we are not all collectors here but most of us LOVE USING FOUNTAIN PENS!

enjoy your time with us on FPN!

Francois - from Berkeley, CA

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@ Sasha Royale-- no question, the Pelikan is a lovely pen. The steel nib would give a nice amount of resistance if I did write heavily-- but I don't. I suppose that for correspondence I could write bigger...in those cases where I have little to say...but I'm afraid the instinct to write small and use less paper is overwhelming!


I think the real inconvenience is that keeping the Pelikan clean requires more effort than cleaning my Pilots. I'm syringe-filling cartridge-converters; it's the best way I've found to fill to maximum capacity, and makes cleaning up very easy. Piston-fill pens require more patience than I have to spare most of the time.


But I do have some inks that definitely look better in a wider line. Anything with sheen, for example, doesn't sheen very much in a Japanese fine!

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Welcome to our little corner of the universe from a pen user in San Diego.


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Hello and welcome from Indiana!

Please visit my store A&D Penworx.

Brands we carry: Benu Pen, Conklin, Kaweco, Monteverde, TWSBI - Diamine, J Herbin, KWZ- Clairefontaine, Field Notes, Rhodia, Whitelines

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