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Parker 61 Capillary Filler And Certain Inks


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I filled a capillary 61 that gets a good bit of use with Hero 233 Blue before I knew it might be a pigmented ink (perhaps someone can confirm?). The pen is too wet for this ink as it was very dark on the page so I recently flushed it out and, though I think it took longer to flush than usual, it seemed to be no problem. 


Though I understand the caution I suspect these pens are much more robust than folks generally make them out to be. But all my pens are 'user' pens - I am not so interested in collecting/preserving - so I don't treat them with kid gloves. That said, I still wouldn't put glitter ink in a capillary 61 (or any other fountain pen but a cheapo one that's easy to disassemble, for that matter). 



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You're safe, Hero 233 is NOT a pigmented ink.  Some vendors on eBay have labeled it as a 'carbon' ink but I think that is a mis-translation.


2 hours ago, PithyProlix said:

Hero 233 Blue before I knew it might be a pigmented ink (perhaps someone can confirm?).



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10 hours ago, OCArt said:

You're safe, Hero 233 is NOT a pigmented ink.  Some vendors on eBay have labeled it as a 'carbon' ink but I think that is a mis-translation.


Good to know - thanks for the info. So my comment regarding using a pigmented ink in a Parker 61 should be disregarded.

The reason I was not sure because there is a thread where the author claims it is pigmented (that I see you also happen to have commented in): https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/332109-hero-233-carbon-blue-4-for-pigmented-blue-ink-yes/

(I am now very happy with L'Artisan Pastellier Classique Gris de Payne in that P61 - I doubt I will ever use a different ink in that pen and hope that I won't have to flush it again.)

My pens for sale: https://www.facebook.com/jaiyen.pens  

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20 hours ago, Checklist said:

Does anyone have any experience with Sailor Souboku in a capillary 61? 


I do not know Souboku is OK with a capillary 61.

As for Sailor ink, Sailor Basic Ink (50 ml bottle) Blue Black, half price of Souboku is safe for my capillary 61.

Please visit my website Modern Pelikan Pens for the latest information. It is updating and correcting original articles posted in "Dating Pelikan fountain Pen".

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