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Date My Pen?


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Hi again. I just acquired a threesome of Cross instruments, that were listed a "Windsor" Medalists. However, FP was made in Ireland, so I could not pass up, being 25% of me from the Old Sod, y'know. The price was right. 2 questions:


1. I believe the FP to be a Century II medalist. It is engraved 2169 A1167 near the threads. Is there a resource for date codes? Please advise, would like to know when made. Also, am I on right track with ID? I've also had my own Matte Black Irish Century II for years.


2. Was the threesome shown ever actually sold as a set? I have no box, no papers, and no idea if they are "related" except by appearance.





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I have an extensive list of those codes for my Townsends, and have never found a resource for using them to date the pens, or to obtain other information from them (e.g., where the pen was made). If you find one, please let me know -- but I suspect the odds are against you, unfortunately.


Scribe, Master of Mystic Lore, Young Curmudgeon

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I have an extensive list of those codes for my Townsends, and have never found a resource for using them to date the pens, or to obtain other information from them (e.g., where the pen was made). If you find one, please let me know -- but I suspect the odds are against you, unfortunately.


Did you try emailing Cross Customer Service?






Freedom exists by virtue of self limitation.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is the response that I got from Cross:

"The pens in the photo are from our Century II line and are still being made today. We do not mark our writing instruments with any date of manufacture. We did the pen and pencils as a set however we did not make the pen, roller ball and fountain pen as a set.


Unfortunately we do not have a list of dates of manufacture for our writing instruments. "


So, there we have it. Right ID, no date except potential range of manufacture dates for the Century II line in Ireland.

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I was curious earlier this year, due to my Irish Townsend, and tried to do some digging. What I tentatively pieced together was this:


  • Cross may have had some presence in Ireland since 1972;
  • Their factory was formally opened on May 10, 1973, at Ballinasloe in County Galway. I don't have any sort of details regarding their production over the years;
  • An announcement of the coming layoff of 100 of 160 workers was made on Feb. 18, 2000;
  • An announcement of the coming closure of the plant was made on Dec. 28, 2000, with the wind-down to finish in Mar. of 2001;
  • After which the plant was to serve as a Cross distribution center. (I believe they still have an Irish distribution center, but no longer in the old factory.)

Also, there was a reunion of former workers at Gullane's Hotel in Ballinasloe on Jan. 22, 2010.

fpn_1375035941__postcard_swap.png * * * "Don't neglect to write me several times from different places when you may."
-- John Purdue (1863)

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