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People Who Write A Lot With Non-Blue/black Inks, Which Ones Do You Use And Why?


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Those of you who enjoy writing in non standard ink colors, which ones do you use? I'm looking for some nice recommendations for some demonstrators that I have coming in the mail.

Edited by GreatLifeDecisions
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Whatever I enjoy at the moment. The ones that regularly come back to my pens are:


Brown: Lie de The (J. Herbin), Sepia (Rohrer & KLingner). I love browns and could recommend you 50 more but time shows I use these two most

Green: Olivastre (L'Artisan Pastellier Callifolio), Souraken Tea Green (Nagasawa-kobe)

Grey: Lexington Gray (Noodler's), Stone Grey (GvFC)

Purple/violet: Dark Lilac (Lamy), Poussiere de Lune (J. Herbin)

Orange: Yu-yake (Iroshizuku), Monarch (KWZI), Fireopal (Monteverde)

Red: Akane (Maruzen Athena), Crimson (Diamine), Oku-yama (Sailor)

Yellow: Taisanji Yellow (Nagasawa-kobe)

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Currently inked with Ku-jaku, Syo-ro, Kiowa Pecan, Starry Night. Pel Turquoise, Yama-guri, Shin-ryoku, & Tsukushi. Lot of Iros because I love the colors & they perform well in everything I've put them in. Kiowa Pecan combines with the stub on my Gaston's Special Reserve to give a feeling almost like writing underwater.

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My ink selection is based on whether I can take notes but also to mark up on black-and-white drawings:


-Diamine Sepia

-Iroshizuku Murasaki Shikibu

-Waterman Inspired Blue

-Montblanc Burgundy Red

-Sailor Jentle Kin-Mokusei

Dream, take one step at a time and achieve. :)

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I use mostly blue, blue black, and black inks, but my weekend ink is brown. The three browns in my ink box are Waterman, Visconti, and Omas. I want to try Diamine Macassar.


Oh, and before I retired, I always a bright red Lamy Safari on my desk loaded with Waterman red ink. My staff hated that ink, because I used it to mark up poorly written documents.

Edited by CharlieB



"The moment he opened the refrigerator, he saw it. Caponata! Fragrant, colorful, abundant, it filled an entire soup dish, enough for at least four people.... The notes of the triumphal march of Aida came spontaneously, naturally, to his lips." -- Andrea Camilleri, Excursion to Tindari, p. 212

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Hi there, GLD, et al,


I like to use Diamine Chocolate because I think it conveys warmth and approachability, yet still retains a sincerity and air of professionalism required for business use. It shades beautifully, too.


When I want to highlight a word or idea; I write it in complementary J. Herbin Vert Reseda. When I edit or have to make an emphatic directive, I use Diamine Matador Red.


I also keep WM Serenity Blue/Quink Permanent Blue and Aurora, Lamy or J. Herbin black handy as well.


When I have to sign off on a formal contract; I'll use Monteverde Document Blue or Black for its permanence. (I typically sign internal documents in Chocolate).


Be well and enjoy life. :)



- Anthony

Edited by ParkerDuofold
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I use all sorts of inks. Any particular requirements (water resistance, business appropriate, etc.)?

Right now I have pens inked up with inks that are purple [Robert Oster Purple Soul], green {R&K Alt-Goldgrun, bright blue [De Atramentis Sky Blue and Lamy Pacific Blue], gold [KWZI IG Light Aztec gold] and blue/teal [Robert Oster Blue Water Ice] and dark grey [KWZI Grey Lux] (as well as black, blue, and blue-black inks; plus some highlighter inks in brush pens, and Noodler's Blue Ghost in a Noodler's Charlie pen).

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth


ETA: I use any color I please to write in my journal or take notes. I do tend to use more businesslike blacks and blue-blacks (particularly water resistant ones) to pay bills and address envelopes.

Edited by inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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Those of you who enjoy writing in non standard ink colors, which ones do you use? I'm looking for some nice recommendations for some demonstrators that I have coming in the mail.


Why? Because they are not blueblacks...


Blues, from purplish to greenish: Ajisai*, Myosotis, Tsuyu Kusa, Souten, Kon Peki, Équinoxe 6, Ama Iro*.

Greens: Vert Empire, Verde Muschiato, Chiku Rin*.

Browns: Ina Ho, Yama Guri, Lie de Thé.

Oranges: Fuyu Gaki*, Orange Indien, Mandarin, Ancient Copper.

Reds: Rouge Hematite, Poppy Red*.

Black: Perle Noire.

Grey with blue and green (?): Verdigris; this would make a great alternative to traditional blueblacks.


*: These look really wild to me.


It's not like blueblacks are evil, but I though all inks where black, blue, blueblack, which made using pens boring.

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."


B. Russell

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Demostrators ? Piston or cartridge ?

I like Private Reserve's DC Supershow Blue, despite the tediously long name.

Diamiine Emerald is especially pretty, with light shining through my TWSBI.

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Verweile doch, du bist so schön !

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I love writing with different colors, blue, black, or blue/black inks have never been inks I have been drawn to as my "standard" ink. I am more drawn to greens and browns. Some of my favorite non blue/black inks are:


Diamine Umber

Diamine Chocolate

Diamine Orange

Diamine Tyrian Purple

Diamine Wagner

Diamine Mozart

Diamine Autumn Oak

Diamine Wild Strawberry

Kwz Honey

KWZ Aztec Gold, IG Gold, IG Green Gold, IG Mandarin

Kwz Raspberry

Kwz Gold, Old Gold, Green Gold

Kwz Brown Pink

Kwz Eldorado

Noodler's Blue Ghost is always a fun one to use with a demonstrator

Edited by JakobS

FP Ink Orphanage-Is an ink not working with your pens, not the color you're looking for, is never to see the light of day again?!! If this is you, and the ink is in fine condition otherwise, don't dump it down the sink, or throw it into the trash, send it to me (payment can be negotiated), and I will provide it a nice safe home with love, and a decent meal of paper! Please PM me!<span style='color: #000080'>For Sale:</span> TBA

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I like to use various colors of ink to keep my journals more interesting to fill pages and re~read and reflect on. I can start different subject matter entries with different colors. No system to it

Newly acquired KWZ maroon and KwZ green no. 3.3

.Jentle Remote Mountain

Waterman: serenity blue and purple

Samples of Robert Oster Caffe Crema and Noodlers Tiananmen

Emerald of Chivor


On the way Montblanc Shakespeare Velvet Red.


Keep it interesting

Edited by Studio97
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Because I don't like Blues and Blue-blacks too much and it's fun to use different colours.


Brown-Green: Bakke, Cigar, Kjellmaniella

Burgundy: Old Burgundy

Violet: Nodaiko Violet, Akagi Violet

Red: Akane, Ijinkan Red

Purple: Dark Lilac, Purple Heart (sailor, not noodlers), Nishikisan black purple

Brown: Canal Brown, Maruzen Sepia

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  • Diamine Ultra Green
  • Diamine Sherwood Green
  • Waterman Green
  • Pelikan Dark Green
  • Noodler's Gruene Cactus (this is in my TWSBI Eco)
  • Noolder's Forest Green


  • Waterman Black
  • Pelikan Black
  • Sheaffer Black


  • Noodler's Lexington Grey


  • Waterman Blue
  • PR DC SuperShow Blue
  • Noodler's Liberty's Elysium

Turquoise (well they are kinda blueish)

  • Sheaffer Turquoise
  • Pelikan Turquoise


  • Sheaffer Skrip Red
  • Diamine Red Dragon
  • Private Reserve Black Cherry
  • Private Reserve Orange Crush
Edited by ac12

San Francisco Pen Show - August 28-30, 2020 - Redwood City, California


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You have opened the floodgates!


My favorite "writing" inks - those I consistently use for long writing sessions:


Blue: Pilot Iroshizuku Tsuyu-kusa, J. Herbin Eclat de Saphir, Callifolio Blue Atlantique

Blue-Black: Montblanc JFK, GvFC Cobalt Blue

Red/Burgundy: Pilot Iroshizuku Yama-budo, Callifolio Andrinople

Green: Pilot Iroshizuku Shin-ryoku, Pilot Iroshizuku Chiku-rin, Franklin Christoph Midnight Emerald

Purple: Montblanc Lavender Purple, Pilot Iroshizuku Ajisai

Brown: GvFC Hazelnut Brown

"Today will be gone in less than 24 hours. When it is gone, it is gone. Be wise, but enjoy! - anonymous today




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My current favourites are Robert Oster inks, especially Peppermint, River of Fire, and Fire and Ice (I know you said not blue, but it's teal, soo.... XD). These also look great in demonstrators because they tend to cling to the sides.


Other nice inks I've used, in no particular order, include:

De Atrementis Johann Sebastian Bach

J. Herbin Vert Empire

Diamine Autumn Oak

Diamine Damson

Diamine Moon Dust (shimmer inks aren't everyone's cup of tea, but I absolutely love this one, plus shimmer inks look nice in demonstrators)

Platinum Pigmented Sepia

Noodler's Burgundy

Noodler's Red-Black

Pilot Iroshizuku Syo-Ro (especially this one - changes from blue to green as you write, really magical)

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I will not go through the Limited Editions, and other unobtainable inks.

Here are the other ones I use, at the moment, and that you can easily find, if you want:



Iroshizuku Yama-Guri, Rohrer & Klingner Sepia, De Atramentis Auburn, Noodlers Walnut,Diamine Rustic Brown, Herbin Lie de Thé



Stipula Musk Green, Rohrer & Klingner Alt-Goldgrün, Iroshizuku Shin-Ryoku, KWZ Green #3 and Old Brown, Diamine Umber, Salamander, Green Black



Diamine Oxblood, KWZ Flame Red, Sailor Jentle Oku-Yama, KWZ Marroon, Private Reserve Black Cherry


Purple / Pink:

Rohrer & Klingner Scabiosa, KWZ Brown pink, Diamine Tyrian Purple


Blue - I am not much a blue person but I like blue/greens:

Diamine Eau du Nil, Iroshizuku Tsuki-yo, Diamine Teal, Sailor Jentle Yama-Dori



Iroshizuku Fuyu-syogan and Kiri-same, KWZ Foggy green (it is a dark grey)



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My avatar is a painting by the imense surrealist painter Remedios Varo

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