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Gothic pen?


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I know the New Orleans was not what you were looking for, but I found it intriguing enough to put my hands on one. I finally took pics and wrote a review, which can be found here:




While clearly a different aesthetic than the rest of the pens in this thread, I think it would still be right at home at Death Guild or Bondage-a-Go-Go.

Who are the pen shops in your neighborhood? Find out or tell us where they are, at http://penshops.info/

Blog: http://splicer.com/

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While clearly a different aesthetic than the rest of the pens in this thread, I think it would still be right at home at Death Guild or Bondage-a-Go-Go.


True, and it's a nice-looking pen. I'm just a sucker for Victorian/Romantic ornate stuff. :)

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True, and it's a nice-looking pen. I'm just a sucker for Victorian/Romantic ornate stuff. :)


I get that, and believe you me I've also been salivating over most of the pens mentioned in this thread! Just thought I'd follow up since I did get the New Orleans.

Who are the pen shops in your neighborhood? Find out or tell us where they are, at http://penshops.info/

Blog: http://splicer.com/

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To be used like a stake thru the heart of pen fanatics?


Oh, so that's what the doric-looking "head" of the cap is for: to provide a landing space for the mallet! :P

Who are the pen shops in your neighborhood? Find out or tell us where they are, at http://penshops.info/

Blog: http://splicer.com/

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Back vaguely on topic....

Going into withdrawal w/o my Krones and Yard O Led. I know they'll come back to me all better eventually, but my hand misses them. Snuffle. Hope the repair dudes are tucking them in at night.

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And in today's post - update on the Yard O Led from the Lamy repair dudes, who apparently got first crack at it as the post card is from them. My pen's headed to the factory in the UK for repairs [had a feeling it might as it's an older one] and it will take 6-12 weeks. Fair enough. Hand made pen, hand made repairs, slightly older vintage - worth waiting for to get back an overhauled darling who'll write without gracing my hands, clothes and papers with whatever color ink was last loaded. That luscious nib and pretty silver is worth waiting for. Hope they buff it up a little for me while they're fixing it.

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Glad you like your new acquisition, Splicer. Just don't stake me with it... :)


Nah, if I wanted to hurt someone I'd use a 600. :)


Although, to hear of it, more people have been hurt by the VP than by the 600. I suppose you need a permit to carry a concealed nib.

"The person who takes the banal and ordinary and illuminates it in a new way can terrify. We do not want our ideas changed. We feel threatened by such demands. 'I already know the important things!' we say. Then Changer comes and throws our old ideas away."

--Frank Herbert; Chapterhouse: Dune


Sic Transit Gloria Mundi

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Speaking of Goth, aside from this being a style of young people who wear dark clothes and dark make-up - correct me if I'm wrong - could this be connected to the anti-renaisance in some historical sense, even if only distantly.

And if so, what kind of writing should a Goth person have?


Italic, being a rediscovery of the early sixteen century, comes in what relation to the renaissance? Was it another attempt to revive something perceived as classical?

Had a proper Goth person better find some medieval style of writing?

"When gold and gems adorn the plough. To peaceful arts shall Envy bow." Blake

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My writing has been likened to Carolingian manuscripts by those borrowing my notes, but I don't think that's quite what you had in mind. :wacko:

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My writing has been likened to Carolingian manuscripts by those borrowing my notes, but I don't think that's quite what you had in mind. :wacko:


That sounds pretty. Since you now have a digital camera, think we'll see any writing samples soon? :thumbup:

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I think they were referring more to the incomprehensibility, but if you remind me after the 4th, I'll see if I can't throw a paragraph of the manuscript up and you can see what a tortured mind looks like on the page. :wacko:

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  • 4 weeks later...

An update of sorts. After a month with no word, I phoned Krone yesterday. Dana took my name and phone number and was going to check on the status of my 2 pens I sent in. No word back yet. Sigh...

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An update of sorts. After a month with no word, I phoned Krone yesterday. Dana took my name and phone number and was going to check on the status of my 2 pens I sent in. No word back yet. Sigh...


Major bummer. I've never had to wait for a pen, but I just this Monday received a music score that was supposed to take a month to get here (it came from overseas), and instead ended up taking a bit more than two. Very frustrating (but at least it was worth the wait).

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