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Greetings,from Down Under.


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I guess I have been around for a while but meh...


Hi. I am Eric H,and I am 12 years old. 12. You read that right. Yeah. You did. I currently live in Sydney,Australia,and as you can imagine,I have an extensive collection of things that write. So many I can't count all of them...

How I got interested with pens:

One day, 6 years ago,I found a Montblanc 146 on my dad's desk. Having used pencils all my previous life,I was very interested in writing with a pen. I thought of it as something to prove that you are a 'big kid'. So,I grabbed the 146. It took me 10 minutes to uncap it because I didn't realize I had to unscrew... I did,and started writing. I held the pen by the section,actually,as I had seen my dad do it. The nib was smooth. Really smooth. So smooth that I was hooked. Smoother,much smoother than those cheap Staedtler pencils. Dad saw me,and he was excited. He was glad that I found a 'wholesome' hobby. And two days later,I ended up with my first 3 pens. A Lamy Safari in Fine,a stub Lamy Safari,and a Pilot Frixion 3 Wood.

I was rather content with what I had (not knowing that my dad's 146 was dozens of times more expensive than my Safari),until,a year (or so) later,I saw one of my teachers use a 146. I asked him the price. $950 AUD...

And that was when I realised that a whole world of pens was waiting for me to explore...

My collection is now huge.

My favourite pens are my Pilot Custom 743,Montblanc 149,Pilot Frixion 3 wood and the Pilot Justus 95.


Pictures are below.


Now,you may be wondering why the gaps are there. Those are the pens that are absent.

My Lamy 2000,Lamy Safari in Fine (my first one,I eventually bought a red Safari in Medium),Pilot Custom 743, and my Parker Sonnet are absent pens.

What happened to them?

Lamy 2000: At Lamy for repairs. You probably read my frankly too critical post about that...

Parker Sonnet: Stolen. At school,lots of things do. Someone nicked it from my desk.

Pilot Custom 743: At Pilot for repairs. Bought from Dymocks,like my 2000. Pattern here?

Lamy Safari in fine: Stolen,like my Sonnet.


Bits of random information about me and/or my collection:

I feel that Pelikan nibs are random in width,and the markings don't apply.

My Pilot Frixion 3 Wood has been refilled 17 times.

I don't mind Brussels sprouts,mushrooms,pistachios,and other foods that kids tend to hate.

I despise cheese since all cheese to me smells like armpits...

I have Chinese parents but I was born in Australia.

Maybe more coming soon?


Feel free to ask questions about me and my collection.


Note: Please don't argue about anything on this post,it's just my opinion...





Edited by Eric_H

“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.”
— Douglas Adams

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Hello and Welcome to FPN!! Glad to have you as a member!!



        My Favorite Pen Restorer                                            


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Eric! what fun I had reading your intro! continue sharing with us, it's refreshing!

François from Berkeley, California

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Welcome to our little corner of the universe from a pen user in San Diego.


We Are Our Ancestors’ Wildest Dreams

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Eric, you are an exceptional kid. And you have got some wonderful pens.


Greetings and elcome to FPN.

Khan M. Ilyas

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Welcome home. Pull up a stump and set a spell. The year before I was twelve the tests of the Salk Vaccine began and my brothers and sister all were part of the trial. The year I was twelve Disneyland opened just down the street from Knott's Berry Farm. Ray Krock opened his first McDonald's. Sir Robert Menzies was your Prime Minister.




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Welcome from a fellow Aussie FPNer, quite a collection for a young person, hope you enjoy FPN as much as I do.




"may our fingers remain ink stained"

Handwriting - one of life's pure pleasures

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Thank you everyone for your warm greetings. In the time I have been here,this has been one of the best communities ever. From games to blogs to chat rooms to social media, this truly is one of the best.

“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.”
— Douglas Adams

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welcome to this little blimp we call home.

I run on Caffeine, Sarcasm and inappropriate thoughts.

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Welcome aboard, Eric, from Charleston, SC. Judging from your intro, you have much enthusiasm for pens. Do you print, or write in cursive?


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Auf freiem Grund mit freiem Volke stehn.
Zum Augenblicke dürft ich sagen:
Verweile doch, du bist so schön !

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You must love homework :lol:

Gah,I hate it when people think of me as a streiotypical nerd...

“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.”
— Douglas Adams

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Welcome aboard, Eric, from Charleston, SC. Judging from your intro, you have much enthusiasm for pens. Do you print, or write in cursive?


Yes,I enjoy writing. I print,actually,because I feel that cursive is just far too messy. Just my opinion. Edited by Eric_H

“I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.”
— Douglas Adams

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