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Informal Review Pai Li 004 Safari Clone $1.23


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So you thought you had heard the last of Safari clones? Here is a new one on me and it even has a sibling -- the metal Pai Li 001. The 004 I got is like what I call the sherbet Heros with a white body and pastel cap that sell for $4-6 US. (Don't count on getting one like this, though, as the photos in the eBay listing showed all-one-color transparent pens.) It comes with one of the smoothest XF nibs I've ever encountered -- in fact, I would actually like a bit more tooth. But those of you seeking a smooth XF should check these out. The nib is slightly springy with slight variation in line width. I had no trouble getting enough flow or avoiding skipping on the skip-prone Jot paper I bought recently,


My experience with the Safari clones is that each one is a little different. That's to your advantage because you can pick the feature set that suits you best. My experience with the Jinhao 599 is that the fine nib is actually a medium and the hooded XF nib is also actually a medium so I am delighted this is such a great XF, while you might prefer the Jinhao medium.


I want to discuss some other differences but first let me say that the seller's description online is none too accurate. For example, in addition to the incorrect colors, the nib is described as "Medium" even though the nib in their photo is clearly marked "XF". That is how the pen I received is marked and that is how it writes. (It is crimped to the feed if you care.) Also in the ad there appears to be a short international cartridge sitting inside the pen. I did not receive such, and the pen certainly looks like it is made for Parker or Lamy cartridges -- the latter being an obvious choice for a Lamy clone. I am using it with a Parker Green cartridge right now with no issues.


Let's move now from differences with the eBay listing to differences with the real Safari. This sets a new record low for number of flat sides on the barrel -- there are none. Nor is there any brand name imprinted on the barrel. The Pai Li logo appears on the finial and nib and that's it for markings. The clip has the Safari shape but is golden colored. Unfortunately, like everyone else, they copied the Safari finger denters on the section. The apparently fake black O-ring found around the waist of most members of the Safari tribe is replaced by a ridge on the section. To me this is much preferable to the trim rings that fell off some of the other clones. In the right light, the clear plastic looks like chrome. Otherwise it looks like itself. Fit and finish seem on a par with the other clones.


I can recommend the pen I received very highly. Given all the discrepancies in the eBay listing, I cannot promise you will get one just like it. But if you want a really smooth XF it might be worth risking $1.23.



Edited by bob_hayden
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Bob, thank you for your review. I find these clones pretty fascinating. I took the liberty of resizing your photo so it fits on one window, I hope you don't mind.



We Are Our Ancestors’ Wildest Dreams

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Not at all. I have resized many images with IrfanView but for unknown reasons it refused to do this batch. I also tried with the camera but it considered the size I posted to be "small".

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Thank you. :) I can't see the image in your post OP, and it broke my screen temporarily, but I can see it in OCArt's post.

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If I right click on it and choose View Image I can see just the image alone at a size that matches my monitor. I am a little handicapped here by my vision which requires very odd monitor settings on my end so what it looks like to me is no guide to what it will look like to others, but right clicking should let your computer adjust it to whatever monitor settings you are using. I have to do that all the time with images others post.

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I was happy enough to read it from OCArt's post. It was so huge it went off my screen after the first words on the paper. I could only see the pen nib, not even the grip.

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OK, but keep my tip in mind as OCArt may not always be around to rescue us;-) In the meantime, I used another resizing tool and fixed the original post to show an image the same size as the one from OCArt. And thanks to OCArt for providing a sample else I would not have had a target to aim at.

Edited by bob_hayden
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:) I quite like it without the slots in the barrel

Hmm... That would make it ideal to use as an eye dropper fill.


We Are Our Ancestors’ Wildest Dreams

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I quite like it without the slots in the barrel

Oh, the slots that let you see the converter but not the ink level. ;-)


Hmm... That would make it ideal to use as an eye dropper fill.

Maybe. The barrel is very thin and the part that contacts the section is not very well finished. OTOH, that lip-instead-of-a-fake-O-ring might make a great seat for a real O-ring.

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Have you pulled the feed out yet? I suspect it's a one-part, one-channel type.

No, I am not going to list my pens here.

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  • 3 weeks later...

No, I have made no effort to remove the nib or feed, though perhaps I should think of these as a source for nice XF nibs I could put in other bodies.


In my review I neglected to explain the Pai Li 001 that I mentioned. That appears to be the same pen but with all-one-color plastic in various hues. The 004 series seems to consist of two-tone plastic like the one I got (white body, pastel cap) and the all one color pens in various colors of see-through plastic. None of these are metal pens. I think the words that suggest they are in the eBay listings are attempts to describe the nib, not the whole body. In general, the folks selling these seem to have a pretty limited knowledge of eBay or English.


Finally I should note that ink from that Parker cartridge is seeping out into the sleeve the cartridge slides into, just I have noted of late on some other Chinese pens that seem to be made for Lamy cartridges.

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That Parker cartridge is almost empty now and the pen continues to preform beautifully. I like the XF nib even better than those on the Yiren and WingS 78G clones. Unlike those, the leaks with Parker cartridges are no big deal. There is ink between the cartridge and the sleeve it slips into. But in ten weeks none has ever gotten anywhere that you could get it on your fingers, and I am including taking the section/cartridge out of the barrel. It looks like one could get inky if they tried when replacing the cartridge. I wish Pai Li would make a 78G clone with the same nib as I do not like the section ridges on the Safari and its clones.

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