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Hey Community


In 2003 my Dad purchased a pencil case from a junk market for 5€. In it there were 4 pencils which were selled with the case. Years later in 2010 he took a closer look into the case and found this: http://hammerweb.selfhost.eu/L129_5.JPG


He took an even closer look and found an embossed L 129 at one of the pens. He is not very famliar with computers and the internet, but he found out that these are Mont Blanc pens and the one with the L 129 seemed to be quite old. So he asked me if can make a research on it. And I did.


I wrote to Mont Blanc Germany and Walter Kleinhorst who did auctions with old pens. Mont Blanc gave me some information about the history of this pen, and Walter mentioned that my Dad could achieve a selling price of 800-1000€ in that condition. After a little hype about this pen the situation flattened and we almost forgot about the it. That was all in 2010.


A TV show in german television "Bares für Rares" reminded me of this pen and I began to google again. And I was more than surprised that some auctions achieved 5000-8000$, that's the reason why I registered to this forum to ask you for your professional advice.


The pen is not in a perfect condition but it is also not bad. The metal is not very shiny. But take a look for yourselves:


The last two pictures show the 3 other pens from that case. Pls excuse that bad quality. My Dad took those pictures in 2010 with his iPhone. I asked him to make some better pics. I hope he will do it tomorrow.
My questions to you are: Would you do a restauration? Whats the best way to sell this pen?
I'm looking forward for your professional advice. And please be indulgent for my english, I'm not a native speaker.



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First, most of use are enthusiasts, not professionals. That said, some here have amazing collections and are very knowledgeable, but take all advice with reservation.


Yes, get it restored and when done you will have a better idea of the value. I recommend Osman Sumer or Max Schrage, both are experts in vintage MB restoration. They are not the cheapest, but you get what you pay for.


Please be cautious with "friendly" offers to buy the pen off you now for a low price. Obviously it is your pen so do as you see fit, but no reason to rush into a sale and give someone else almost all the profit.


I wish one day to be so lucky as your father. So far, only in my dreams.

If you want less blah, blah, blah and more pictures, follow me on Instagram!

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That´s a fantastic pen! it seems to be in a rather good condition, i hope to see some pics once you get it restored.

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That was the dream find in a junk market !


A very hard to find pen, I have the same model into a pretty large MB collection. The pen looks pretty good already. I agree with zaddick, Osman or Max (both in Hamburg) would be the best to review it and restore it if necessary (and they are not the most expensive either as far as my experience goes)... Since there is no rush, I guess, you can meet them October 3rd at the Hamburg Pen show (Arbeit Museum)


The best luck for you... congratulations... and Welcome to the Forum

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Perfect combination of numbers and letters outside of L 139

Edited by slippery when wet
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How very interesting, this is the third L129 I've seen this year!

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." -- A. Einstein

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How very interesting, this is the third L129 I've seen this year!

May turn out not that rare pen if some more will pop out, waiting for price drop ;)

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I'm not sure I would get it restored if I wanted to sell it. I would sell it as is and let the buyer get it restored, exactly how he wanted it restored, by his own choice of restorer. Restoration won't be cheap, and selling as is will affect the price slightly, but at least you won't have spent a lot of money having the restoration done then trying to find a buyer who is willing to pay a much higher price.


I don't know if eBay would be the place to sell it or not. If you have any vintage pen dealers in your Country, it might be worth asking them. :)

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I agree with Chrissy.


If you think you may become a pen enthusiast, then yes, get it restored and it will be a jewel in your collection. It's very unlikely that you will see another one come up for sale, so you could keep it as a rarity and a valuable pen, in its own right.


However, if you are looking to sell it, then I'd sell it as it is (which doesn't look too bad). Restoration of this pen will be an expensive business. It will probably result in a higher selling price, but the difference may not cover the restoration costs.

And it may acheive a good price as it is, due to the rarity of the model and the fact that collectors are keen to get their hands on one. Once they have bought it, they will take it to their own trusted restorer - or do it themselves, or leave it as it is etc etc

Their choice.


Very nice find.

Good luck.

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First, most of use are enthusiasts, not professionals.


A fact lost on many here.

Hard times don't last, but hard people do.


Thank a Veteran.


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First, most of use are enthusiasts, not professionals.



A fact lost on many here.


+ 1

Tom K.

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So, my dad made a decision: he will attend the Pen*Port Hamburg at 03.10.2017 to gather more information. After that he will decide whether to sell or to wait.


You folks were a really good help which we appreciate. Thanks for that.

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So, my dad made a decision: he will attend the Pen*Port Hamburg at 03.10.2017 to gather more information. After that he will decide whether to sell or to wait.


You folks were a really good help which we appreciate. Thanks for that.

Sounds like a good idea.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You may even show the four pens to the ones you'll meet at the pen show... as It seems that the four of them are Montblanc pens.

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  • 5 months later...

So, my dad made a decision: he will attend the Pen*Port Hamburg at 03.10.2017 to gather more information. After that he will decide whether to sell or to wait.


You folks were a really good help which we appreciate. Thanks for that.

Bumping this older thread, curious about your outcome?

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So, my dad made a decision: he will attend the Pen*Port Hamburg at 03.10.2017 to gather more information. After that he will decide whether to sell or to wait.


You folks were a really good help which we appreciate. Thanks for that.

This was an excellent example of how to use this forum. The L129 is a valuable pen (far more rare than the much sought after L139). You and your father have made great choices - getting educated and proceeding cautiously.

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This was an excellent example of how to use this forum. The L129 is a valuable pen (far more rare than the much sought after L139). You and your father have made great choices - getting educated and proceeding cautiously.



Hard times don't last, but hard people do.


Thank a Veteran.


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Also anxious to know the outcome of the L129. I was fortunate enough to buy my L129 at the Ohio Pen Show last November. It is my grail pen. I looked for one for over 4 years. They are rare. Mine has been fully restored.


It is inked and I write with it everyday but it never leaves the house.

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