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Help! I Got Ebayed


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I am a relative newbie to the fountain pen world and bought an OMAS Gailieo that was just delivered. It's got issues...it leaks ink from around the collar, and I am pretty sure the nib has issues as well....

Who do you all recommend to repair a 1990's OMAS pen?


Thank you,


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If it isn't as advertised- you could return it for a refund.

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I ... bought an OMAS Gailieo that was just delivered. It's got issues...it leaks ink from around the collar, and I am pretty sure the nib has issues as well....

Whenever an item that you purchase on eBay is not as described or does not appear as in the posted pictures, you should open an item-not-as-described case. You can open the case via the listing using the ask-the-seller-a-question/contact-seller option as well as directly using the Resolution Center. Request a full refund including shipping AND do not let the seller fool you into paying for the return shipping: when an item is not as described or not as pictured in the listing, it is the seller's responsibility to pay for return shipping. In addition, the seller cannot charge you a restocking fee for the return of an item which is not as described.


Be careful of a seller who claims that (s)he will replace or repair a defective item as that seller is the one who sent the defective item in the first place. It is best to get a full refund and to sever the relationship with the seller than to continue dealing with the seller and risk not receiving your money's worth.


You have 30 days from the delivery date to open the item-not-as-described case. Open the case ASAP so that the seller cannot claim that you damaged the pen.


For all eBay purchases, be careful to limit your communication with sellers to the eBay message system so that eBay customer service can view your communication with the sellers. This comes in handy for disputes as eBay customer service can read information that sellers send in response to your questions about items before purchases as well as replies sellers send in response to problems that you have after purchases. Evidence is important when sellers do not want to accept returns for the defective items that they sell: eBay messages and the listing itself provide great supporting evidence for item-not-as-described cases.

Edited by elysee
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IF you end up keeping it, John Mottishaw can service Omas pens.

Best Regards, greg

Don't feel bad. I'm old; I'm meh about most things.

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Not clear you can fault the seller for this. The collars from this era of OMAS pens were prone to failure and even a NOS stock pen can have the collar fail after a few days inked. Once the collar starts to fail it is only a matter of time before the nib falls out. If you have a new collar, this is a fairly straightforward repair.

Edited by AltecGreen

2020 San Francisco Pen Show
August 28-30th, 2020
Pullman Hotel San Francisco Bay
223 Twin Dolphin Drive
Redwood City Ca, 94065

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send it to John Mottishaw at nibs.com I had a similar issue with an Omas FP and he fixed it and it is now one of my best writing pens.

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P.J. O'Rourke

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