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Waterman Expert Leaking


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Had anyone had an issue with their Waterman Expert leaking ink? Every time I go to open it, there is a bunch of ink on the section. It is not apparent and because I use a dark ink, its hard to tell there is ink on the section.

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Trying to revive a very old post here. I have the same issue and not with just one but two Experts with fine nibs. Trouble is that they are such great writers for me. I have replaced the converters twice and I sent one off to Waterman and had it returned and it still leaked.






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Just brainstorming here but I wonder if removing the cap is creating a vacuum and sucking some ink out.  Can you try capping it very loosely overnight and then see what happens?


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I will try that, but the caps are hardly tight fitting. I mean they stay on, but they are not tight.


Still any idea is worth a try. I will do that tonight and let you know in the morning.

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I might as well add that this happens whether I am flying or not. No difference.



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On 2/25/2025 at 6:43 PM, OCArt said:

Just brainstorming here but I wonder if removing the cap is creating a vacuum and sucking some ink out.  Can you try capping it very loosely overnight and then see what happens?

So, I tried it and it still leaks. I got out my Goulet lighted magnifying glass too. I can' see any cracks in the section either. I will poke around some more.


Thank you,

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I have three Waterman Expert pens, and I've never had a single problem with leaking as you describe.  I wonder if there might be a problem with how your nib unit is seated in the section.  

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@overwriter When you say "on the section," what do you mean? Could you be more specific? Where on the section? And, how are you storing the pens when they leak? Horizontal, nib down, nib up? 


My Expert does not leak, but I also do not think that the cap goes on loosely. It is quite a firm snap....

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  • 2 weeks later...

My apologies for my slow response time. To me it seems to come from between the section and the barrel. Under magnification and light, I can find no cracks. And it is happening with two pens both of which I believe are Expert II's.


Both though have received a lot of use over the years. I mean a lot.


As for the caps, they still click into place, but they now spin around quite easily. They didn't for years but now they do.

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On 2/26/2025 at 8:32 PM, davisgt said:

I have three Waterman Expert pens, and I've never had a single problem with leaking as you describe.  I wonder if there might be a problem with how your nib unit is seated in the section.  

  I wonder about this as well but on both nib units. I better go to Waterman's site and check on their service policy.

  I know my local B and M store does not like dealing with Waterman on service saying they can be difficult. Not easy like Pelikan and Lamy.

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