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Monteverde Olivine (Gemstone Collection)


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Monteverde is part of Yafa company. Some time ago the company offered wide array of new inks with Ink ITF™ - new Ink Treatment Formula that's supposed to drastically improve ink-flow quality, extend cap-off time and improve ink drying time on paper. After trying two inks I can agree it's not just marketing - the inks behave very well.


New colors are divided into two series. The newest one is called GEMSTONES.



I admit I have a problem with this name as Pelikan started their Gemstone collection (Edelstein inks) years ago and was succesfull. I do realise that this name can't be copyrighted but I feel something's off. Sure, it's easy to base marketing on proven and succesfull ideas but I feel just a little bit of disapproval. I believe they could have created something new, especially that the colors are rather interesting and eye-catching.


Anyway the line has inks


  1. Amethyst
  2. Charoite
  3. Erinite
  4. Fireopal
  5. Garnet
  6. Moonstone
  7. Olivine
  8. Ruby
  9. Sapphire
  10. Topaz


I appreciate the fact that Monteverde posted on their website data about these inks' pH values:



I've ordered two inks from Gemstone line. After a week of testing ( using at least two converters of each) I'm ready to share some thoughts. I'll start with Olivine.





The inks can be bought in 30 (and 90) ml bottle. The bottle is made of lass, has simple design and id pretty functional - stable and with wide neck allowing to fill quite comfortably (as long as there's more than 60 % of the ink content in it) evem monster fountain pens straight from the bottle.



The ink is well saturated and displays interesting green hue. It shades form a light olive color to a dark green. The shading isn't very strong in finer nibs, yet it remains visible. The flow is smooth and the ink feels well lubricated even in dry pens. Some feathering and bleedthrough will be experienced only on crappiest papers (hello Moleskine). Drying time is reasonable. Also, it's impressive that the ink doesn't dry out when you leave the pen uncapped. Even after three minutes the pen starts without any skipping when you put the nib to the paper.


Drops of ink on kitchen towel


Color ID


Color range


Rhodia, Lamy Al-Star, medium nib



Leuchtturm1917, Lamy Al-Star, medium nib




Oxford, Hero 5028, stub 1.9




Tsubame, Lamy Al-Star, medium nib




Moleskine, Lamy Al-Star, medium nib






Water resistance


Edited by lapis
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Wow! Thank you, dear visvamitra, for your thorough review! ... I got used to them, expect them in a way but highly appreciate them! So once more thank you! I agree with you in regard of the series name... shallow marketing. But this Monteverde green makes a very interesting impression, reminds me a bit of L'Artisan Pastellier Olivastre.

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I do like the green, but won't be buying from a company with so little honour.


Did they think the fountain pen world wouldn't notice?

Will work for pens... :unsure:

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I do like the green, but won't be buying from a company with so little honour.


Did they think the fountain pen world wouldn't notice?


I'm not sure I understand the outrage.


Monteverde might have copied Pelikan's marketing campaign, but [a] marketing a line of inks inspired by gemstones isn't exactly an ingenious idea, and I'm not sure theft of a marketing campaign is as significant as theft of a novel, play, painting or other work of true artistic intent. The primary goal of a marketing campaign is to sell product.


I really like the Monteverde inks, and have been very satisfied with the half-dozen or so I own so far. I like this Olivine ink, but I already have enough murky greens in my ink collection.

Edited by ErrantSmudge
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I have this one and this review if pretty darned faithful to my experience with it. It hasn't managed to unseat Diamine Sherwood Green as my favourite green but it's really nice and a complex murky green leaning towards yellow. Thanks for the review.

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I do like the green, but won't be buying from a company with so little honour.


Did they think the fountain pen world wouldn't notice?



I didn't notice... Maybe because I focus on the ink regardless of marketing. Have you ever notice how many "Sapphire" inks are out there. I think pretty much every brand has a sapphire.



I just saw the word "NEW" and "COLOURS".. that is pretty much all I need. :lol:




In any case, regardless of marketing, the ink will speak for itself. Right now, my own experience, they are doing a pretty good job at it.






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I didn't notice...



I just saw the word "NEW" and "COLOURS".. that is pretty much all





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It reminds me of PR Avacado.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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I don't understand the indignation either. After all, Roberson's have made a range of inks named after gemstones for many, many years before Pelikan Edelstein inks ever appeared on the scene. Not only that, but Roberson's brand is "Penman" and no-one got their knickers in a twist when Parker appropriated that name.

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Well, not only they used the name but also "borrowed" font and Gemstone collection logotype looks too similar too Edelstein. If it wasn't niche market of inks but, say, selective cosmetics, lawyers would already exchange mails. I think we tend to be too indulgent here, both in reviews (where almost everything is oh, so nice and amazing) and in judging marketing choices. For me - and it's subjective - this choice of name and logotype was simply wrong. If only they would name it Gemstones I still would have bad taste in the mouth. However when you analyse logotype, the "inspiration" is just too strong.


I realise it's easier to recycle ideas instead of creating something new but I don't have to approve it.

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When I heard about a rebranding I was excited to see how they reinvent themselves, but now I saw the gemstone 'rebranding' I was instantly reminded of Edelstein so I was disappointed, and thus would not go out of my way to buy them, sure I would look at them if they come up but I probably won't get them when there are so many other inks to buy...


Just my two cents.

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