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Solution For Geha 707 Unavailable Cartridges.


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Recently I got a personal message from an FPN member that I sold a GEHA 707 some years(!) ago. As I sold quite a few of these pens to FPN members I thought it might be useful to post my answer here also:



What kind of filling mechanism does the Geha 707 that you sold me a few years ago take? I tried an international cartridge and the pen was not happy...



It is true that these Geha pens do not take international cartridges. The Geha pens are not in production anymore for quite some time and also the Geha cartridges are not available anymore.

But there is a solution: You can use the Lamy T10 cartridges. But beware: do not insert these the standard way, but BACKWARDS!. The backside of the cartridge will fit on the nozzle of the GEHA 707 system.

Another useful and even better modification is to take a standard converter with a standard international nozzle connection. (such as you can find in many cheap Chinese fountain pens, but you can buy them separately on e-Bay fur just a few $$ in lots of 5 or 10 pcs) Cut off the first piece where it normally fits to the FP nozzle. Then permanently connect it in the front piece of the GEHA pen. If you have the right model converter it wil just friction fit perfectly. I did it that way and my GEHA pens are still functional after many years of use. Just fill from the bottle.

So, don't worry, be happy....

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umm... just an odd observation, but pretty sure *genuine* LAMY T10 carts are single-ended with a "reserve reservoir" at the far end...

http://media.europeanpaper.com/photos/photos/lamy-t10-fountain-pen-ink-cartridge-5pk-pla2075bw-1.jpgwhereas there's some "Lamy Compatible" carts now available made double-ended to suit both LAMY and standard international... are these what you mean?



Monteverde does them in range of colours afaik; last lot of double-end carts i bought were from Herlitz but being a serious :mellow: german stationer they only do schwarz & konigsblau





dug out my Copper Orange, only cart-fed Lamy i've got atm


OK the reservoir end wall isn't as solid as i though, its got a funnel shape and a pin (which i always thought was just a daggy levtover from molding) coming out of the bottom of the funnel.


Could be pierceable but probably harder than the usual std/int ball-seal or the prescored wall on Sheaffer carts.


Darned, those Germans engineers think of everything :blush:

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What I mean is to use the standard Lamy T10 carts. The far end (the blue end) with the reserve reservoir can be fitted in a GEHA 707. It's a bit more difficult to pierce that end, but if you are afraid to damage the nozzle of the pen you can pierce it first, before you insert the cart in the pen. e.g. with an awl or even a 3mm nail.

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just took a peek at some genuine Parker Quink carts too... their blunt end is also of same funnel shape & a pin in the middle... gotta measure them properly next time i find my calipers. :)

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just took a peek at some genuine Parker Quink carts too... their blunt end is also of same funnel shape & a pin in the middle... gotta measure them properly next time i find my calipers. :)

You are right, but the material of the blunt end of a Parker cart is much harder. You'll risk to damage the pen when the cartridge will be forged in.So take care!

Edited by Lexaf
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