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Colorful Journaling Ink That Doesn't Hurt The Eyes?


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InkyPoetess...my favorite inks for Journal writing are KWZ Aztec Gold, JHerbin Lie de The and Robert Oster Graphite...all well behaved and easy on the eyes. As other posters have mentioned...read the ink reviews here on FPN, then purchase some samples of the inks you're interested in before you move on to big bottles. One of the fun aspects of this hobby is searching out the perfect ink for various projects/uses. Enjoy the journey!



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Have you thought about red-black?

Some Noodler's that you might consider:



Bad Green Gator

Perhaps the Black Swan series...

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  On 6/3/2017 at 12:11 PM, FLZapped said:

Have you thought about red-black?

Some Noodler's that you might consider:



Bad Green Gator

Perhaps the Black Swan series...


Black Swan Australian Roses was my first choice, but then I got confused about whether the swatches I was looking at were the new or old formulation, so didn't get that with my last sample order, but I may add it back on the list.

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Of the ones I have, Yama Guri, Lie de Thé for browns, Vert Empire, Verde Muschiato for greens, Orange Indien. I love how Rouge Hematite looks but it's a high maintenance ink, i.e. it clogs up pens.

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."


B. Russell

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I cast my votes for Waterman mysterious blue, which dries to a pleasant dark teal, and Waterman brown, which dries to the exact color of a Hershey bar. Okay, one more: Visconti bordeaux; it lands in between Sheaffer red and Diamine oxblood.

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  On 6/7/2017 at 12:55 AM, InkyPoetess said:


Black Swan Australian Roses was my first choice, but then I got confused about whether the swatches I was looking at were the new or old formulation, so didn't get that with my last sample order, but I may add it back on the list.


I got a sample of Black Swan Australian Roses from Goulet, then ordered a bottle from them and the two were different formulations. Consider the sample only a suggestion as to what you might get from a full bottle.


If you like greens, some medium-to-dark greens I think would work well for journaling (in order from lightest to darkest) are: Blackstone Daintree Green, Diamine Sherwood Green, and Monteverde Green.

Edited by ErrantSmudge
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Noodler's Black Swan in Australian Roses, it's a lovely rich color and is what I like to use for journaling.

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I think Diamine Bilberry is a lovely blurple, very rich in color. Red Dragon is also rich and beautiful--a bit redder than Oxblood. Both, like all Diamines, are quite inexpensive.


Also, and this is a bit of a controversial view, I think that Private Reserve makes some lovely, lovely rich colors at not-at-all expensive prices. You aren't interested in blues, but I love their Sherwood Green: rich, saturated, red sheen--it's a gem. PR inks have a reputation for going bad more readily than other inks, but I've had mine for about a year and a half and they seem fine still.


I'd also like to second the recommendation for KWZ inks. I only have a couple, but they have a trillion colors, and their reputation is for flawless behavior. If you're in the US you can get them at Vanness pens. Berry looks like a nice jewelish color.


On the pricier range of things, I quite like Iroshizuku syo-ro--rich, tealish foresty green with a red sheen.


Caveat: I have a Tomoe River paper journal, so I can't comment on how well these behave on normal paper.

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