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New Lamy Pen Model: The Lamy Aion


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  On 9/23/2017 at 2:51 PM, KKay said:

I was interested in a Lamy 2000, and I did momentarily hold one. It slipped in my fingers, and I put it down.


Hi K,


That's too bad... mine works well for me... at least that one you were able to test first. :)



Yes, I've seen people rave about stuff that I didn't care for. But the more reviews I can read, the better idea I get about a particular pen/ink. Since I don't live near a pen store, I have to depend on reviews a lot.


I understand. I have them, but they're in the cities; which I try to avoid.



The Studio in Racing Green did catch my eye too. But I think it had a metal section. I don't use those in the summer at all, too slippery.


Yeah, it does have the chrome section, which I guess is a problem for you. :(


Oh, well, what can you do... it is what it is. :mellow:


Be well. :)



- Anthony



Edited by ParkerDuofold
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Yes, that was the only pen shop I've ever been in. Maybe the excitement of seeing the pens and ink all together made my hand a little sweaty, I'm not sure. I do have one pen that I only write with when I know it isn't hot. I think it has a chrome section. Because of that I tend to avoid looking at pens with chrome sections altogether. I used to use hand lotion a lot, until I got into fountain pens. Now the two things don't jive at all. Even so I'd like to hold one of the Aions, and see what I think.

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  On 9/23/2017 at 10:50 PM, KKay said:

...Yes, that was the only pen shop I've ever been in. Maybe the excitement of seeing the pens and ink all together made my hand a little sweaty, I'm not sure. I do have one pen that I only write with when I know it isn't hot. I think it has a chrome section. Because of that I tend to avoid looking at pens with chrome sections altogether. I used to use hand lotion a lot, until I got into fountain pens. Now the two things don't jive at all. Even so I'd like to hold one of the Aions, and see what I think.

Hi K,


That could be... I know my pulse always races when I get around pens/inks, old Cadillac's and pretty girls... not necessarily in that order. :D


I think the Aion may be a viable option for you, (it looks like it has a textured grip); another one is the Studio itself... if you do not mind the brushed aluminum finish... that model has a rubberized grip.


Just my two cents. :)



- Anthony

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Well I appreciate the tips. Maybe I will run into someone with a Studio. The chances are slim, but you never know. The Aion is the one that really catches my eye. Once I hold them that will tell the tale.

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  On 9/24/2017 at 1:56 PM, KKay said:

Well I appreciate the tips. Maybe I will run into someone with a Studio. The chances are slim, but you never know. The Aion is the one that really catches my eye. Once I hold them that will tell the tale.

Hi K,


You're welcome, but if the Aion rings your chimes... go with that and don't look back. :thumbup:


Mechanically, the two pens will probably be identical, so it's all just a matter of aesthetics.


Be well. :)



- Anthony


EDITED to correct typo.

Edited by ParkerDuofold
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Actually the propeller clip and body looks good on the Studio. I steered away from that because of the chrome section. Rubberized sections will deteriorate over time, I believe. I saw a video on the Aion, and I think the section there is the way to go. (why Lamy doesn't listen to people or at least offer more than the chrome section I'll never know) Yes I read you could sandpaper the chrome section. The propeller clip does scratch the pen over time, even though it looks cool. The Racing Green is just so pretty though.


The Aion clip looks alright. I think overall the Aion would be better for me. Too bad I can't try out both. :D

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I've just received my Aion.


After seeing this thread a couple of weeks ago I decided that the Aion will be a good choice. I haven't owned a Lamy pen before because I didn't like the Safari and I considered the other ones too expensive. (Of course, what's too expensive for you may depend on your personal judgement, but this is what I think.) So when the Aion appeared I was glad I could try "the Lamy experience" with a pen that I like but is affordable.


I ordered a black Aion with EF nib and also a Z27 converter and a Lamy Premium black pen pouch. I've just unboxed it and filled with ESSRI, my favourite ink.

Here are my first impressions. I might consider writing a review on FPN after a few weeks of using it.


It definitely feels bigger and heavier than it looks (just as others already said), but not by too much. It is convenient to handle and use. It's made of aluminium, which is brushed on the outside. The material feels similarly sturdy as certain laptops that are also made of brushed aluminium, and has the same kind of texture. Its shape and black color make the Aion very elegant, but it's also very simple. So if you want eye-popping glossy, shiny glittering things, this is not the pen for you. However it does deliver on its promise of minimalism, and it fits my style well (I think).

  • Z27 converter fits the pen nicely, but the barrel gives the feeling that it could fit a bigger converter (not sure if there is a bigger one though).
  • The Aion section is metal but doesn't feel slippery. Has a slightly different texture than the rest of the pen and feels good to hold. (@KKay ― I'm not sure how it would work with hand lotion, but as-is, it doesn't feel slippery to me at all. YMMV.)
  • The EF nib of the Aion is very smooth (actually, too smooth to be an EF), and is not as fine as you might expect. I can't compare it with other Lamy models as I don't have one, but I could say that its line width is somewhere around the Esterbrook 9556 or the TWSBI Eco EF nib. It lays a nice wet line with ESSRI. Haven't tried with other inks yet.
  • It's roughly in the same size range as the TWSBI Eco. Un-posted, it's somewhat bigger; posted, it's a bit smaller.


Okay, now on to the important questions. These are very subjective, but just in case you find it interesting, here it goes:

  • Does it write better than my Esterbrook? (Esterbrooks have been my favourites... :) So it's inevitable to mention them.)
    Lamy Aion has a thicker section, and is thus more comfortable for me to hold than the Esterbrook J. The Aion EF nib is smoother than, but not as fine as the Esterbrook 9550 or 9461.
  • Is it prettier than my Sheaffer? (Sheaffer Targa 1005)
    It all depends on your personal style. The Aion is definitely less shiny and eye-popping than the Targa, but it has a certain subtle elegance that I like.


What do you guys think?

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Venemo, that is an excellent initial observation review! Thank you for that. It helped me. I am glad you like the pen. That is good news indeed!

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Hi Venemo,


I think you wrote an excellent initial review and I concur with KKay... I also can't wait to read a fuller assessment from you in due time. :thumbup:


Maybe by then I'll have decided which color to get... I'm trying really hard to be good... :) ...and not get both... I wonder if there will be L.E.'s? :rolleyes:


Be well. :)



- Anthony


EDITED to correct typo.

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Kkay and any other who love the Studio in Racing Green, get it.


I bought a Steel with black rubber grip Studio 10 years ago, and it is still going strong, it is part of the daily lineup and if it had deteriorated, you would have heard from me here, on the Lamy forum.


I wanted to get their Limited Edition purple Studio but I have a strict yearly budget for pen purchases and I couldn't do it.


The LE colors, like the Racing Green, only rise in value, so if the Studio grip isn't up to par, you will be able to buy a couple of Aion from the sale of the Racing Green.


Alternatively, you can also buy a Steel Studio on sale, second hand..., and use the rubbery grip with the Racing Green body, best of both world, in my opinion.

Edited by Anne-Sophie

Is it fair for an intelligent and family oriented mammal to be separated from his/her family and spend his/her life starved in a concrete jail?

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Hi all,


Yeah, I wonder how the green one will sell? :unsure:


I don't recall when they were released, but I know had no problem getting a wild ruby one, brand new, in early 2016, (I started with fp's in late 2015).


It seems like the inks have a stronger market than the pens, but I'm still not gonna take any chances. :D



- Anthony

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Deleted by yours truly; duplicate post. :)


- A.C.

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The chrome section is a sticking point for many. I don't know why they have to use that. The pebble blasted section would most likely suit more people. The propeller clip is super cool to me. But when it twirls around and takes off the color, that is a negative. If they could address those two issues, this pen would sell a lot more, in my opinion. I am looking forward to hearing more Aion reviews too. Maybe they will make a Racing Green Aion in their regular line up? LOL. That would be awesome.

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  On 9/28/2017 at 2:26 PM, KKay said:

The chrome section is a sticking point for many...

Hi KKay, et al,


Personally, I'm not bothered by the chrome section, but have you ever considered applying around 3 narrowly cut strips, (around 3mm wide), of gaffer's or bookbinder's tape, (cloth tape)?


If done neatly, they would probably pass for factory grip strips... :D ...and it would solve the problem w/o having to buy a second pen that had the rubberized grip section.


Just a thought. :)



- Anthony

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  On 8/11/2017 at 7:21 AM, chravagni said:

Here some pictures for comparison. Lamy 2000, Lamy 80, Lamy Aion and Pelikan Pura. Capped, uncapped, posted.


Strangely, when uncapped is the Aion quite bigger as the others, but capped is similar.








After a day of writing I find the Aion lovely to hold and overall comfortable.

I noticed that the black color is easy to scratch though, so that it can be a good workhorse but to handle carefully.





Edited to add content.

You mention that the finish scratches easy. How easy? I ask because one of my first thoughts about this pen was that it would be like a Studio with a more durable finish... I wonder if the olive silver might be a better option, as any scratches would likely be less noticeable.

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