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Hello From Delhi,india


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Hello All,


I am a Delhi based research student who has just entered in the world of fountain pens. I have to spend a substantial part of my time amidst note-making and drafting my essays. Typing on PC's was a dull process and somehow I preferred writing on paper first and then rewriting it on my PC. Fountains pens have greatly increased my interest in note-making and writing drafts. I have started my penmanship with a Pilot metropolitan and Jinhao x750. Looking forward to learn about these wonderful instruments and it auxiliaries here.

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Hello and welcome to FPN, from Cape Town, South Africa.

To sit at one's table on a sunny morning, with four clear hours of uninterruptible security, plenty of nice white paper, and a [fountain] pen - that is true happiness!

- Winston Churchill

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Welcome !


I am delighted that you discovered what I discovered. Writing by hand is very therapeutic, in our digital world. There are many people who appreciate the personal, handwritten letter or note, rather than the email or text. Personally, it is more civilized.


Write with joy.

Auf freiem Grund mit freiem Volke stehn.
Zum Augenblicke dürft ich sagen:
Verweile doch, du bist so schön !

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Welcome to our little corner of the universe from a pen user in San Diego. I'm glad you are here!


We Are Our Ancestors’ Wildest Dreams

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Hello and Welcome to FPN!! Glad to have you as a member!!



        My Favorite Pen Restorer                                            


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Greetings and welcome!



...The history, culture and sophistication; the rich, aesthetic beauty; the indulgent, ritualistic sensations of unscrewing the cap and filling from a bottle of ink; the ambient scratch of the ink-stained nib on fine paper; A noble instrument, descendant from a line of ever-refined tools, and the luster of writing,
with a charge from over several millennia of continuing the art of recording man's life.

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Welcome to the FPN


Enjoy your time here.

If your out-go is more than your income,


Then your up-keep.


May be your Down-falll!!!



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Hello and welcome to the Fountain Pen Network. Glad you have joined us. You, having joined us, make us better. This is now your place as much as it is ours. Please don't be shy. Ask all the questions you have and don't hesitate to state your opinions. I hope you enjoy your time here.

-David (Estie).

No matter how much you push the envelope, it will still be stationery. -Anon.

A backward poet writes inverse. -Anon.

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