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Eagle Co. Fountain Pen (c) 1900's


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During my misguided period of accumulating "antique" pens I do not need, I acquired an extremely old fountain pen by Eagle Pencil Company. I believe the barrel is brass and the nib is steel. The barrel is engraved with "Eagle Pencil Co NY - Patent #... © 1890". Photos attached.


The pen has some blemishes and caked grime, but overall intact. I am unsure whether it just needs some cleaning or whether it requires refurbishment. I am also unsure what sort of mechanism it uses, or how to take it apart and check (I have no interest in doing that). The pen is © turn of the 20th century. Given the role of Eagle Co in FP development, this seem to be a piece of history.


Could those in the know advise me whether this pen is worth anything? I am not planning to keep it, so offers to purchase it are also welcome.


Thanks very much for your help,








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This is from patent 426758, granted in April 29, 1890 to Claes W. Boman.


Yes, it is what we now refer to as a cartridge pen, what Boman in his time called an ink vial.


Boman states, "The vial can be readily removed and replaced by another one whenever desired. In practice I propose to furnish a supply of such vials, filled and corked, with each pen. They are very cheap, so that as soon as the supply of ink in one vial has been exhausted that vial can be removed and thrown away and a fresh vial can be substituted for it."









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This is from patent 426758, granted in April 29, 1890 to Claes W. Boman.


Yes, it is what we now refer to as a cartridge pen, what Boman in his time called an ink vial.


How exciting, the pen indeed looks just like mine. I wonder whether mine has a glass cartridge inside. The barrel seems to be stuck to the section due to age and I am reluctant to try and pry them apart. I should really hand this over to somebody who will know what to do with it!


Thank you for the information!


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  • 17 years later...

I have two of these with one intact glass cartridge. Both nibs are like nails and I think both nibs are brass (same as the body).
There is zero flex in the nibs, and the connector between the glass cartridge and feed is dried up and frozen solid in both pens :(


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It is made of wood, so you need to find a way to make it wet again. This will give you a chance to change the glass cartridge.

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