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Parker 51... ...or... A Lamy 2000?


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Thanks for the advice.


My grandfather has a P75 and an Imperial TD somewhere....


I'll kindly ask whenever I get the chance...


In regards to the Legacy....


While I'd love to have one, I sworn to meself that I'll get one when I graduate.


Thanks, Al.

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My experiences with the three (throwing the Aurora 88K into the fold)..


Parker 51: reliable writer but prone to hard start (surprisingly) . Mine is aerometric and fills reliably. Lightweight. Prone to overrotate nib as the nib only juts a little out of the hood. No practical way to see ink level. Absolute hassle to clean.


Aurora 88K: Best in terms of pen feel. Good weight and larger girth. Cap on mine is dinged and from what I've seen for sale this seems to be common. Piston head may be made of unusual materials and may need to be replaced. Thick celluloid barrell extremely comfortable. Piston knob remains flush with barrel - unique. Nib extends further out from hood than the others. Wide variety of colors if you like black. Large ink capacity and very usable ink window. Don't know if this is in I can disassemble (and I don't have the chutzpah to try to take it apart). Would be one of my top pens if it didn't need a new piston head.


Lamy 2000 - Macrolon: Solidly built pen. Dense feel in hand. Extra fine writes like a medium-fine. Nib just out more than the P51 but less than the 88K. Sweet spot takes adjusting to get used to. Wet writer. Ink window is subtle - more like the idiot light in a car letting you know you're low on gas. Outstanding spring clip. Posts deeply and easy to use posted. Macrolon has interesting texture. Good weight and balance. Satisfying click when pen is capped. Fingers may rest on nubs while gripping pen - some find this an issue, but I'll take it over having fingers over threads any day. Can disassembled but I haven't tried this. For me easy to see why this is a top pen for many and I use it as an EDC. Same massive variety of colors as the 88K.

Edited by Mister5

Inked: Aurora Optima EF (Pelikan Tanzanite); Franklin Christoph Pocket 20 Needlepoint (Sailor Kiwa Guro); Sheaffers PFM I Reporter/Fine (Diamine Oxblood); Franklin Christoph 02 Medium Stub (Aurora Black); Platinum Plaisir Gunmetal EF (Platinum Brown); Platinum Preppy M (Platinum Blue-Black). Leaded: Palomino Blackwing 602; Lamy Scribble 0.7 (Pentel Ain Stein 2B); Uni Kuru Toga Roulette 0.5 (Uni Kuru Toga HB); Parker 51 Plum 0.9 (Pilot Neox HB)

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Your P51 should not have hard start issues.


Did you get it restored/ adjusted by somebody??

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...Parker 51: ...Prone to overrotate nib as the nib only juts a little out of the hood. No practical way to see ink level. Absolute hassle to clean.



Lamy 2000 - ...For me easy to see why this is a top pen for many and I use it as an EDC.

Hi Mister5, et al,


Check... and double check. :thumbup:


Another problem I had with the 51 is if you ever write on an angled surface; such as those podium desks that you find in industrial settings, e.g., warehouses you need to visit, (or university lecterns as a guest speaker), it is really easy to bump/scrape that hood since it's so close to the writing surface.


- Anthony

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Your P51 should not have hard start issues.


Did you get it restored/ adjusted by somebody??

Yeah that's what surprised me. It's inkes now with Namiki Blue and it has that issue. A little surprising since I'd figure the collector would ameliorate that. Once I'm done with the Namiki Blue I'll try Aurora Black and see if it just wants a wetter ink.


I haven't had it restored or adjusted... Got this off eBay about 13 years ago and in general it's a good writer.


Despite me kind of ripping into it, the P51 is a really good pen, and without the P51, it's doubtful there would be a Aurora 88, Lamy 2000 or Montblanc 12/14. (Though maybe someone else would come up with a great hooded nib.)


I think it was the first FP I had that was a good writer besides the Vanishing Point. I would have stuck with fountain pens back then but the feathering and bleed through in my hideous paper was pretty bad... And I didn't know about using other paper.


Still, after having other pens the past two years there are simply other pens I prefer more.

Inked: Aurora Optima EF (Pelikan Tanzanite); Franklin Christoph Pocket 20 Needlepoint (Sailor Kiwa Guro); Sheaffers PFM I Reporter/Fine (Diamine Oxblood); Franklin Christoph 02 Medium Stub (Aurora Black); Platinum Plaisir Gunmetal EF (Platinum Brown); Platinum Preppy M (Platinum Blue-Black). Leaded: Palomino Blackwing 602; Lamy Scribble 0.7 (Pentel Ain Stein 2B); Uni Kuru Toga Roulette 0.5 (Uni Kuru Toga HB); Parker 51 Plum 0.9 (Pilot Neox HB)

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Yeah that's what surprised me. It's inkes now with Namiki Blue and it has that issue. A little surprising since I'd figure the collector would ameliorate that. Once I'm done with the Namiki Blue I'll try Aurora Black and see if it just wants a wetter ink.


I haven't had it restored or adjusted... Got this off eBay about 13 years ago and in general it's a good writer.


Despite me kind of ripping into it, the P51 is a really good pen, and without the P51, it's doubtful there would be a Aurora 88, Lamy 2000 or Montblanc 12/14. (Though maybe someone else would come up with a great hooded nib.)


I think it was the first FP I had that was a good writer besides the Vanishing Point. I would have stuck with fountain pens back then but the feathering and bleed through in my hideous paper was pretty bad... And I didn't know about using other paper.


Still, after having other pens the past two years there are simply other pens I prefer more.




You could get it adjusted by Mr. Fudge...


He don't charge much.

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Hi Mister5, et al,


Check... and double check. :thumbup:


Another problem I had with the 51 is if you ever write on an angled surface; such as those podium desks that you find in industrial settings, e.g., warehouses you need to visit, (or university lecterns as a guest speaker), it is really easy to bump/scrape that hood since it's so close to the writing surface.


- Anthony



I know people complain about rotating their pen or whatevea,


but I never had that problem!


It always confused me??


So do you rotate yer pen extensively or somethin' ?

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Ah, quit complaining about how you don't like this and don't like that, and buy both. Then buy a Pelikan to get the open nib experience with the same reliability and the pajamas or tuxedo look in lieu of the simpler, all business look of the other two.


Then you could quit buying pens, but you won't. There are those who buy a pen to write with and there are people who collect stuff. I collect stuff and try not to write any more.

"Don't hurry, don't worry. It's better to be late at the Golden Gate than to arrive in Hell on time."
--Sign in a bar and grill, Ormond Beach, Florida, 1960.



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Life's complicated....


My money doesn't just go on pens....


I expect a lot from 'em.


And yes, I am nit picky, but what else can I do?


I buy things I can use.


I don't believe acquiring items that have no use to me.


I dunno.


Things may work differently for you sir, but that's not things are for me....


I hope that makes at least some sense....





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