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What Aurora Are You Using Today?


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First of all, let me say, Aurora pens have completely changed the focus of my collection.

I am a new collector, always used and loved fountain pens but always had cheap pens.

My collection started some years ago when my husband (then my boyfriend) gifted me a gold nib waterman ideal...my first important pen.

After i accidentally found an old meisterstuck 146 owned by my father, then came the lamy.....

So my collection begun.

This spring for the first time, after tha Lamys, the watermans, the pilots, the sailors, the platinums, the twsbis, i bought an aurora 88 with flex nib.....the yellow one. And my life changed.

I really feel as addicted to that pen. I must go writing something wvery day or 2 days....i LOVE it.

After some weeks i bought with a good deal an auror optima auroloide blue....another boom to my heart! Now i would buy only aurora....and i love them.

I am saving for my next aurora optima red.

So my aurora now are the yellow 88 with flex nib and the auroloide.


i leave you the link of my aurora


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Beautiful choice of pens, pinkladywriter! I can relate to your obsession, which is why i started this thread :) I recently rediscovered Aurora's nibs, which turned out to be perfect for me since they are more on the rigid side and come in finer sizes, so I can write quickly.


The yellow color is the prettiest of the flex 88's, in my opinion! With the red one, that will make a nice trio!

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I got it awhile ago, just finished restoring it, and we're getting used to each other. I am very fond of it because the serial number puts its manufacture right around my birth month, May of 1952.



Is there a trick to dating an Aurora with the serial number? I can't seem to figure out how it works.
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I got this beautiful 888P today. It's my first Aurora and my first vintage pen. It writes beautifully. I may be in trouble here.


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Is there a trick to dating an Aurora with the serial number? I can't seem to figure out how it works.



See here. Stimulated by your query, I have posted the latest data.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Again the Ipsilon. I am astonished of the quality of it. It never skips, it never has a hard start, it never dries out, it is smooth when written in, it has a very good inkflow, the converter works perfect, the balance and grip are sublime, it has a nice and 'expensive' design, the resin is durable, what else?

Did I mention that I love the Ipsilon?


A good fountainpen is an edc reliable writing tool

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've currently have 3 inked up all with medium nibs and love every one of them. The 88 Nebulosa, 88 Sigaro and the Blue/Gold Optima Aureloide. All with J. Herbin inks. The perfect writing experience.

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