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Unfortunately, I dropped the cap to my Dark Lilac Lam FP in the biological waste accidentally at the hospital. Would anyone know where I could purchase another? The pen is worthless functionally and aesthetically. Help!


Glen Converse

Fort Lauderdale, Florida

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Functionally... not. Any other colored cap will fit. Caps are spare parts and can be ordered. Ask Lamy if they still might have some dark lilac cap in storage.

Otherwise you'll have to buy another Lilac via eBay for example.

Or as mentioned you get another cap. Go into a store and test different matte or glossy caps. Maybe a 2-colored pen will look thrilling to you in the end.

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Hello Glen,


This is a really sad story. :(


Like others have already recommended, i would contact Lamy ASAP. Here's how:


Customer Service (US):


(972) 393-8080


(800) 345-6798


Monday to Friday

9 a.m. to 5 p.m. C.S.T



If they can't help you, try e-bay... if worse comes to worse, buy a used charcoal Safari for the cap... it would complement the lilac body and give the pen a hipster stealthy look. :)


Good luck.


- Anthony

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I tested the Lilac with an Umbra and a Petrol cap. Petrol looks better.

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This might be heresy, but I read on FPN that caps from the Jinhao 599 (the Safari knock-off) will fit an actual Safari. I tested this and it's true.

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Well, for whatever it's worth, (It's up to Glen and his tastes), but I tried a petrol, shiny black and charcoal cap on my lilac Safari and thought the charcoal looked the best, but beauty is a subjective quality. :)


I don't know what colors the Jinhao 599 is offered in, but I doubt you'd find a cheaper option than ES's suggestion.


Please let us know how this turns out, Glen; I'm curious what Lamy will say.


Best of luck. :)


- Anthony

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