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New Montblanc Ink


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For sure ... they can make it this way ... but they prefer to use it as an marketing instrument.


And it works for Unicef.


I am quite sure that the strategy of asking their clients to voluntary donating would have not resulted in the amount they made for Unicef (and for their own ...) until now.


Just face it: That's the way it works.

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For sure ... they can make it this way ... but they prefer to use it as an marketing instrument.


And it works for Unicef.


I am quite sure that the strategy of asking their clients to voluntary donating would have not resulted in the amount they made for Unicef (and for their own ...) until now.


Just face it: That's the way it works.



My Dear,


I beg to differ:


That's the way that MB wants it to work; and I will call-out if I detect monkey business.


I do not bend a knee to anyone but Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, though I have no idea why She favours Corgi dogs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_II


We have freedom of choice and some control of our purse strings, so let us each choose which course to sail upon the inky seas.


As FPN is a most friendly place, I'll stop here before things go off the rails.




Edited by Sandy1

The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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Well as Lapis showed it's 50 ml and not usual 3o ml. Still the price increase seems outrageous. I hope their 30 / 35 ml LE inks will remain in the sub 20 euros price range. Does anyone know when they plan to interoduce Dark Saffron?

You're right. I didn't notice it was 50ml not 30ml. I do like the box though...

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That's right. If we do take a look at the above-mentioned site's URL, we see:




That makes 39 US-Dollars.


For Germany ð http://www.montblanc.com/de-de/collection/refills/writing-accessories/116223-ink-bottle-unicef-blue-50ml.html


says 35 Euros.


For the UK ð http://www.montblanc.com/en-gb/collection/refills/writing-accessories/116223-ink-bottle-unicef-blue-50ml.html


says 30 Pounds.


And if you're all that hot about a cartridge or 8, take a closer look at such sites....


Thank you for that. Much appreciated. :)


It makes me wonder if someone from Montblanc has seen loads of ebay sellers selling Montblanc inks that they buy in boutiques for £12, for really high prices starting at around £30 or more, and thought well let's start our price there. :D

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I think I'll stick with Diamine Asa Blue... a beautiful color... and it only costs $15 US... and I'll do my own donating to charity.


- Anthony

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I totally thought this was for the same 30mL at first. Granted, it's doubling the price for only 67% more ink, but if it's a good ink I'll still probably get a bottle. I don't see myself getting 4-5 like with the re-release of JFK though.

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So... anyone biting the bullet and showing us what it looks like?


+1 on that. If I'm going to be spending that much money on a bottle of ink, I want to know what it actually is going to LOOK like on the page. Just saying "Unicef Blue" doesn't cut it (unless they want to tell me what Pantone # that is).

I'll admit that I'm a bit with sandy1 on this. Although MB has apparently guaranteed a set amount of money overall, I'm not sure I like the idea of them reaching into MY pocket to help come up with that set amount. I'd be happier if they just said "Here -- we're pledging to pay that amount to UNICEF and in return we got the licensing for this nifty ink". Especially if we the customers could actually see a writing sample of said ink.... :(

That's *not* politics, IMO -- that's more like caveat emptor.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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Hang on, I'll show ya tamorra.



Life is too short to drink bad wine (Goethe)

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Well, I'm looking forward to the result, but I don't imagine this one will be in my basket.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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Found the MB Mozart for which I had been searching so ordered it & a bottle of this ink along with some Corn Poppy carts for the pen. I don't have any black pens so I was searching for a none black Mozart.

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As I understood Montblanc is donating to Unicef and a part of the price we pay for the Unicef-Collection-products is going directly to Unicef.


On the website is written that Montblanc did donate over 10 million US$ until now.



So can I deduct the price of ink from my taxes as a charitable donation?

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No, but the tax department will take off 10% of the ink in your bottle.



Life is too short to drink bad wine (Goethe)

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