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Hero 232 Blue - Black Ink


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Would anyone be willing to recommend a good trusted vendor to purchase this ink from?


I am looking for a descent blue black and it's getting harder to pass this ink up for the value.

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Got mine in today.


It's a very descent ink. Behaves well on good copy paper, but not bad copy paper. So far, well behaved with a different soapy smell. Not a bad color. Kind of boring, but is very good for professional settings, but still not bland.


Personally, I'll probably use Noodler's Heart of Darkness of this one, but it's still such a good cheap option that works pretty well.

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  On 2/13/2018 at 11:54 AM, IndigoBOB said:

Got mine in today.


It's a very descent ink. Behaves well on good copy paper, but not bad copy paper. So far, well behaved with a different soapy smell. Not a bad color. Kind of boring, but is very good for professional settings, but still not bland.


Personally, I'll probably use Noodler's Heart of Darkness of this one, but it's still such a good cheap option that works pretty well.


Glad you were able to get a bottle without it leaking out in transit! The caps can get loose easily when they don't get screwed down properly at the factory.


I just got my first bottle as well and was impressed with its writing properties, but not so much with the color. As you said, it's a nice professional shade that is still unique enough to let you know it's FP ink. You can coax some decent shading out of it with a flex pen.


I still prefer Dux 402 Blue-black over this one because it has a lot more character and similar water resistance.

Edited by TruthPil


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lol, I was thinking the same thing about the transit. I wish there were reviews out on the 402.


I have so much other ink, and I just stocked up on more as well. I just got Bungubox 4B and Silent Night in the mail. The 4B was cracked, I had to return it, but I would have been so much more disappointed if that happened to Silent Night instead. I'm not going to reorder it since I also have FPN Noodler's Van Gogh Starry Night on the way, though lord knows when that will arrive, which is close enough to 4B for me.


Plus I got an extra bottle of Kung Te-cheng to add to my half full 4.5z bottle for pleasurable writing. I got another bottle of Heart of Darkness to add to my 2/3 full 4.5z bottle, my staple ink, because that ink works perfectly with every pen I use.


I stocked up on Kiwa-Guro to add to my 3/4 full bottle because that works even more perfectly with even more everything lol... and basically allows me to use fountain pens on any paper and really allows me to use an FP as an EDC (Love that ink!)...


...and along with my nearly full bottles of Sailor Jentle inks (Doyou, Miruai, Shigure) I keep for those edgy or feedbacky nibs, I have Scabiosa that needs to be used, Baystate Blue, Black Swan in English Roses (the most surprising ink to become a favorite of mine), Noodler's Air Corps Blue black...


...And these are my favorites after trying out dozens of samples...


...and I have numerous samples I really like that at least add up to a good 20 mL bottle of ink...


I want to just exhaust through my inks right now TBH. I want to use them and not let that money and research to find "my inks" go to waste. The only other ink I think I'd order right now is Bungubox Ink of Witch. They're expensive bottles, but I at least know I'd use it all and that's worth it to me.


I honestly have all the pens I need that fit my preferences, and I honestly have had no interest in shopping for pens since.


I just stocked up on paper: I have two Nanami Seven Seas Writers, 2 Cafe's, and a Hippot Noto on the way. I only use TRP unless forced to otherwise or if I'm studying I use Mead with Kiwa-Guro ink.


I have a large stock of Jowo steel nibs, and Lamy nibs (I use the Vista and Safari for my EDC's loaded with Kiwa-Guro), and though I was considering obliques, I'm just going to hold out on that to have something to look forward to cuz I basically found exactly what I want and need and I'm kind of done lolol.


I feel like I went down the Rabbit Hole, found Alice, met the Mad Hatter, wielded the pen, and sheathed it to come back up, and now am popping back up to the surface.


I actually just purchased a Tactile Turn Mover and Shaker as well as a Karas Kustoms Retrakt, some Schmidt EasyFow 9000 refills, Pentel Energel Pens for their refills, and I always keep my Parker Jotter on me loaded with an Easyflow.


I have a $h!#load of writing to do for the next months and years, so I have been stocking up for the better part of 3/4 of a year exploring the world of Writing Instruments to prevent hand fatigue and allow me to enjoy the writing. I'm all set lololol. I'm exiting the rabbit hole for a while, but I'll be tripping back down to write some reviews and try those FPnib Obliques and a couple Bungubox inks and keeping an eye on ebonite pens that pop up in the market.

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  On 2/13/2018 at 2:29 PM, IndigoBOB said:

lol, I was thinking the same thing about the transit. I wish there were reviews out on the 402.


I'll try to get this done next week. 402 is one of my all-time favorite inks and is insanely cheap in China.


It's great that you're content with the pens and inks you have.....ohh how I wish I could be like that! Sadly, I think this fascinating with fountain pens and inks has served to awaken the previously dormant OCD within me, so now I have to have the "perfect" ink for each major color and the perfect pen and paper combination to go with it haha. It took buying way too many pens and inks before figuring out what I like best, so it's great that you've figured that out earlier in the game. Now to sell or give away some of these pens and inks I don't use anymore....


Going back to the OP, I think Hero 232 is a great first ink for newbies to FPs (or those who just got brave enough to venture beyond black...I know it took me a couple years to reach that point) because it has all the properties you want in a reliable ink.


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The stars aligned with this Bungubox Silent Night, a Fine Jowo Steel from FPnibs, and my go to Jinhao x750. It's a dream that surpassed my expectations of what writing could be like.


I have been looking for a Jowo Fine nib like this, but never had much luck, but I will say the ink brought out this constellation I've been looking for.


After Trying Edelstein Tanzanite, I wasn't expecting much from more expensive inks, but with Bungubox, at least Silent Night, and from what I've heard of their other inks, you get what you pay for. I could have spent a lifetime searching for the right pen only sticking to less expensive inks, but with a Jinhao x750 with a good Jowo Fine and Silent Night, you're sent to the moon and back... And on Tomoe River Paper... OMG. It knocked my socks off.


Don't get me wrong, I don't imagine ever not having Kung Te-Cheng loaded in my Noodler's Charlie with back up Charlies with various nibs waiting to take its place, but writing with Silent Night for the first time a couple days ago was comparable to my first time writing with a fountain pen... but better. This x750-jowo just opened up a world for me of full satisfaction with my writing instrument: Fountain Pen Bliss lol :happycloud9:.

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  On 2/15/2018 at 1:19 AM, IndigoBOB said:

The stars aligned with this Bungubox Silent Night, a Fine Jowo Steel from FPnibs, and my go to Jinhao x750. It's a dream that surpassed my expectations of what writing could be like.


I have been looking for a Jowo Fine nib like this, but never had much luck, but I will say the ink brought out this constellation I've been looking for.


After Trying Edelstein Tanzanite, I wasn't expecting much from more expensive inks, but with Bungubox, at least Silent Night, and from what I've heard of their other inks, you get what you pay for. I could have spent a lifetime searching for the right pen only sticking to less expensive inks, but with a Jinhao x750 with a good Jowo Fine and Silent Night, you're sent to the moon and back... And on Tomoe River Paper... OMG. It knocked my socks off.


Don't get me wrong, I don't imagine ever not having Kung Te-Cheng loaded in my Noodler's Charlie with back up Charlies with various nibs waiting to take its place, but writing with Silent Night for the first time a couple days ago was comparable to my first time writing with a fountain pen... but better. This x750-jowo just opened up a world for me of full satisfaction with my writing instrument: Fountain Pen Bliss lol :happycloud9:.


We need to start up a thread on blissful pen/ink combinations!

I've been searching around on here for a while but can't find any thread focused on just that.

I know that paper is also a factor, but it would be nice to discover blissful experiences with standard copy paper since that's they real world most of us work in everyday.


[uPDATE: I just started this thread https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/333115-your-penink-combinations-for-the-perfect-writing-experience/ ]

Edited by TruthPil


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Now that is a great idea! You beat me to it lol.


My own search in fountains pens has definitely shifted greatly from pens to ink for more of that blissful experience and I’m pretty honed in on sailor inks right now, but I look forward to the input on your new thread. I will say that I do love the feel of other combos of mine involving some Noodlers inks.


When I hit that “just right” combo I don’t want to touch the pen lol. I’ve been fiddling with my pens all the time never being able to leave them alone only to realize recently all the ocd was getting somewhere I finally reached with two combos I’m pretty stuck on right now, finally, happily, and ironically enough they are a couple of the least expensive pens I have, but I stocked up in backups just in case.


The paper makes a substantial difference. With cheaper paper I’m limited to finer nib sizes, smoother nibs, since cheaper paper I use is rougher, and my ink choice dwindles and for me the experiences haven’t come close to those I have with tomoe river paper.

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  On 4/5/2017 at 3:30 AM, antichresis said:

Now this one is fantastic. A dark blue-black with no green overcast and great performance. I will get a pair of bottles when I visit China later this month. Can those who have been using it for some time vouch that it will not turn grey in the bottle after a year or two?


I've had mine for a few years. It's still as good as new. I've got some in my Stipula Passaporto now. Have never had a problem with it & steel nibs, by the way.

Magnus | Raleigh, NC [uSA] | @Magnus919 | TerraMagnus

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