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Accidentally Stabbed Myself Twice With A Lamy On The Top Of My Hand


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As you are carbon based lifeforms graphite might be body friendly.

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I stabbed myself with my friend's fountain pen during an official meeting. The lecturer was very surprised and so was the nurse. The pen was inked with some interesting ink, which blended into my blood nicely, producing a rather quirky colour. Fortunately it wasn't a serious injury. Even more fortunately, the pen was unharmed.

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This reminded me of something my sister told me. She's a substitute teacher and she said when one of her students saw the fountain pen she was using he got all excited and called it a shanking pen.

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My dad tried to slap me when I was a teenager (I was a very trying child and I must must have provoked him beyond his usual limits). He brought his hand down on a pencil I was holding and drove it into his palm. I recollect that we were both equally surprised.

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From personal experience I know India ink lasts under the skin for 47 years (and counting)... good thing fountain pen ink doesn't.

"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working." -Pablo Picasso

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My weapon of choice for self-mutilation has been the X-Acto knife...did you know that human flesh looks like raw pork?

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Got a black point from a pencil in the middle of the palm of my hand....been there closing in on 60 years.


Only you will notice your 'tattoo'. If questioned, lie...an industrial accident happened and you were at the far edge of it.....which is close enough for Government work. B)

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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Since then you have special abillities...which we do not discuss in public.

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My weapon of choice for self-mutilation has been the X-Acto knife...did you know that human flesh looks like raw pork?


Doesn't surprise me. I think that forensic scientists test out stuff like what "sort of knife left a wound shaped like that" on pieces of raw pork (or at least they did on CSI...).

I think my husband has some sort of pencil/graphite mark on his hand from when he was in, I think middle school. Me? I no longer seem to have the scar from when I accidentally stuck a pair of scissors into my hand about 20 years ago (I was trying to pry/cut off the handle from an empty plastic gallon jug of Gatorade so I could put the jug into the recycling bin; it was about 7 AM, and there may still be some blood stains in the floorboards in the back hallway.... :blush: My husband drove me across town to the ER. But it was all worth it when they asked me: "When was the last time you had a tetanus shot?"


"APRIL???" (this was taking place in maybe July).

"Yeah -- we bought this old house and were having to rip all the lath and plaster out of the attic to find the leaks in the roof were, and we were expecting it to be horsehair plaster, like in our old house in Highland Park...."

(Horsehair plaster CAN be a vector for tetanus, BTW -- the bacteria is in the horsehair, and apparently can still be viable after 70-75 years; in our case, the house didn't have any in the attic (which we are assuming was originally servant's quarters and maybe a nursery, so we're *guessing* that there isn't any horsehair plaster in the rest of the house either. But we didn't know that it wasn't going to be there....).

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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Wasn't that on House M.D.?


Possibly. I didn't watch the earlier seasons. I know about horsehair plaster and tetanus because we had a leak from the bathroom into the kitchen in our old house, which was built around 1923, and we got warned about the plaster (and the tetanus possibility) by a friend who was a civil engineer and who had done construction work. We were expecting the same in our current house (oldest part is from around 1885, with the back corner closed in sometime after the late 1920s -- we can date the remodel somewhat, because I've seen an old insurance company plat for the property from 1926, which shows it as an L-shaped house with what looks like a covered porch in the corner of the L; since that part of the basement is where the well is, it may be an awning or roof over the well). We were expecting horsehair plaster in the attic, just like in the other house, but there wasn't any.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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