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Here we go again.

This time from Goulet Pen Co.

The ink miraculously survived but the sample rack did not.



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I was born in Bloomfield and grew up in Lawrenceville so I'm good as long as I stay in the triangle.


The North or South Hills can be a challenge for me.

I had a map taped to the visor years ago.

I can pretty much get from Morgantown to Jerry's Records with my eyes closed these days, but I will still run Google Maps or Waze just in case a backup on the Parkway results in a detour.


If I wasn't working Saturday night, I'd give Birmingham Pens a visit, but noon is bedtime. :(

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Well, I live in the North Hills (well, North Boroughs if you believe the banner in the local weekly paper my neighbor is now the publisher for). And I used to live in Highland Park, a block away from the King Estate, and a few blocks from the Zoo. But I don't know everything on the North Side (or even everything in the East End, for that matter); and large parts of the South Side and West End are foreign countries....

A number of years ago, on a lark, I went down Edgebrook Avenue from off Saw Mill River Boulevard (Rt. 51 South) and thought I was in the backwoods of West Virginia.... And I was still inside the city limits! And there used to be a car dealership ad on the radio where someone from either NYC or Boston (wasn't *quite* sure of what the accent was supposed to be) who is asking directions gets told "by some steel hunk with his 'silly Pittsburgheese' accent to 'go over some mountain, cross a bridge, and turn left where the Isaly's used to be....'!" My husband once heard someone -- who was NOT a native -- give directions to someplace based on what he was told, which actually *included* the phrase "turn where the Isaly's used to be", even though the guy didn't even know what Isaly's WAS; let alone where it had been located....

When we lived in Highland Park, we saw three different maps of the neighborhood: one showed our street, as is; one showed it going across the ravine at the end of the block (and through someone's driveway in the process) and up into Morningside; and one showed the stretch of Bryant Street on the other side of Negley Avenue dead-ending onto Negley (that of course didn't take into account the fact that when you get to Highland Avenue, Bryant jogs half a block; and if you're going the other direction, and cross Highland, you end up on Bryant Court, which is a dead end.... And then of course there's the intersection of Beechwood and Monitor, over in the Squirrel Hill/Greenfield area. Not to be confused with the intersection of Beechwood and Monitor. OR the intersection of Beechwood and Monitor..... :headsmack:

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

From the sound of it sounds like our grid system would be a welcome sight......


All blocks start from the block (10 square acres) which the LDS Temple sits on. North Temple, SOuth Temple, West Temple and Main Street on the east. I live off 10600 South and between 500 and 600 East. One block south of Temple Square is 100 South. It gets a bit weird in the Avenues or some other areas though. But generally easy peasy to get around. Brigham Young did that right.... Wide streets - 132 feet when the city was laid out after the Mormon's arrived in 1847.


"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind" - Rudyard Kipling
"None of us can have as many virtues as the fountain-pen, or half its cussedness; but we can try." - Mark Twain

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