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M600/605 2017 Launches: Any Information Yet?


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Thank you for the clues! Now I'm even more curious though :P


1 more clue.


Opposite of black strip is ?

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Old Sale Thread with Feedbacks From Customers.

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Hmmm... Black cap, black filler nob, white stripe binde on anthracite translucent barrel, rhodium furniture? Or white cap and knob, but I'd think black would be more striking.


Yeah, I'd buy that.


edit: Or a light gray stripe like the 400 I have... mmmmm, tastey :puddle:

Edited by BillH

"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working." -Pablo Picasso

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Or *the imperial march playing somewhere far, far away*... Return of the Stormtrooper? Just kidding, I don't think that I would buy a m600 size Stormtrooper.

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Kaweco Supra (titanium B), Al-Sport (steel BB).

Parker: Sonnet (dimonite); Frontier GT; 51 (gray); Vacumatic (amber).

Pelikan: m600 (BB); Rotring ArtPen (1,9mm); Rotring Rive; Cult Pens Mini (the original silver version), Waterman Carene (ultramarine F)

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Count me very intrigued, though i have no clue what it could be. Thanks to the OP for asking this, I've been wondering too. I am surprised there are no new releases yet, but relieved since it gives me time to refill the coffers.


--Orange stripes would be very cool, just sayin' (Pelikan, if you're listening...)

Edited by oregano

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Count me very intrigued, though i have no clue what it could be. Thanks to the OP for asking this, I've been wondering too. I am surprised there are no new releases yet, but relieved since it gives me time to refill the coffers.


--Orange stripes would be very cool, just sayin' (Pelikan, if you're listening...)


sadly they are not that adventurous on colour. orange is the colour then.

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http://goo.gl/GAvll Classified Sales in FPN

http://stores.ebay.com/A-Pen-Hardcopy Ebay Store USA

http://stores.ebay.co.uk/A-Pen-Hardcopy Ebay Store UK

Old Sale Thread with Feedbacks From Customers.

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Do you know when they are planning on releasing photos? :)

I'm anticipating August/September. Pelikan's vendors aren't allowed to disclose new product details/advertising till about a month before release so everyone is on the same level. Of course, things can change and product releases get rearranged, delayed, or even scrapped.

PELIKAN - Too many birds in the flock to count. My pen chest has proven to be a most fertile breeding ground.


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I'm anticipating August/September. Pelikan's vendors aren't allowed to disclose new product details/advertising till about a month before release so everyone is on the same level. Of course, things can change and product releases get rearranged, delayed, or even scrapped.




And years from now someone will start a thread on FPN titled "Can You Identify This Pelikan?", complete with pictures of some exotic M605 no one has ever seen before... :yikes:


"Bought it off German eBay from someone who said he used to work for Pelikan. Could that be true?"



"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working." -Pablo Picasso

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hmmmm... sarge, are you sure those two M200's you're searching for don't fall into that category?

"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working." -Pablo Picasso

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Yes, I didn't think Pelikan would do orange stripes, though I'd be happy with an M600 version of the M800 burnt orange pen.

Well, if it's a demo, I'm sold!


--white or clear is the opposite of black, and since white stripes would be weird, i'm hoping it is a clear demo.

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--white...is the opposite of black, and since white stripes would be weird...

Weird indeed

PELIKAN - Too many birds in the flock to count. My pen chest has proven to be a most fertile breeding ground.


THE PELIKAN'S PERCH - A growing reference site for all things Pelikan

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Well, if it's a demo, I'm sold!


--white or clear is the opposite of black, and since white stripes would be weird, i'm hoping it is a clear demo.

Me too!! Clear demo with the technical engravings if possible :)

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