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Glare Olive Brown Ink


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I enjoy discovering new things and hubting for hidden treasures. That's why I'm always eager to try new ink brands.


Glare is an indian fountain pen and ink manufacturer. They offer a line of fifteen inks sold in plastic 60 ml bottles. As indian post office makes sending inks difficult it's not that east to try them outside India. Glare inks on the other hand can be easily ordered through ebay. Mine bottle was sent in styrofoam and described as "rubber part" :)


I used this ink for some time and I'm ready to share plenty of scans and my thoughts on it.







Ink comes in cardboard box. The label is mainly black and red and rather nice. What I find interesting is the fact that there's MSRP of the ink printed on the box (275 rupees). I haven't seen it on other inks. The bottle is made of plastic and is quite functional. Color of the lid doesn't harmonize with the color of the ink. What's pretty cool and definitely useful is the use of plastic Inner cap to stop leakage and spills. Similarly to Stipula inner lid it's quite hard to open it without getting ink on your fingers. All in all I think the packaging is rather functional but somewhat aesthetically challenged.



Olive Brown is in the color range that's simply mine. I like most of the inks that are somewhere between brown and green or yellow. The hue of this one is very nice but it needs wet pen to make you appreciate it.
The flow is very good and consistent. I'm usually interested to see if the ink starts after I leave the pen uncapped for a while and Olive Brown starts even after two minutes (a try made with Lamy Safari). It didn't cause any feathering or bleedthrough even on cheap copy paper. That's good. It doesn't offer any useful water resistance but, on the other hand, if you accidentally spill water on the text it shouldn't blur instantly. The thing that could be much better is lubrication - it's nowhere near Sailor inks. On most papers and in wet pens you won't feel a discomfort however on bad quality or "harsh" paper you may feel too much feedback.
Additionally this ink is rather subdued and subtle, the saturation is medium, especially if youe every day choice is dryish fine nib. In wider nibs the inks has enough saturation to make you reread notes comfortably in both ambient and sun light.
After trying this one I'm not in awe but I like it, especially in Perun stub nib. I will be interested in trying other colors in the future.
Drops of ink on kitchen towel
Software ID
Color range
Tomoe River, Lamy Al-Star, medium nib
Leuchtturm 1917, Perun, stub 1,1
Oxford paper, Lamy Al-Star, medium nib
Cheap copy paper, Perun, stub 1,1
Lamy Al-Star, medium nib
Maruman, Lamy Al-Star, medium nib + last two lines Perun with 1,1 stub
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Subdued and not over saturated is more my thing than the current fashion, so you've piqued my interest. Thank you for the illuminating review.

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I'm diggin' this one... a lot. I'm not really sure why that is.. perhaps it's exactly because of what it isn't. It's pleasantly understated.

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I thank you for your always excellent reviews of inks I may have heard about & wondered............. This is surely one of those because there is little incentive to try the ink when there is so little evidence of it's color from the Ebay listing. This seller is not alone, I also consider one of the "King's of internet ink sales" equally guilty. In his case we can sometimes find reference to the ink's color, but these inks are pretty unknown. I just don't feel good about spending $20.00 for what may be a "pig in a poke."


Thanks to you I find this is a better than average "pig," & I might be tempted.

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Thank you visvamitra, again !
Oh, yes, this has my name all over it :wub:

Colour, low saturation, murky, and shades.

Sadly can't find it on ebay, any links or tips for links would be lovely.

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Although I like the color, overall, I find it boring.

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice; damn

There goes that fox again.

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Thank you visvamitra, again !

Oh, yes, this has my name all over it :wub:


Colour, low saturation, murky, and shades.


Sadly can't find it on ebay, any links or tips for links would be lovely.


I don't know how to "add links," but I JUST went to EBAY US, typed in "Glare ink," & after a bit of scrolling thru other items, maybe 10, the selection of Glare inks were visible. Good luck.

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Here's the one i grabbed from the US ebay site. ships from India so it'll take a few weeks to arrive. There were a few on the Canadian ebay.ca as well which may actually be already in stock there. I didn't check from where they're all shipping.





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I guess this actually is a repackaged version of the Daytone olive brown, which is available at about 6usd for 1000ml here:



It is pretty lame if its is true that they cant ship inks out of India via the postal service. If someone is really keen to have this they should maybe ask one of the members from India to ship these out :P

Edited by fpwriter
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I guess this actually is a repackaged version of the Daytone olive brown, which is available at about 6usd for 1000ml here:



It is pretty lame if its is true that they cant ship inks out of India via the postal service. If someone is really keen to have this they should maybe ask one of the members from India to ship these out :P


Ahh haaa.


That's where I've seen it before. Our wonderful mehandiratta reviewed it here


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Ahh haaa.


That's where I've seen it before. Our wonderful mehandiratta reviewed it here



Yup, spot on. Though as suggested by many others, i wish the ink was a bit more saturated.

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Lovely review...

And yes this is repackaged Daytone Ink...


lol... tricked again. I can't tell by comparing the two reviews. They look a bit different on my screen. How do you know for sure it's the same ink repackaged? Is Glare a subsidiary of Daytone?

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Excellent review. Truthfully, you can have this one. Just not my style.

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