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Vintage Sheaffer Pen Identification


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The following pictures are of a pen I recently acquired. I don't know what exactly it is. I do know that it's a Sheaffer and that it has a Lifetime nib and is a lever fill. On the barrel, there's an inscription that says:

"W. A. Sheaffer Pen Co.

Fort Madison, Iowa, U.S.A.

Patented in U.S.A."


The nib also bears the following inscription:




Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.

Made in U.S.A.



Any help in identifying this pen would be greatly appreciated. Also, if anyone has any insight on how to replace the bladder that would be great as well.









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California flag in your profile. Where in CA. Might be that a pen club is meeting near you and that you could attend. Should you be in the SF Bay Area this is especially true since there is a pen club meeting in Millbrae on Sunday. Repairs and such are known to happen at said event.

San Francisco International Pen Show - The next “Funnest Pen Show” is on schedule for August 23-24-25, 2024.  Watch the show website for registration details. 

My PM box is usually full. Just email me: my last name at the google mail address.

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  On 1/21/2017 at 7:18 AM, jameschrasta said:

I'm way up North. Farther north than Chico.

Greg Weddig is in Chico. He is a good resource for pens in the area. Greg would also likely have a sac and some necessary tools.

Posts here and I think on FaceMedia under his name.

San Francisco International Pen Show - The next “Funnest Pen Show” is on schedule for August 23-24-25, 2024.  Watch the show website for registration details. 

My PM box is usually full. Just email me: my last name at the google mail address.

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  On 1/21/2017 at 3:53 AM, jameschrasta said:

Any help in identifying this pen would be greatly appreciated.



The White Dot can be found on the cap -as in your case- or at the bottom of the barrel.This color appears into 1928 catalog in a De Luxe line(*) with a certain surcharge over on existing Jet Radite and Jade Green colors. and there is some literature Sheaffer'S where speaks of 1927. The pen is a K74SR model where K means color jet black & pearl, 74 corresponds to a 74 Lifetime point, S means short and R model with ring.



(*) Curiously and at the same time Parker also called this color into their Duofold as De Luxe and with a price over their existing colors. Although I have not yet studied who copied whom in this particular case, "industrial espionage" is thing of long time ago between these two marks -smile-.

Edited by RamonCampos
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I believe's Sheaffer's black and pearl color predates Parker's versions. The DeLuxe Duofolds in black and pearl came out in 1928, but Sheaffer introduced their black and pearl plastic in 1926. Although, I don't know when Sheaffer adopted their "De Luxe" terminology.


Also, to the OP, the color on your flattop looks especially nice!

Edited by Florida Blue

Parker: Sonnet Flighter, Rialto Red Metallic Laque, IM Chiseled Gunmetal, Latitude Stainless, 45 Black, Duovac Blue Pearl Striped, 51 Standard Black, Vac Jr. Black, 51 Aero Black, 51 Vac Blue Cedar, Duofold Jr. Lapis, 51 Aero Demi Black, 51 Aero Demi Teal, 51 Aero Navy Gray, Duofold Pastel Moire Violet, Vac Major Golden Brown, Vac Deb. Emerald, 51 Vac Dove Gray, Vac Major Azure, Vac Jr. Silver Pearl, 51 Vac Black GF Cap, 51 Forest Green GF cap, Vac Jr. Silver Pearl, Duovac Senior Green & Gold, Duovac Deb. Black, Challenger Black, 51 Aero Midnight, Vac. Emerald Jr., Challenger Gray Pearl, 51 Vac Black, Duofold Int. Black, Duofold Jr. Red.

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  On 1/21/2017 at 9:35 PM, omarbeyaty said:



See mine inscriptions




made in U.S


Is it the same on your nib?


Your pen is diferent model with diferent nib, without White Dot, without Lifetime guarantee. You pen is 3-25SR model.

Edited by RamonCampos
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  On 1/21/2017 at 8:18 PM, Florida Blue said:

I believe's Sheaffer's black and pearl color predates Parker's versions. The DeLuxe Duofolds in black and pearl came out in 1928, but Sheaffer introduced their black and pearl plastic in 1926. Although, I don't know when Sheaffer adopted their "De Luxe" terminology.



Hi Florida,

I don´t know Sheaffer´S black & pearl ads before 1929 (Parker have one of november 24, 1928 "new Parker Duofold De Luxe") and this color is seen for the first time in Sheaffer´S in the 1928 catalog in which they are presented as "new and distinctive De Luxe line" so I don ´t think Sheaffer's black & pearl existed in 1926, do you have any evidence on contrary?

Edited by RamonCampos
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  On 1/21/2017 at 10:04 PM, RamonCampos said:


Your pen is diferent model with diferent nib, without White Dot, without Lifetime guarantee. You pen is 3-25SR model.


Thank you for clarifying that.I thought they are the same

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  On 1/21/2017 at 10:32 PM, jameschrasta said:

Thanks all. Anyone have any disassembly instructions or any idea where I could get a new bladder for it?


A new sac, e.g. here or here. Ask to the supplier for size, but I think a #18 will fit well on your pen.


Instructions for remove and replace sac below (when you remove the old sac, if fossilized doesn´t come out whole, you have to take care so that no leave leftovers in the nozzle nor glued to inner walls of the barrel because this remains would narrow the diameter and would not allow the new sac):



Edited by RamonCampos
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Excellent ring-top pen! The instructions from the previous post look good except they don't tell you to heat the barrel mouth. I'd never attempt a section removal without my trusty hair-dryer. Remember you're dealing with 90+ year old materials, be kind. BTW Richard Binder has comprehensive instructions on his site too. Good luck.

Edited by pen lady
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Don't worry about a sac spreader - I've never used one. Sheaffer is a very forgiving pen to get the section out of but, heat, either hot water or hot air, makes things more pliable.


The model pictured in the OP is early 1930's as the dot is on the side of the cap (I really love that) and the lever is ring retained. Otherwise Ramon's code description is correct.


Roger W.

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  On 1/21/2017 at 10:26 PM, RamonCampos said:


Hi Florida,

I don´t know Sheaffer´S black & pearl ads before 1929 (Parker have one of november 24, 1928 "new Parker Duofold De Luxe") and this color is seen for the first time in Sheaffer´S in the 1928 catalog in which they are presented as "new and distinctive De Luxe line" so I don ´t think Sheaffer's black & pearl existed in 1926, do you have any evidence on contrary?



The year I got from "Fountain Pens of the World," but the black pearl was used for desk pens rather than the pocket fountain pens.

Parker: Sonnet Flighter, Rialto Red Metallic Laque, IM Chiseled Gunmetal, Latitude Stainless, 45 Black, Duovac Blue Pearl Striped, 51 Standard Black, Vac Jr. Black, 51 Aero Black, 51 Vac Blue Cedar, Duofold Jr. Lapis, 51 Aero Demi Black, 51 Aero Demi Teal, 51 Aero Navy Gray, Duofold Pastel Moire Violet, Vac Major Golden Brown, Vac Deb. Emerald, 51 Vac Dove Gray, Vac Major Azure, Vac Jr. Silver Pearl, 51 Vac Black GF Cap, 51 Forest Green GF cap, Vac Jr. Silver Pearl, Duovac Senior Green & Gold, Duovac Deb. Black, Challenger Black, 51 Aero Midnight, Vac. Emerald Jr., Challenger Gray Pearl, 51 Vac Black, Duofold Int. Black, Duofold Jr. Red.

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  On 1/22/2017 at 6:22 PM, Florida Blue said:

The year I got from "Fountain Pens of the World," ,


This book is excelent, essential one or two decades ago and of great merit considering the time in which it was written but today, with the socialization and dissemination of knowledge, the collections of ads sorted chronologically within our reach as well as the Sheaffer's bibliography now disclosed, we can be something more precise. We have no record, nor does Sheaffer docs acknowledge it, that Sheaffer´S black & pearl celluloid existed in 1926.

Edited by RamonCampos
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That could very well be the case. Many facts in the pen books that I've read have been wrong or slightly inaccurate in some way.

Parker: Sonnet Flighter, Rialto Red Metallic Laque, IM Chiseled Gunmetal, Latitude Stainless, 45 Black, Duovac Blue Pearl Striped, 51 Standard Black, Vac Jr. Black, 51 Aero Black, 51 Vac Blue Cedar, Duofold Jr. Lapis, 51 Aero Demi Black, 51 Aero Demi Teal, 51 Aero Navy Gray, Duofold Pastel Moire Violet, Vac Major Golden Brown, Vac Deb. Emerald, 51 Vac Dove Gray, Vac Major Azure, Vac Jr. Silver Pearl, 51 Vac Black GF Cap, 51 Forest Green GF cap, Vac Jr. Silver Pearl, Duovac Senior Green & Gold, Duovac Deb. Black, Challenger Black, 51 Aero Midnight, Vac. Emerald Jr., Challenger Gray Pearl, 51 Vac Black, Duofold Int. Black, Duofold Jr. Red.

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Do go to richard binder's site

Then reference pages

Then repairer's corner

And find lots of complete info on replacing a sac, sizing a sac, materials, warnings to prevent damage, etc

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I went to richardspens.com, and it says that the Sheaffer Lifetime Flat-Tops with standard girth are sac size 16, and with the slender girth they're a 15. Which one would this be? My guess is that it's slender but I'm not sure.

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