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Joyful-2 Earth Ocean


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Well, it's not the ink I would buy but it's not revolting.



Vis, I dream of seeing your critiques on ink boxes, like with movie posters:


Joyful-2 Earth Ocean


"Not revolting"

- Visvamitra



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Hmmm. My first inclination was to think "Oh, that's like Edelstein Aquamarine...." But then I looked at the close up....

This one is a maybe. Except how hard is it to get these inks in the US?

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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This one is a maybe. Except how hard is it to get these inks in the US?


These are exclusives to a shop in Japan. Listed as sold out.

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Thanks Glyf, looks teal to me.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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  • 2 years later...

PLEASE - always take a photo of the box so I could see the real name. Nobody in Japan knows an ink called Earth Ocean.

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PLEASE - always take a photo of the box so I could see the real name. Nobody in Japan knows an ink called Earth Ocean.

Unfortunately, that bottle is long-gone. However, all the Joyful-2 inks all have names in English printed on their boxes.

Edited by errantmarginalia
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>all have names in English printed on their boxes


That doesn't help unfortunately in my case. I have to go to a local Joyful-2 store, ask the employees to order it from another store. They call there and ask if there is still stock. If yes, they make the order. People involved do not understand English.

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The name of this ink is unusual. Normally, the inks of Joyful-2 consists of two parts, a local location in Gunma followed by a color name.


The second strangeness is that a non-specialized seller on Rakuten (from thread below) offered a Rakuten shop-exclusive from Joyful.

Why would Joyful do this? They only have shop exclusives made by Sailor and want to sell them by themselves.


My guess: the real name of this ink is "Oze emerald". Oze in Japanese is a bit pronounced like earth and emerald that's the ocean color.



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The name of this ink is unusual. Normally, the inks of Joyful-2 consists of two parts, a local location in Gunma followed by a color name.


The second strangeness is that a non-specialized seller on Rakuten (from thread below) offered a Rakuten shop-exclusive from Joyful.

Why would Joyful do this? They only have shop exclusives made by Sailor and want to sell them by themselves.


My guess: the real name of this ink is "Oze emerald". Oze in Japanese is a bit pronounced like earth and emerald that's the ocean color.



No, it isnt. Just before Joyful-2 stopped selling on Rakuten, Joyful-2 Honda released a planet-focused collection of inks. They were limited editions. One was a red, Mars something or other. The second was a dark blue, Neptune Night (https://www.instagram.com/p/BdWwxuKhoWx/?igshid=18ltcgl25srle), and the third they released before leaving Rakuten was this one, Earth Ocean. I dont know if they added other inks to the collection over time. Edit: Heres a pic of the Earth Ocean bottle: https://www.instagram.com/p/BRKY3jJBfg1/?igshid=1qborofv8r7nc

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I hope people would add always pictures of the box and the bottle to their review, especially in the case of Japanese inks - to see the Japanese name.

Sometimes, the name can be guessed from the English name but most times it is not possible.


It is not always possible to go in a shop and ask, do have you Earth Ocean (pronounced in English/American pronunciation).

You really have to pronounce it as aasu ooshan (アースオーシャン) otherwise they easily say, sorry we don't have it.


The situation has improved in the last 25 years since I am here but is still a problem.

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I hope people would add always pictures of the box and the bottle to their review, especially in the case of Japanese inks - to see the Japanese name.

Sometimes, the name can be guessed from the English name but most times it is not possible.


It is not always possible to go in a shop and ask, do have you Earth Ocean (pronounced in English/American pronunciation).

You really have to pronounce it as aasu ooshan (アースオーシャン) otherwise they easily say, sorry we don't have it.


The situation has improved in the last 25 years since I am here but is still a problem.

I dont really post reviews anymore, but if I do, Ill definitely include pics of the box.

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I confirmed with Joyful-2 that Earth Ocean, Neptune Night and Mars Rose are out of stock.




And so begins the fun quest for a lookalike for Earth Ocean. :)

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