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The Esterbrook Forum Estie Loaner Program 2017 Onwards


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The gist of the way the Progam was set up to work is Within The U.S.; The Loaner Outer sends the pen, it will have the postage amount on it. The Borrower is to pay to send the pen back AND either enclose the same amount the Loaner Outer spent to send it OR Paypal GIFT them that amount. SOME Loaner Outers, at Their discretion, have asked that their Borrower not worry about the postage To them, but that is their decision alone. The general idea was that it Not cost the Loaner Outer anything to loan their pen out. An Estie can still be sent, with Tracking, within the U.S. for about $2.70, making the full cost to the Borrower less than $6.
Prospective Borrowers are also requested to read the first post of the Loaner Program thread Here for more, better, information on how the Loaner Progam works.
The location of the thread currently makes it less easy for me to check in here so I don't as often as I should. My apologies for that and I will try and stop in here more often.

Important Change to the Esterbrook Loaner Program;

We will no longer be able to send pens from Within the U.S.A. to borrowers residing overseas. There was a United States Postal Service rate increase last year that more than doubled the prior reasonable rate of around $3.00 to ship a pen overseas to $7.35. It therefore is unreasonable to expect overseas members to pay the approximate $15.00 in postage to borrow a pen when they can BUY their Own Estie for about that same amount.

There are NO changes to the Loaner Program for pens borrowed within the Untied States or within Other countries where the Loaner Program has pens available.

IF you happen to be a prospective overseas borrower and you ARE willing to pay that near $15.00 postage to borrow an Estie, you are still welcomed of course to post your request to borrow a pen and we'll be glad to set you up.

We DO have a Very Limited number of pens listed for In Country loan outs Only in England/Europe, Asia and Australia.


If you are a FPNer residing outside the U.S. that owns a good condition, nice writing Esterbrook and would like to help us spread the Estie joy, we would Greatly Appreciate you allowing us to add your pen(s) to the list of In Country loan outs available for Your country.

Pens available for borrowing Within the United States as of 9/26/15.

Dark Blue LJ, Gray Dollar pen-2968, 9668, 2312, 2314F, 9314B and 2442 nibs

Black Transitional, 2442 Falcon nib

Blue SJ, Medium 2668 nib
Red J, 2668 nib
Blue SJ/Gray J with the following nibs: 2284 Stub, 2312 Italic, 2968 Broad, 9556 Fine, 9550 Extra Fine, or 9788 flex (Borrower to specify which nib)
Copper J, 2556 F nib and a 2668 M
Copper J, 9556 F or 9668 M or 9048 whichever the Borrower desires
Green J, 9788 M
Blue LJ, 2312 italic

Green LJ 9048 extra flexible fine

Green Transitional J 2284 broad stub

Green Transitional J 9556

Red J 9314-B broad relief (oblique) stub

Blue J 9314-F fine relief (oblique) stub

Green J 9460 manifold medium

Red SJ 9550

Red SJ 9460

Turquoise M2 2284 broad stub

Turquoise M2 2312 italic

SJ Nurse Pen Red Jewels Sonnet 18K medium nib (if you have a taste to try the bizarre)

Pens residing overseas for in country loan only;

Australia-Silver SJ, with either a 1551 M or 2668 M

The United Kingdom/ OTHER countries within Europe-Green J 2556, Copper SJ 2668 (Either can come with a 1555 or 2314 B too) NO LOANER POSTAGE FEE on these two pens Within the UK! Other European country members can discuss/agree on the postage costs with this Loaner Outer.

Europe/Asia- Estieville resident, FPNer Whitedot has a Black Estie they will send to Europe or Asia for $4 USD. Contact them via PM.

The subject of a few Estie Borrowers not fulfilling their part of the postal reimbursement has been discussed among the Estie Loaner Outers. They are those most immediately impacted.

As a result, there is a *PENDING* change to at least the order of how things happen in the Loaner Program.

The change is simply that the Borrower will Paypal Gift the agreed on postage to them to their Lender Outter, either $3.00 or the amount they agree to with the Lender Outter, BEFORE the Estie is placed into the mail to the Borrower.

This eliminates the After borrowing postage issue thusly solving it.

This change Will Remain *A PENDING Change* to the point at which Another Borrower than the ones currently known of, fails to keep their end of the Loan Out agreement up. At that point it changes from Pending to In Force.

The decision of when or if that ever occurs lies solely in the hands of those borrowing the Esties.

Bruce in Ocala, FL and The Esterbrook Forum

Edited by OcalaFlGuy
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Certainly is.


I'm located in Minnesota, US. I'm interested in loaning ones with fine, medium, and medium stub/italic nibs. What should my next step be?

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I'm located in Minnesota, US. I'm interested in loaning ones with fine, medium, and medium stub/italic nibs. What should my next step be?

Check out the instructions in the initial post in this thread and then send a PM regarding pens you might be interested in trying.



My Pen Wraps are for sale in my Etsy shop

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Hello fellow Esterbrook enthusiasts and prospective enthusiasts.


Just a quick note that until we hear back from Bruce (OcalaFLGuy), I will be providing some direction for this thread and helping to match pens with folks who would like to try them out.


There are agreed upon rules for prospective borrowers and what Bruce calls "Loaner Outers", all as set forth above. The list of available pens is 18 months old at this point so I would appreciate hearing from anyone who continues to be interested in sending pens and/or nibs to borrowers, in hopes we can create an updated list. And I'd like to hear from anyone who would like to borrow an Esterbrook.


Please post here with information, questions, requests and the like.


Looking forward to working with everyone.


Cheers, DAVID

How small of all that human hearts endure,
That part which laws or kings can cause or cure.

— Samuel Johnson


Instagram: dcpritch

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I'm interested in a regular J in any color other than copper, and I'm not all too concerned about the nib, as long as it isn't too broad.


I've not heard yet from many of the Loaner Outers, but I have a Grey J with a 9556 nib I could send you. If that works, or if you'd like to try something different, shoot me a PM with your address and I can get the pen on its way. Thanks, DAVID

How small of all that human hearts endure,
That part which laws or kings can cause or cure.

— Samuel Johnson


Instagram: dcpritch

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have checked my Esterbrooks, and I know I have the following available:


Blue LJ, 2312 italic

Green LJ 9048 extra flexible fine

Green Transitional J 2284 broad stub

Green Transitional J 9556

Red J 9314-B broad relief (oblique) stub

Blue J 9314-F fine relief (oblique) stub

Green J 9460 manifold medium

Red SJ 9550

Red SJ 9460 Manifold medium, for carbon copies

Turquoise M2 2284 broad stub

Turquoise M2 2312 italic medium

Red Transitional SJ, 9555

I haven't used these pens for some time, and I can't remember what sizes some are (i.e. what the numbers mean).

Edited by pajaro

"Don't hurry, don't worry. It's better to be late at the Golden Gate than to arrive in Hell on time."
--Sign in a bar and grill, Ormond Beach, Florida, 1960.



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I have checked my Esterbrooks, and I know I have the following available:


Green Transitional J 2284 broad stub


Red J 9314-B broad relief (oblique) stub


I haven't used these pens for some time, and I can't remember what sizes some are (i.e. what the numbers mean).

I am very interested in either of these two pens. I have plenty of ink and am fully aware of the rules (now, I just read through all of the resources).

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I am very interested in either of these two pens. I have plenty of ink and am fully aware of the rules (now, I just read through all of the resources).

I haven't been watching this topic, unfortunately. If you would like to try them, PM me your mailing address. I'll have to make sure the nibs are in the right pens. I haven't gotten rid of any of these pens, so they will be around.

"Don't hurry, don't worry. It's better to be late at the Golden Gate than to arrive in Hell on time."
--Sign in a bar and grill, Ormond Beach, Florida, 1960.



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  • 2 months later...

It doesn't look like the Estie Loaner Program garners much interest these days. This program was the reason why I kept any Esties at all. Given the relatively low cost of a good Estie, and the costs of mailing pens around these days, at least three dollars US for First Class, is there any further interest? I have a variety of pens and nibs I had to lend, but I think interest has faded.

"Don't hurry, don't worry. It's better to be late at the Golden Gate than to arrive in Hell on time."
--Sign in a bar and grill, Ormond Beach, Florida, 1960.



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The TWSBI forum loaner program isn't getting much action either.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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I am interested in trying any of the following if possible.


Blue SJ/Gray J with the following nibs: 2284 Stub, 2312 Italic, 2968 Broad, 9556 Fine, 9550 Extra Fine, or 9788 flex (Borrower to specify which nib)

SJ Nurse Pen Red Jewels Sonnet 18K medium nib (if you have a taste to try the bizarre)

Black Transitional, 2442 Falcon nib

Blue LJ, 2312 italic

Green LJ 9048 extra flexible fine

Copper J, 9556 F or 9668 M or 9048 whichever the Borrower desires

I run on Caffeine, Sarcasm and inappropriate thoughts.

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I am interested in trying any of the following if possible.


Blue SJ/Gray J with the following nibs: 2284 Stub, 2312 Italic, 2968 Broad, 9556 Fine, 9550 Extra Fine, or 9788 flex (Borrower to specify which nib)

SJ Nurse Pen Red Jewels Sonnet 18K medium nib (if you have a taste to try the bizarre)

Black Transitional, 2442 Falcon nib

Blue LJ, 2312 italic

Green LJ 9048 extra flexible fine

Copper J, 9556 F or 9668 M or 9048 whichever the Borrower desires


I think I have most of this stuff. I am not so sure about the Nurse pen status. Which three or four are you most interested in?


It would be nice if this program didn't die.

"Don't hurry, don't worry. It's better to be late at the Golden Gate than to arrive in Hell on time."
--Sign in a bar and grill, Ormond Beach, Florida, 1960.



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