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Isellpens Going Out Of Business!


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Hi FPN Members,


We will be taking the site down most likely by the end of the month. Many parts and nibs are

marked down below cost.


We would like to thank brands like Bexley which is an Awesome brand, Laban, Diplomat, Yafa, Twsbi & Private Reserve . These guys were instrumental in

supporting our business.


Thank you FPN and members.


Todd & Theresa Nussbaum




Edited by isellpens
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I am so sorry to hear this news, it will be a "lesser world" for fountain pen users, without you & your always consumer based shipping policies, excellent, expedient, well packed shipping, with personal attention to each of the above. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to purchase from you during my return to the world of fountain pens & thank you for your hard work to manage such a business as you provided.


It is my sincere hope that this will provide another opportunity for you & your wife to showcase the talents that we have all enjoyed knowing from ISELLPENS.

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Sorry to see this. I had noticed that of late your stock seemed to be vastly depleted from what it had once been.

I think you were actually the first place I ordered pens from.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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Sorry to see you close up shop. Best of luck in your future endeavors!



        My Favorite Pen Restorer                                            


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Sorry that you're leaving the business. Your huge selection of quality but inexpensive Chinese pens made choosing so difficult. Good luck in your next venture.



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I'm sorry to hear this Todd. Your customer service has always been top notch, as well as your willingness to help with advice. Wish you the best in the future.

"Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?" Patrick Henry

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I am sorry to read this. As others have said, we have enjoyed the products, service, and advice that you have provided over the years. I have always enjoyed stopping by to purchase pens and inks as well. You are the gentleman in person that you have always been in business. I wish the best for you and your family in the future.

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I hope that the employees and owners of this company do well in their next endeavor. I appreciated this company's vintage pens and quick delivery. I have a few of their vintage pens and I'm still really tempted to order one more even though I already bought some. Good service, quick delivery, and a decent selection. What more could one ask?

Proud resident of the least visited state in the nation!

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Hi Todd,


i am also so sorry to see you go. Being a small business is hard!


I do wish you and your family success in your next endeavor -



Using right now:

Jinhao 9019 "EF" nib running Birmingham Railroad Spike

Pineider Avatar Mini "F" nib running Moonman Black

Visconti Opera Typhoon "B" nib running Pelikan Edelstein Aquamarine

Leonardo Officina Italiana "EF" nib running Standard Inks Seaweed

Platinum Century 3776 "M" nib running Birmingham Bellflower


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Sad to hear, Todd. I shopped with you a few times and it was perfect each time! I still have and use the things I bought from you years ago. Thanks for the excellent service, products and prices and good luck with your future plans.

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Todd, let me join the many who have said how sorry they were to see you go. I started buying from you in my early days of collecting when your vast selection of Chinese pens was a magnet to me, and have continued with you on and off through the years as your focus has changed. I truly appreciated your fast and courteous service and your willingness to always correct an error (which was very rare) no matter how little the pen cost. I wish you and your family well in your future endeavors.

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