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Inexpensive Case For 4-5 Pens And A Hand Full Of Ink Sample Vials


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I'm new to fountain pens. My fiance got me into them in an interesting way. She purchased a Lamy safari,I tried it and wasn't particularly interested. Later that week we are at a thrift store and I spot a little plastic case with some interesting looking pens. My intuition tells me they might be fountain pens and I can get them for her, it will really make her day. Turns out they were in fact fountain pens Parker 51 aeromatics to be exact. My fiance looked them up and told me all the history about them, and started of with these are the world's most desirable pens. Quoting the Parker add.


Fast forward a month, and I've cleaned up the two parkers, purchased two 45's and nice lever fill parkette. My problem is that I'm a graduate student studying physics. I essentially need my pens all the time, but I feel bad about them jostling around in my bag. Also I've been carrying around a bottle of Quink praying that it doesn't shatter.



Anyway,what i'm asking for is recommendations for an inexpensive pen case,(say less than 20$?) That is capable of holding 3-5 pens and a minimum of 3 ink sample vials(from gouletpens). Depending on the day, I may need to use any of black/blue/red in a pen. I've seen several cheapo pen case but none seem to be able to carry any amount of ink.



Thanks in advance!

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A few months ago I picked up (ebay I think) a couple of zippered pen cases that hold up to 12 pens. They were very inexpensive and each pen is held in with elastic. Plus they look nice. They will easily hold both Goulet sample vials, and your pens. This is the same one I bought.




"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind" - Rudyard Kipling
"None of us can have as many virtues as the fountain-pen, or half its cussedness; but we can try." - Mark Twain

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