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Paper For Caligraphy?


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Hi all,


I know I'm at fault for not doing too much of my own research on this one, but masters applications leave me with no time. I've been doing pen and ink doodles for years now, but I always used paper that I found in basements and garages, regardless of quality.


A friend has asked me to help him design a logo for his company. I was thinking about a dip pen and maybe India ink to do something like copperplate text, but I need paper that won't bleed and feather. Anyone have suggestions for something moderately priced? I'll take loose leaf or pads-- don't care.


Would love an ink recommendation too if anyone has one. I've just been using Quink black this whole time, but maybe something else will also help to stop bleeding and feathering.



Old Sport

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A good choice for moderately priced and widely available good quality paper is always the HP _Laserjet_ (not the inkjet) paper, in either 24 or 32 pound. 24 pound works just fine, and you easily use a guidesheet with it. 32 pound just feels better to me, but you need a lightpad to use a guidesheet, or else you have to print guidelines directly onto it. What you don't use for pen and ink work will work just fine for your computer and an inkjet printer.


Higgins Eternal ink is what is usually recommended for a black ink. I've had good experience with ESSRI, but YMMV.

I have very limited experience with colors. Dr. Ph. Martin's Bombay Red worked for me, but that's the only one I can comment on.


I believe many other people will have many other suggestions for you, and I'm willing to say that all of them will be correct.



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