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Parker Quink (Blue Black) Review


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This is the written review of the parker quink blue black and it is a very nice decent performing inexpensive ink that doesn't bleed through cheap paper.


Also if the ink is getting low you can tip the bottle on its side like shown.









Thank you and hope you have a great day🙂🙂🙂🙂

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My favorite go to ink for testing out a new pen! Thanks for the review!



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My favorite go to ink for testing out a new pen! Thanks for the review!

Well thats nice and this ink actually performs good on fountain pens

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Thank you. I grew to like this ink, a lot.
It has a long term residency in one of my Parker 45s.

Wished they'd call it something else though :unsure:

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Is that Washable Blue or Permanent Blue? I was In a local Staples today, and they had Permanent Blue cartridges in stock (back when I started with fountain pens again, Permanent Blue cartridges were what I used); but they no longer seem to sell bottles of Permanent Blue in the US.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth


ETA: Oops. Sorry -- didn't notice that it was Blue-Black being reviewed. Please disregard the previous.... :blush:

Edited by inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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I've always liked this ink, and the permanent Blue, and can forgive it for appearing 'teal' on some papers after time. A great all-rounder that's readily available and won't harm anything! I prefer it to the old Waterman Blue-Black, even though some people in some circles claim them to be one and the same, made at the same place in France.

A nice review and thanks.

The Good Captain

"Meddler's 'Salamander' - almost as good as the real thing!"

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One of my first inks. The washable one at least. From my experiences with it, I think it's the worst ink I have. It has this unique ability to fade off my lecture pads. The colour also looks very washed out.

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One of my first inks. The washable one at least. From my experiences with it, I think it's the worst ink I have. It has this unique ability to fade off my lecture pads. The colour also looks very washed out.

Even the washable blue was my first ink but when i write something and i need to stick some pictures behind the writing it instantly disappeares and i cant write on that part again so annoying.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Thanks for the nice review. I just got some and will enjoy trying it out. Quink blue is a very dry ink, requiring a lot of added detergent to bring it up to my specs, whereas Quink black is moderately wet. Will be interested to see where blue-black falls on the wetness scale.

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