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Waka-Uguisu Sailor Jentle Ink (2016)


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@visvamitra - thank you very much! I like it, actually :) Having this and KWZI Monarch, I would be as happy as a clam.


I think I know why I find this ink appealing. Many orange inks shade in a specific manner - the letters have more and less saturated parts, different shades of the same colour, like if there were some problems with the ink flow or the ink was undersaturated in some places. And here it shades from orange to yellow, not from orange to pale, washed-out orange. I find it quite complex, and therefore pretty.

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Yes, I think Kin-mokusei will suit you :) For me it's too delicate. I prefer oranges like Iroshizuku Yu'yake, KWZI Monarch, Caran d'Ache Electric Orange, Diamine Pumpkin.


+1 for Electric Orange.


At first, I was in the camp of "No Caran d'Ache, I will NEVER pay that much for ink."

But I had a weak moment a few weeks ago ( a retailer made a mistake, so I ended up with a free bottle of ink, felt bad, so I purchased Electric Orange) and woaaah! This is a really nice orange. It's bright and legible: I was even able to convince my boyfriend, a.k.a. Mister Blue-Black, to use it (and he still does :-D ).



Going back to the reviewed ink, I am happy to see that Sailor is democratizing more of its inks. I might try a sample of this color, it looks very soothing. I had bad experiences with other (Oku-Yama / Yama Dori) where they smudge on Midori paper even after a few days of drying. How is the "smudgeness" of this one on Rhodia?

Edited by jonesberg


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Ezcellent review; thank you for taking the time to do it. In the first writing sample it looks very close to R&K Alt Gold-grun, but it looks a bit darker in the later samples. Is Waka-uguisu diiferent enough from Alt Gold-grun to make it worthwhile to own both?

I've been on a quest to see if I could commit all Seven Deadly Sins in a single day. Finally, it dawned on me I shouldn't try for the One Day Wonder Prize for all seven in one day. It's simply out of any question as you can't commit decent sloth while busily ticking the other six off your crowded "to do" list. -- ViolinWriter

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Hmm... I might have to rethink my moratorium on buying any more ink. Or get around it by putting this on my Christmas wish list. Dziękuję!

I've been on a quest to see if I could commit all Seven Deadly Sins in a single day. Finally, it dawned on me I shouldn't try for the One Day Wonder Prize for all seven in one day. It's simply out of any question as you can't commit decent sloth while busily ticking the other six off your crowded "to do" list. -- ViolinWriter

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