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What Kind Of Metal Is The Nemosine Fission Made Of?


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I recently sanded all of the paint off of my Nemosine Fission pen ( it was a white colour that was getting obnoxiously dirty and scratched up). The metal underneath is a lovely bronze colour, and has started to oxidize nicely, but I have noticed that it is so soft that it will leave a line on paper and that I can write with it.


It may seem foolish, but seeing as that the pen body is made in Taiwan, I have a some questions about the toxicity of the metal of this pen. I am a student so I write and just hold my pen a fair amount of the day, and I would hate to be absorbing some trace amounts of a nasty metal through my skin.


If it does have unsavoury side effects, I'll just put a few coats of some nice dark blue Testors ink on it.






Edited by Shinhoto
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The most common material is brass.

They came as a boon, and a blessing to men,
The Pickwick, the Owl and the Waverley pen

Sincerely yours,


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I'll second that being brass. Brass is copper and zinc with sometimes other small amounts of elements like lead to make it more workable. A lead test kit from a home improvement store will probably not detect it if it's the case-- you'd need other equipment and skills to really be sure.


Raw brass is a real treat, and ages beautifully. Don't ever clean it with ammonia or it will degrade badly.

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