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Edc: Which Pens Do You Carry Around?


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Hello everybody


Today I would like to start a conversation about EDC systems and which pens you carry everyday.


I'll start:


I have two pen pouches, one with 3 slots and one with 4 slots. Both of them are in brown leather.

In the pouch with 3 slots (which has my last name engraved in the leather) I have the pens which have the 3 'basic colours'/most frequent used colours of ink:


- Red: For the red ink I use Pelikan Edelstein Ruby, in my Parker Sonnet in red lacquer. Fine nib. Lovely pen but rigid nib, in the future I'd like to upgrade this pen to a burgundy sailor pro gear.

- Green: The Diamine Sherwood Green is my favourite green ink. I use it in my Pelikan m400. Great pen but sometime I would upgrade it to an m600.

- Blue: for the blue ink, I prefer dark blue. Montblancs blueblack or Pelikans 4001 blueblack is my ink to go. I use the Montblanc 146 with it. Great pen and great size!



In the pouch with 4 slots I am planning to go with this pens: (note: some of the pens mentioned are yet to buy, but these are the pens I consider getting)


- Brown ink: for this ink (which is the Pelikan 4001 brown, but I am planning to buy any of the other brown/sepia inks) I use my Visconti Opera Elements with a 23k pd dreamtouch nib. Awesome pen with buttery smooth nib.

- Black ink: I'm not sure which pen I am getting for the black ink. Any suggestions?

- A mechanical pencil. I am buying a Pelikan pencil in the lovely brown/green tortoiseshell colours. It should arrive next week, can't wait!

- A demonstrator (not yet which one yet) with a highlighter ink. Not yet which ink I'll choose.


As you can see, I still have to search for some pens/inks, but this (often endless) search for a pen that suits me perfectly is one of the great things in the hobby!



Which pens / pouches do you have?




PS: sorry for the bad English, I'm not a native English speaker

Edited by RubenDh
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I usually carry my two-pens pouch. I have my Osmia 773 F and Visconti Rembrandt inside. Usually I inked them with Parker Quink blue, which is my to go ink. Sometime I ink my Visconti with Diamine Shimmertastic Shimmering Seas or Brandy Dazzle.

People who know my name, dont know my work. People who know my work, dont know my name.

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No pouches. Today I am carrying the Platinum Izumo Akatamenuri with a B nib and Omas black ink.






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Right now I am carrying:

  • A Waterman Gentleman in burgundy lacquer, with J Herbin Poussiere de Lune, for writing
  • A Monteverde Invincia Deluxe 1.1 stub, with Rohrer and Klingner Sepia, for drawing
  • A Dollar pen, with Noodler's Apache Sunset, for highlighting

For writing at home, I am using a Parker 51 in the plum color, with Robert Oster Purple Rock.

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Today was my Italix Parson's Essential loaded with MB violet ink.


Usually it's that or my F-C Loom, Visconti Rembrandt or Lamy 2K.


I also carry a Caran d'Ache 849, or Parker Jotter for those things that won't take FP ink.

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I carry my Lamy Al-Star (silver), with an F nib that's been really abused and is more of an M at this point. It is always inked with a 50% dilution of Noodler's Blue-Black.


I don't use a pouch-- it resides on my work lanyard. The clip has withstood it for years and only needs a little tightening once or twice a year.


It's pretty beat up, needless to say:




(Next to it is a Pilot G2 05, for when I need to use carbon paper.)

Edited by effika
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Pilot Prera, CM nib, with Platinum Carbon Black ink.


I carry a small Inky Fingers notebook from Sparky Armstrong, and it takes the ink well. Doing a lot of photography I seem to be in the rain sometimes so it's important to have a waterproof ink in that notebook.

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From my fountain pens, almost any pen with ink in it could be carried around. I don't have any luxury models which I would save for special occasions. I do have some slightly finicky vintage pens which are better off staying at home, but otherwise it might be anything.


In practice, though, that means that I'll probably have at least one from half a dozen or so favorites. That includes a Pilot Custom Heritage 92 or 91, a Pilot Capless Decimo, Lamy 2000, Montblanc Noblesse (not an expensive Montblanc) and Pilot MYU or Murex. Wouldn't likely have all of these inked at one time, and other pens, as indicated, get cycled in too, various robust vintage pens like some of my Esterbrooks, Sheaffers and Parkers, modern ones like a Stipula Passaporto, and others.


If I'm just going about my daily routine, that usually means a couple of pens in a shirt pocket. If I'm at work, I have one of a couple of bags with me, and a pen roll or two with an extra fountain pen (or two), and some rollerballs, mechanical pencils, and ballpoints.


And one pen that I almost always have and rarely use, a bullet style Fisher Space Pen in a pants pocket. If I need it, it's there. Actually have several of these, and don't always carry the same one, but there's a second one in my car.

"So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable creature, since it enables one to find or make a reason for everything one has a mind to do."


- Benjamin Franklin

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I usually carry 4 or 5 pens.

My caran d'ache is always around. It's always inked in blue. Right now it's Tolstoy blue by Montblanc.


Then there is the newest addition to the family: gvfc classic. Currently inked in noodlers black. I need a permanent black inked pen with me to sign here and there.


Then there is the red inked pen, I use it fr writing on (bleep) paper. A fine metro with red strawberry diamine.


Then there is the one on my shirt: noodlers creeper. Permanent blue ink. Again, to sign.

Since I have a daughter who is always trying to grab and throw my pens I carry something easily replaceable, and the same goes for the ink. This one has a tendency to stain.


At the moment I have a fifth pen, my Dan Smith modified Montblanc Twain. It's a 1.0mm stub. It's a lovely pen... Currently inked with Montblanc red velvet. Once it runs dry I'll clean and store it again.



I may be getting a pelikan m600. If so I am not all to sure where it'd go and what to replace. Nor what ink color.

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I only have 2-3 pens inked at once so I carry what ever is inked at that moment. I don't consider the value of a pen when I carry it around but I generally don't frequent places that aren't welcoming to fountain pens; I mainly just go between my office, home, and church. When I'm doing something that might be pen-dangerous, like helping someone move or playing sports, I just leave my pens at home.

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I seem to have about 4-6 inked at a time, and select two to carry when I leave the house. These are in a Visconti two-pen pouch. If I wanted more than two pens I have an unbranded four-pen pouch from Spain in soft leather (it came along with a boxed Le Man 100). Opening the Visconti at this instant, I see a Dupont with Cobalt Blue and a Lamy 2000 with Dark Lilac. Whatever I was doing the other day must have been terribly serious! ;)


The hinged-lid box which came with the L2K is very handy for those desk pens which are happy not being kept nib-up. At the moment I seem to have two Watermans and an Onoto, with three shades of red from Audacious to Claret via Fire Engine. Greens ran out yesterday so will be replenished soon. There are still four Onotos and some Watermans waiting impatiently for their first fills with me.


Sorry, wandered off a bit there.

Q. What pens do you carry every day?

A. Whatever, amounting to two.


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Currently (when in pen-safe-ish environments):


- Pilot Custom 823, F, Noodler's Black

- Pilot Custom 823, M Pendleton Brown BLS, R&K Salix

- Edison Collier, .6mm Binder ItaliFine, Monteverde Blue-Black

- Pelikan M200 Café Crème, .9 Binder ItaliFine, R&K Salix


That's during this past month.

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Kaweco brass sport with a Levenger leather pocket jotter loaded with Crane 3 x 5 cards. I write quite small and can record a couple days walking around notes on several cards.

"how do I know what I think until I write it down?"

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Currently carrying 3:

Pilot CH 912 SF nib, with iroshizuku Tsuki-yo

Parker Sonnet 18k F nib, Diamine red dragon

Pilot Metropolitan F with Sailor kiwa-guro (because I wanted to try the ink, but had just loaded the other two the day before)

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Currently carrying 3:

Pilot CH 912 SF nib, with iroshizuku Tsuki-yo

Parker Sonnet 18k F nib, Diamine red dragon

Pilot Metropolitan F with Sailor kiwa-guro (because I wanted to try the ink, but had just loaded the other two the day before)

Forgot to add: no pouch/case at present, but would like to have one that would carry all 3; suggestions?

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I don not really carry any pens on my person, but at my job I use a twice-refilled (with Pelikan 4001 Royal Blue) Pilot V-Pen and a seemingly Japanese "Pentel" fountain pen that I found abandoned in some desk drawer and which I had never heard of or encountered before. For correcting work at home I use my red Pelikan M 600 with Pelikan Brilliant Red.

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I always carry at least one Parker "51" in my EDC pouch (a Sailor, leather, 5-pen wrap). One pen will always be filled with Iroshizuku Asa Gao. The others in the pouch are pens in rotation and a blue or blue-black ink from the ink shelf.



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Today is the Momotaro "Peach Boy" Danitrio.






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I purchased a pair of Kaweco Sports, one RB one FP along with the Kaweco pouch. Came to about $60USD. Fits neatly in my front trouser pocket as i usually don't wear a shirt with a pocket. Easy, compact and decent writers for the price. If I'm travelling I take my Paradise Pen 2 pen pouch with my Starwalker FP&RB in my laptop case with my travel journal. I carried them in my front trouser pocket once on a driving trip and got into the car crookedly, sat down and snapped off the end of the FP!! My bad!!!

Pat Barnes a.k.a. billz

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Short answer: the ones I have inked.

Pens with behaviors or characteristics making them unsuitable for carry tend not to get inked.

ATM, I have four pens inked: M200 fine (dilute Noodler's Red-Black), Prera demonstrator orange with CM nib (Diamine Sherwood), Parker "51" fine, Montblanc-Simplo Black, and Hero 616, 6% Blackstone Cashmere Red, for markup.

I carry one FP and one black BP with stylus tip (for the touchscreens used for documentation) to work in a suitable pocket of my scrubs.

At a previous, more office-oriented job, I took my pens to work in an eight-slot pen roll. Always inked with black were a Hero 616, a garish school pen with a hand-ground oblique stub, and my 3.8mm Pilot Parallel, all for writing on and in patient records, plus whatever else I had filled with whatever inks and felt like carrying at the time.

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