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Kwzi Honey Has New Formulation


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With the recent reviews by Lgsoltek of a couple KWZ inks I've been wanting, I checked out Vanness to see if they were back in stock. I noticed the KWZ Honey said new formulation. No information about what was different between old and new KWZ Honey.


I have a bottle of the old formulation, so I'm not going to get a new one or even a sample just to see the differences. It may be exactly the same as the old formulation. Or not.


Maybe someone knowledgeable could comment to rest the worrying minds of FPNers who love KWZ ink!


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With the recent reviews by Lgsoltek of a couple KWZ inks I've been wanting, I checked out Vanness to see if they were back in stock. I noticed the KWZ Honey said new formulation. No information about what was different between old and new KWZ Honey.


I have a bottle of the old formulation, so I'm not going to get a new one or even a sample just to see the differences. It may be exactly the same as the old formulation. Or not.


Maybe someone knowledgeable could comment to rest the worrying minds of FPNers who love KWZ ink!




The new formulation is only regarding the smell :) Many people noticed that the smell was strange and said they'd like the ink more if it wasn't so smelly. So we figured out finally how to change it. The color is exactly the same as it used to be :)) I told it to Mike Vanness, but I'll let them know once again not to cause any confusions :))


Regards, Agnieszka vel Mrs. KWZI

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This is a terrific ink with glowing, beautiful shading and halo qualities, and I'm really enjoying it under the old formulation.

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Thank you Agnieszka for setting our minds at ease. It's funny, I actually liked the original smell which to me was like honey!


Thanks for your response.

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Thanks for the information. Honey is one I've been wanting to try for a while. When Vanness had a table at DCSS a couple of years ago and I asked about getting it they just laughed at me (it was Sunday morning and it probably had sold out by Friday afternoon...).

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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I will miss the smell :)

Ditto, I loved that smell.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

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