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Which Ink For Signatures?


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Hello to all!


I'm a happy owner of a Pelikan M800 fountain pen and a K800 ballpoint pen, both in black-and-green; the former one writes with Montblanc Jonathan Swift, the ballpoint pen writes in black with a size F refill.


Now I'm thinking about expanding my collection to an "M" sized M805 (black and silver). This should be used for signatures.


Now, is there anyone who can give me a good advise on which ink I should focus for signatures?

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"To be, or not to be." (William Shakespeare)

"Dobedobedo." (Frank Sinatra)

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For signatures, you'd want something blue or blue-black, so you can tell it's an original. Also, you'd want something water-proof or tamper-proof.


An iron gall, like R&K Salix or the KWZI offerings would work. Noodler's Blue-Black, Liberty's Elysium, 54th Massachusetts, etc. are all good choices also. Pilot Blue-Black is a lovely color and has ok water resistance.

Aurora Optima Nero Perla M | Eversharp Skyline Blue Flexible F | Franklin-Christoph 31 Purpurae Fine SIG | Franklin-Christoph 45 IPO Coco Pearl Medium Stub | Franklin-Christoph 45 Antique Glass MCI | Franklin-Christoph Pocket 66 Italian Ice MCI | Lamy 2000 F | Lamy 2000 M | Lamy Studio Violet Steel F | Lamy Studio Wild Rubin 14k FM (Custom Ground) | Montblanc Meisterstuck Mozart Solitaire Doue Sterling Silver 925 M | Namiki Vanishing Point Faceted M | Parker Duofold Senior Green Stripe (1941 - 1948) Flexible F | Parker Vacumatic Junior Green F | Pelikan M200 Traditional Black F | Pelikan M215 Rings F | Pelikan M400 White Tortoise EF | Pilot CH 92 Blue FM | Pilot CH 92 Clear M | Pilot Decimo Violet F | Pilot Metropolitan Black Crocodile F | Pilot Metropolitan Silver M | Pilot Vanishing Point Matte Black B Architect | Pilot Vanishing Point Raden Water Surface F | Platinum Century 3776 Chartres Blue SF | Sailor Pro Gear Imperial Black H-M | Sailor Sapporo Violet H-FM | TWSBI Eco Black M | TWSBI Eco Clear F | TWSBI Vac 700 0.7 CI (Custom Ground)

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Permanent, dark ink. Easy to photocopy, but with enough colour to distinguish between original and a copy.


I use KWZI IG GreenGold (too bright when going onto paper, but darkens within a minute to respectable dark green colour).

Blue-Black would be more conventional choice, consider Pelikan 4001 Blue-Black (Pelikan's document ink).


Amberly suggested signing with an ink that glows under UV, as it makes it easier to prove that documents are original, Noodlers offers some inks of that kind.

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My personal pick is an large-bore iron-gall ink, such as Ecclesiastical Stationery Supplies Registrars Ink (ESSRI), though I've been using a blend of ESSRI + R&K Salix that increases the shading, which is distinctive.


I also favour pens with a Stub / Italic shape nib, so forgery is less likely to be successful.


I'm a bit concerned about dedicating a large capacity pen, such as the M800, strictly for signatures: Unless one does a lot of signing during the course of a day, the ink may become stale/concentrated, and there is risk exposure to nib+feed dry-out, which may cause 'false starts' / virga. (I reckon a signature should display confidence, hence the need for a firm first stroke.)


As such, I invite you to give robust aniline dye inks, such as Pilot Blue-Black, a fair go. Aniline dye inks most often have a lower maintenance overhead than the cellulose-reactive 'bulletproof' inks, the I-G inks and the nano particle inks.




Edited by Sandy1

The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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Hello to all!


I'm a happy owner of a Pelikan M800 fountain pen and a K800 ballpoint pen, both in black-and-green; the former one writes with Montblanc Jonathan Swift, the ballpoint pen writes in black with a size F refill.


Now I'm thinking about expanding my collection to an "M" sized M805 (black and silver). This should be used for signatures.


Now, is there anyone who can give me a good advise on which ink I should focus for signatures?


Canned_Brain, Welcome Aboard! Enjoy your time here...


I signed my signature twenty eight times* this early am...


Usin' a Wahl-Eversharp Doric and filled with Waterman's Blue-Black ink...


Hope this was helpful in some way...


See ya around............



redactin' *omitted the letter S.....opps ............meow...............

Edited by Freddy
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I use Dromgoole's Blue Steel for signatures, though for a long time, I loved Noodler's Luxury Blue because you can always tell that's an original signature when it shows under UV light.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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Have noticed several people referring to Pilot Blue Black... is that the same as Pilot Namiki Blue Black? I've been using the latter in cartridge form lately and love it. Been considering buying a bottle but not sure if I've found the right ink. Are these two actually the same ink?



and this:




They seem different but who knows?

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Have noticed several people referring to Pilot Blue Black... is that the same as Pilot Namiki Blue Black? I've been using the latter in cartridge form lately and love it. Been considering buying a bottle but not sure if I've found the right ink. Are these two actually the same ink?




and this:




They seem different but who knows?



Same company..same ink.


I'm usin' Pilot blue-black from 350 ML bottle.

I refill an old Namiki bottle when needed.



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This will go all over the map.

Because it depends on what color you like and your environment.


- I used to do all my signature in BLACK, and still do for my formal stuff that want black or blue ink.


- But depending on your situation, you may be told to NOT sign in black, as the original is hard to determine vs. a photo copy. So . . . blue, blue-black, brown, green, etc. Then which shade in that color?

- blue, then PR DC SuperShow blue

- blue-black, I don't really care for this color, so I do not use it much.

- brown, nice color but used so little that I do not keep a pen inked with it.

- green, see next item.


- I changed my personal ink to green. So I use one of several different greens for my signature, depending on which pen and which ink is in that pen; Waterman green, Pelikan Green, Diamine Sherwood Green, Nooder's Forest Green. And I am still looking around so will probably add more greens to my list of signature inks. Generally medium to darker greens.

Edited by ac12

San Francisco Pen Show - August 28-30, 2020 - Redwood City, California


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Wow … so many helpful replies in such a short time! Thank-you so much! Thanks as well for welcoming me aboard. I think I'll feel well around here …


One question would remain: Is the Pilot Black-Blue bulletproof?


Another ink I found likeable is the Iroshizuku Fuyu-Syogun. Its blue is beautiful, and it has a wonderful shading -- at least according to what I saw in this: https://www.pensink.de/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=27 review. Anyone tried this?

Trust ██ ███. █ ███ your █████ ███ government.


"To be, or not to be." (William Shakespeare)

"Dobedobedo." (Frank Sinatra)

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I sign quite a lot of document at work. I change colours quite often, however I never use black. I also try to avoid greens and reds, because they are not valid for some signatures in Sweden.


Right now I have three pens inked up for signing. One with Noodler's El Lawrence, one with Noodler's Walnut and one with Noodler's Prime of the Commons. Prime of the Commons is my favourite among these three, a nice mid range teal.


Just make sure that you use the pen for other writng than signing when it's inked with permanent inks (Noodler's bulletproof, nano inks and IG inks), otherwise it will be a pain to clean if they dry in the pen.


However, my most used ink for signing is Sailor Sei-boku, a wonderful nano ink that goes from turquoise to dark blue depending on how wet the pen writes. It also has nice shading and sheen.

Edited by AndyYNWA



Instagram: inkyandy

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Wow … so many helpful replies in such a short time! Thank-you so much! Thanks as well for welcoming me aboard. I think I'll feel well around here …


One question would remain: Is the Pilot Black-Blue bulletproof?


Another ink I found likeable is the Iroshizuku Fuyu-Syogun. Its blue is beautiful, and it has a wonderful shading -- at least according to what I saw in this: https://www.pensink.de/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=27 review. Anyone tried this?


Pilot Blue-black is not bulletproof, but quite water resistant. Bulletproof is a term used by Noodler's for their permanent inks.


Iroshizuku Fuyu-Syogun is more of a grey ink than a blue. Shin-kai could maybe be an option instead.

Edited by AndyYNWA



Instagram: inkyandy

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Platinum blue-black is a beautiful color. Anyone know whether it has any significant water resistance?

Rationalizing pen and ink purchases since 1967.

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I don't believe the Iroshizuku inks are at all water resistant--so I'd stay away from those.

Aurora Optima Nero Perla M | Eversharp Skyline Blue Flexible F | Franklin-Christoph 31 Purpurae Fine SIG | Franklin-Christoph 45 IPO Coco Pearl Medium Stub | Franklin-Christoph 45 Antique Glass MCI | Franklin-Christoph Pocket 66 Italian Ice MCI | Lamy 2000 F | Lamy 2000 M | Lamy Studio Violet Steel F | Lamy Studio Wild Rubin 14k FM (Custom Ground) | Montblanc Meisterstuck Mozart Solitaire Doue Sterling Silver 925 M | Namiki Vanishing Point Faceted M | Parker Duofold Senior Green Stripe (1941 - 1948) Flexible F | Parker Vacumatic Junior Green F | Pelikan M200 Traditional Black F | Pelikan M215 Rings F | Pelikan M400 White Tortoise EF | Pilot CH 92 Blue FM | Pilot CH 92 Clear M | Pilot Decimo Violet F | Pilot Metropolitan Black Crocodile F | Pilot Metropolitan Silver M | Pilot Vanishing Point Matte Black B Architect | Pilot Vanishing Point Raden Water Surface F | Platinum Century 3776 Chartres Blue SF | Sailor Pro Gear Imperial Black H-M | Sailor Sapporo Violet H-FM | TWSBI Eco Black M | TWSBI Eco Clear F | TWSBI Vac 700 0.7 CI (Custom Ground)

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If you don't need absolute permanancy for your signatures, don't go for permanent or iron gall inks in your favorite pens just for the heck of it. They're usually temperamental by nature and eventually you may end up with an annoyance or two.


I fear many members use permanent ink because psychologically it fits the bill. But really, if you're not crazy about a specific color and signing unimportant stuff, why need it.

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BTW, I once asked an attorney what color ink I can use to sign some documents.

She said 'anything as long at it will photocopy.'


It turns out that turquoise ink will not photocopy on some black and white copiers. It is like the light blue pencils that I used to used for markups, that the old copiers were blind to. I guess the new copiers are still color blind, to some degree. Interestingly, the same copier will see the turquoise ink when set to copy in color.

Edited by ac12

San Francisco Pen Show - August 28-30, 2020 - Redwood City, California


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Same company..same ink.


I'm usin' Pilot blue-black from 350 ML bottle.

I refill an old Namiki bottle when needed.


Thank you!

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As to the posed... basically whatever I'm allowed and/or have at hand. Pilot blue black for formal stuff, Levenger True Teal for a personal note, a bright color if I'm signing a receipt (on tolerable paper) or something inconsequential.

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Noodler's El Lawrence it is an odd colour, it is UV reactive and it is pretty permanent.


But then maybe Marine Green because M signs things with green ink...

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