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The bottle is not bad but the cap....? Though I never keep boxes, the new box is a lot nicer looking than the old one.

I used to keep the boxes. Not anymore. However, I still hold on to most pen boxes

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Thanks Chrissy. I quite like that Classic Green - not fussed about the bottles though. Mind you, a bottle has never stopped me buying an ink . . . or even made me buy one for that matter.

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... Mind you, a bottle has never stopped me buying an ink . . . or even made me buy one for that matter.

A bottle of what has never stopped you?

Life is too short to drink bad wine (Goethe)

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Not a good cap for people with hand or wrist issues and the gold clashes with many ink colors. Meh. That the glass nubs resemble a Dalek is a stretch, but anything Whovian is good with me. However, that section looks uncomfortable to grasp. Glad I have enough Diamine inks in the old bottles to keep me happy for years to come.

A certified Inkophile

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Thank you for the update Chrissy.

The bottle's not bad but the cap....? Though I never keep boxes, the new Diamine box is a lot nicer looking than the old one.


You're welcome. :)


I wondered about the cap too. However, because the bottle neck is now longer, the cap had already been redesigned, even for the interim bottles. The gold metal cap is really quite nice, and adds a bit of colour. :)

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In general, I like the redesign. The bottle is essentially unchanged; dots versus ridges on the shoulder is meaningless decorative filigree. The old bottle had an early twentieth-century vibe to me; the new bottle looks a bit more Edwardian or late nineteenth-century look to me. The new box size is a medium improvement: I've experienced Diamine bottles sliding worryingly around inside their old, too-tall boxes before. The new logo and labels are a huge improvement. Much better branding, more inviting and it's a look that's both very much in line with current brand design trends but also evokes a vintage feel appropriate both to the product and to the company's age. The addition of a color bar on the bottle, and moving the color ID from the top cap, where it can be easily misplaced or removed, to the bottle side, is a big step up in terms of functionality of design.


The cap, though, feels like a small downgrade to me. Diamine's old large, rib-edged caps are my favorite ink bottle caps. They have a sturdy feel in the hand, like an old Bakelite phone receiver. Thanks to the ribs, they're quite easy to screw on and off, especially given how glossy their plastic is. Visually, you sort of expect an old Diamine cap to be hard to grip, but your fingers find quick and secure purchase and leverage. The new cap looks to have sacrificed the ease-of-use, and the shorter cap will make it feel less secure, even if that's an unfair perception. And the color - I get the black-and-gold branding, but Diamine already has a well-known sub-brand that uses a gold cap to distinguish itself as having gold glitter, so here Diamine is either diluting the branding of its Shimmertastic line, or it risks confusing consumers about the qualities and attributes of its regular inks. Plus, the gold cap lessens the impact of the gold on the label for me. The new label would be less overwhelmed by the gold cap if the line art extended all the way across the label, rather than being framed by those stripes of black with gold splotches. With those splotches, and the resulting smaller lines in the main logo, the bottle needs a black cap for the gold in the label to really pop.

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Love the new label and boxes, esp the colour coded part. Finally! Prefer the rims/ridges to the dots. The new cap is lovely. Only thing I wish they'd done is added a filling widget like standard Pilot bottles have and Sailor...

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A Pilot or Platinum filling thingie yes, Sailor's, gosh no....... :yikes:

*Sailor 1911S, Black/gold, 14k. 0.8 mm. stub(JM) *1911S blue "Colours", 14k. H-B "M" BLS (PB)

*2 Sailor 1911S Burgundy/gold: 14k. 0.6 mm. "round-nosed" CI (MM) & 14k. 1.1 mm. CI (JM)

*Sailor Pro-Gear Slim Spec. Ed. "Fire",14k. (factory) "H-B"

*Kaweco SPECIAL FP: 14k. "B",-0.6 mm BLS & 14k."M" 0.4 mm. BLS (PB)

*Kaweco Stainless Steel Lilliput, 14k. "M" -0.7 mm.BLS, (PB)




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I do like the new labels but I don't like the gold caps. Primarily I buy Diamine for the ink. I've got the studded bottles before this redesign and I don't mind them but the little dimples do remind me of holding a toad.

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pleasing basic aesthetic shape, but these are still hard to use to fill a pen with a plunger, etc, when the ink still has 1/3 left in it. I end up decanting into another bottle, which is a bit of a bother at times.

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I find the golden cap weird... Why golden?

Anyway I don't have any Diamine 80 ml bottles. 30 ml is more than enough for me.


Verba volant, scripta manent

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A Pilot or Platinum filling thingie yes, Sailor's, gosh no....... :yikes:

What's wrong with Sailor's? I don't notice a difference to Pilot's, never had problems.

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Of the inks I have tried I like the Iroshizuku and the Lamy bottles best. Diamine are kind of in the middle of the pack and I don't see the new bottle being much different. I have to say I prefer the old lids, but the new labels are better than the old ones.

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Hands down the best bottle was the Skrip with the internal ink well

That being said there are pluses and minuses.

Firstly. Totally agree with the caps should be ribbed for those who have physical challenges in opening a smooth cap

Next. There is one brand whose bottle looks like an inverted pyramid. Not very anxious to use it.

Lastly. So far. Other brands have very attractive bottles. This thread made me think, how much am I paying for the ink and how for the bottle ? True some designs aid in the stability, some help a little with the filling of pens, ie, the width of the neck to allow getting down farther to ink pen especially with a larger pen.

Edited by PS104
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I like these and this is the first time I've seen them. Congrats in getting them first.

It's probably about time the colour was on the label, it not on the box as well, like the 150th Anniversary series.

The Good Captain

"Meddler's 'Salamander' - almost as good as the real thing!"

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